Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton accepted an award from the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. Her acceptance speech touched on the recent police killings, but the focus of her speech was on the Senate’s torture report and the CIA. She denounced the use of torture saying, “Today we can say again in a loud and clear voice, the United States should never condone or practice torture anywhere in the world.”

Video Source: YouTube

New Source: ABC News

Voice and Agency: Empowering Women and Girls for Shared Prosperity

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

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Last Wednesday, The World Bank released a report entitled “Voice and Agency: Empowering Women and Girls for Shared Prosperity.” The report pulls data from hundreds of sources and provides an overview of the issues women and girls face across the globe. A live discussion was held to reveal the findings with Hillary Rodham Clinton delivering the keynote address. Those also taking part in the event include: Dr. Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Group President; Jeni Klugman, Director, Gender & Development, World Bank Group; and Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director, UN Women.

We are unable to embed the video from this event, but you may view the full video on The World Bank’s website by CLICKING HERE.

News/Image Source: The World Bank

Clinton Contributes to The Shriver Report

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On January 12, The Shriver Report and the Center for American Progress released a joint report entitled The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink. The report contains essays written by politicians, celebrities, and scholars about the state of women’s rights in the United States. Once of the contributors to the report is Hillary Rodham Clinton. In the report, Clinton argues that the “clock is turning back” on women across America and that the advancement of women and girls should become a priority. Other contributors to the report includes: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, NBA star LeBron James, singer Beyonce Knowles-Carter, the Aspen Institute’s Anne Mosle, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg, and more.

I highly encourage everyone to read the report. To access it, you may visit the Center for American Progress or The Shriver Report. The full reported may be purchased from Amazon by clicking here.

Pennsylvania Conference for Women (UPDATED)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed 7,000 women at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women. She used the event to launch “No Ceilings: The Full Participation Report.” The goal of Clinton Foundation backed initiative is to gather data on how women are faring in education and the workplace and provide the information to scholars, policymakers, and advocates. In her speech, Clinton stressed ensuring that women and girls continue to crack the glass ceiling.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source:

UPDATE: December 1: Added the official video from the Pennsylvania Conference for Women