CGI Annual Meeting: Aiming for the Moon and Beyond

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-09-24 at 6.41.19 PM 1On the final day of the Clinton Global Initiative’s Annual Meeting, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bill Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton hosted the final session of the gathering entitled “Aiming for the Moon and Beyond.” The Clinton’s were joined by a number of of speakers including astronauts Cady Coleman and Reid Wiseman, X PRIZE Foundation Founder Peter H. Diamandis, and Graça Machel Trust and Foundation for Community Development Founder Graça Machel. The event focused on the future of CGI and a number of issues. Overall, it was a good way to wrap up the 10th annual meeting.

The full video from the event may be viewed by CLICKING HERE as we are unable to embed the video directly.

Video Source: CGI’s Livestream