Hillary Clinton Talks about the Economy During Vegas Campaign Stop


Hillary Clinton made two stops in Las Vegas, Nevada on Thursday. She began her visit with a tour of Mojave Electric, a company that manufactures state of the art electrical components. She made brief remarks praising the company’s locally made products and their apprenticeship program. Clinton then went to the IBEW Local 357 Hall where she spoke to a crowd of supporters. After being introduced by Senator Harry Reid, Clinton outlined her plans to continue building the economy by focusing on jobs and education. She also discussed her plans to invest in clean energy and improve the country’s infrastructure as a way to create jobs. Clinton attacked Donald Trump again for not having contracts from American businesses for his products saying, “He talks a lot about how he’s going to grow the economy and yet he doesn’t make things in America.” A video from the rally is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal, News 3

Clinton Unveils Agricultural Agenda in Iowa

635761983634981910-0827-Clinton-Rural-Policy-03Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to Ankeny, Iowa to discuss her plan to support rural, agricultural America. After being introduced by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack at the Des Moines Area Community College, Clinton unveiled her plan that includes investments in rural areas including focusing on rural transportation, streamlining the process for community banks, investment in water and broadband infrastructure, and improving Agriculture Department grant programs. Other facets of the plan includes raising the production of agricultural products and making the product more profitable for farmers, promoting a use of clean energy and renewable energy sources, and expanding opportunities for those in rural communities by expanding Head Start, affordable education, and affordable healthcare.

A full video from today’s speech is available on C-SPAN.

Following the event, Clinton answered questions from reporters where she discussed her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. She expressed regret and said that she believes in transparency. She said, “I know people have raised questions about my email use as secretary of state, and I understand why. I get it. So here’s what I want the American people to know: My use of personal email was allowed by the State Department. It clearly wasn’t the best choice. I should’ve used two emails: one personal, one for work. I take responsibility for that decision, and I want to be as transparent as possible, which is why I turned over 55,000 pages, why I’ve turned over my server, why I’ve agreed to — in fact, been asking to — and have finally gotten a date to testify before a congressional committee in October. I’m confident that this process will prove that I never sent, nor received, any email that was marked classified.

A video from Clinton’s press conference is available on C-SPAN and is available below.

Tomorrow, Clinton will be in the Cleveland, Ohio area. In the meantime, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

UPDATE (9/22): Added video from press conference.

News Source: Des Moines Register, Time, The New York Times (2)

Clinton Outlines Climate Plan in Des Moines

In Des Moines, Iowa Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined her plans to combat climate change and invest in clean energy after touring green-certified transit station. In her plan, she called for cutting incentives to oil companies, extending tax credits for clean energy development, and continued investment in solar and wind energy. Clinton indicated that her plan would move the economy toward decarbonization by 2050 and provide enough renewable energy sources to power every American home by 2027.

The plan is ambitious, and she said that in the coming weeks she will outline plans to pay for the changes she is planning on making. She said, “A lot of these changes will pay for themselves. So there will be front-end money needed. But there are ways of making those investments and getting a return on those investments that will redound to the benefits of the American taxpayer. So I will be talking about energy and climate security, modernizing North American infrastructure, about safe and responsible production, especially making sure tax payers get a fair deal for development on public lands and areas that I think are too sensitive for production that should be taken off the table.”

A video from today’s speech will be posted when/if available.

Clinton will attend the National Urban League Convention in Florida later this week. Until then, follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

News Source: Politico (1) (2)