Chelsea in NE, Hillary in MN on Super Tuesday


This morning, Chelsea Clinton spoke with a group of Hillary Clinton’s supporters in Omaha, Nebraska. During the event, Chelsea spoke about her mother’s experience and her platform. But she took some time to speak about her mother on a more personal level. She said that the is surprised when the media characterizes Hillary as “cold.” Chelsea said, “I’ve seen her be supportive and loving to my friends my whole life. She was always the mother my friends came to, to talk about the tragedy of the boyfriend who just broke up with them, or ask for advice applying for college.”

Hillary spent the morning in Minnesota where she visited with supporters at Mapps Coffee and Tea in Minneapolis. She asked voters to support her in today’s primary saying, “We are working hard everywhere, and I know it is hard. All we can do is hope people turn out for the primaries and the caucuses and we just want to do as well as we can.” During her stop, Clinton also took questions from reporters and she was asked about a number of topics including her thoughts on Super Tuesday and the controversy with Donald Trump not distancing himself after he was endorsed by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Omaha World-Herald, The Washington Post, CBS News

Clinton Speaks at DNC Event

Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, gestures as she addresses the summer meeting of the Democratic National Committee, Friday, Aug. 28, 2015, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)
Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, gestures as she addresses the summer meeting of the Democratic National Committee, Friday, Aug. 28, 2015, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the summer meeting of the Democratic National Committee. After being introduced by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Clinton gave a fiery speech in which she talked about key components of her platform, attacked Republicans for being the party of the past, and made it clear that she she should be the only choice for Democrats in 2016. She said, “This election is about who best understands the pressures facing the families of America and the challenges facing us in the world, and who has the skills and tenacity to tackle them.” Following her speech, Clinton answered a number of questions from reporters.

A full video from the event can be seen on C-SPAN (Clinton begins speaking at 1:24:55) and a video of Clinton’s speech is below.

UPDATE (9/22): Added video of Clinton’s speech.

News Source: Politico, The Washington Post

Clinton at the Iowa State Fair

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On Saturday, Hillary Rodham Clinton visited the Iowa State Fair where she met with attendees and enjoyed fair food. She was joined by former Iowa Senator Tom Harkin. She also held a brief press conference where she answered questions about her emails, Iraq, and joining Snapchat. Clinton wasn’t the only presidential candidate at the fair, Republican candidate Donald Trump also made an appearance. A video from Clinton’s press conference can be found on C-SPAN.

After leaving Iowa, Clinton flew to Martha’s Vineyard where she met up with President Barack Obama and husband Bill Clinton (who spent the day playing golf together) to attend the birthday celebration of power broker Vernon Jordan.

New Source: The Chicago Tribune, ABC News, The Daily Mail

Clinton Pitches College Tuition Plan in New Hampshire

08-10-15-oz-23On Monday, Hillary Rodham Clinton unveiled what she is calling the “New College Compact” in which she pledges to make college more affordable for students. She proposes to accomplish this by making more grants and low interest loans available while lowering the cost of education. The plan is estimated to cost $350 billion over 10 years. Speaking at Exeter High School, she said, “College is supposed to help people achieve their dreams, but more and more paying for college actually pushes those dreams further and further out of reach. That is a betrayal of everything college is supposed to represents.”

The plan includes a number of proposals to keep tuition low and the schools invested in their students. One of the proposals is called “skin-in-the-game” where a college is fined for any student who cannot pay off their student loans. She would continue President Barack Obama’s plan to provide free community college, crack down on for-profit institutions, and simplify income-based repayment plans for student loan borrowers. Read more about the plan HERE. Clinton outlined her plan in a speech given at Exeter high school and took questions from those in attendance. Then, she held a press conference answering questions from reporters.

You can also watch the full Town Hall on C-SPAN event by CLICKING HERE. The press conference is also available on C-SPAN by CLICKING HERE.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at River Valley Community College Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015, in Claremont, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at River Valley Community College Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015, in Claremont, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

On Tuesday, Clinton remained in New Hampshire and took her college affordability plan to River Valley Community College in Claremont. Clinton discussed the plan she unveiled on Monday, but went further attacking Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker for cutting higher education funding as governor of Wisconsin. She said, “You take somebody like Governor Walker of Wisconsin who seems to be delighted in slashing the investment in higher education in his state. Eliminating the opportunities for young people who are doctors or dentists to actually work in underserved areas in return for having their debts relieved; ending scholarships for poor kids; and most surprisingly to me, rejecting legislation that would have made it tax deductible for you, on your income tax, to deduct the amount of your loan payment.” A video from Clinton’s speech on Tuesday is below:

The Clinton campaign also released a video on college affordability which can be seen below:

Clinton returns to Iowa later this week. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, CNN, Slate

Clinton Previews her Climate Policy in Iowa

BN-JO257_CLINTO_P_20150726171839Yesterday, Clinton kicked off a three-day visit to Iowa by attending a campaign event in Winterset, Iowa where she spoke with supporters then answered questions from reporters. A number of questions were about allegations that Clinton sent and received classified information on her private email server as Secretary of State and a possible investigation by the Department of Justice. She denies the claims saying, “I am confident I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received. What I think you’re seeing is a very typical kind of discussion to some extent, disagreement among various parts of the government over what should or what should not be publicly released.”

On Saturday, Clinton also gave a speech and answered questions at an event at Beaverdale. A video from this event is posted above.

Today, Clinton gave a speech in Ames at an organizing event where she previewed her plans to combat climate change and her commitment to clean energy. Tomorrow, Clinton will provide full details of her plan in a speech in Des Moines. In her preview, Clinton took the opportunity to criticize the Republican presidential candidates who deny climate change is a reality saying, “Those people on the other side, they will answer any question about climate change by saying I’m not a scientist. I’m not a scientist either—I’m just a grandmother with two eyes and a brain…I know that if we start addressing it, we’re going to actually be creating jobs and new businesses.”

A video from today’s speech will be posted when/if it becomes available. Until then, watch the video released by the Clinton campaign about climate change.

Tomorrow, Clinton concluded her three-day trip to Iowa in Des Moines. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

Updated (8/5/2015): Added video from the event in Beaverdale.

News Source: Politico, The Wall Street Journal

Clinton Returns to Iowa – Day 2

Hillary Rodham Clinton concluded her second trip to Iowa today in Cedar Falls. Clinton’s primary focus today was small businesses, and she took part in a discussion with small business owners and local residents. As with her first trip to Iowa a few weeks ago, Clinton listened as small business owners talked about their struggles. She made it clear that she was in favor of making small business ownership easier saying, “I want to be the small-business president.” She outlined four areas she intends to turn her focus in assisting small business owners: reducing bureaucratic processes, simplifying the tax code, new tax credits, and access to financing.

After the roundtable discussion, Clinton took questions from reporters. She has been criticized for not talking to the press lately. Media outlets reported that it had been 28 days since Clinton last took a question from a reporter. Following the event, she answered questions from the media, which can be seen in the video below.

After leaving Cedar Rapids, Clinton made an unannounced stop in Independence, Iowa where she visited a number of small businesses.

Clinton is scheduled to appear in Chicago tomorrow. Keep up to date with all the latest campaign stops by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: The Des Moines Register (Article 1) (Article 2), The Gazette

Video Source: YouTube