HFA Memo: The Choice Facing Voters in This Election


To: HFA GOTV Volunteers
From: Robby Mook
Re: The Choice Facing Voters in This Election

We are just days away from the most important election of our generation concluding. Already, over twenty million people have voted, which is an all-time record this early in the voting process. With the stakes so high, a record 70,000 volunteer shifts were completed this weekend alone to get Hillary and Democrats up and down the ballot elected. That’s more shifts than on the same weekend in 2008 or 2012 for President Obama–and those numbers will grow dramatically in the coming days.

I cannot overstate the fact that battleground states have that name for a reason–the result will be incredibly close and the presidency could hinge on the outcome.  Your work to communicate our message and get our supporters to the polls will be the margin of victory in these states.

Since each of you will be spending so much time talking to voters in the coming weeks, I wanted to brief you on what’s really at stake on in this election, so you can help spread the message. There have been a lot of ups and downs in this campaign. And a lot of distractions. But through it all, Hillary Clinton has stayed focused on what really matters: the American people. Their lives. Their families.  The kind of country we all want for our children and grandchildren. That’s what this election is actually about.  And when you clear away all the noise, the choice is stark.

We deserve a President who’s ready to bring us together… ready to keep us safe… ready to make our economy work for everyone, not just those at the top. But Donald Trump has proven himself again and again to be temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief.

And let’s be clear: this isn’t just a question of temperament and experience, although those are vital qualities in a President.  What’s really on the ballot in this election are two different visions for America:  Donald Trump’s dark and divisive vision that could tear our country apart, and Hillary Clinton’s hopeful, inclusive vision that says we’re stronger together.

Over the course of the next week, you will hear Hillary Clinton explain this choice to voters, including the difference between:

A president who understands the challenging world in which we live or one who is too erratic and uninformed to have control of nuclear weapons

  • As a former Secretary of State and senator, Hillary Clinton brings an incredible amount of experience with the key issues facing America around the world. Traveling nearly a million miles as America’s top diplomat, Hillary has handled issues ranging from nuclear proliferation to military readiness, from women’s rights  to climate change, and is ready to lead from day one.
  • Beyond his lack of understanding of foreign policy and unwillingness to learn, Donald Trump is a loose cannon with some dangerous views on major global issues. Trump would encourage more nuclear weapons around the world, has insulted our allies and praised several authoritarian dictators.  He even encouraged a foreign government to hack his opponent, and since then has refused to acknowledge the U.S. Intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government has done just that.

A president who has spent a lifetime fighting for women or one who has a career of demeaning and bullying them.

  • Hillary Clinton made history this year by becoming the first female nominee of a major party, but she has been breaking ground for women during her entire career. From her groundbreaking commencement speech at Wellesley to declaring for the world that “Women’s rights are human rights,” Hillary has been an inspiring voice, fighting for the rights of women around the world.
  • Donald Trump has a very different—and very disturbing—record. We’ve all heard the revolting comments he made on a bus 11 years ago, but while those comments were shocking and appalling, they were not surprising to anyone who has followed Trump’s many public comments over the years. Trump’s comments and actions would be unbelievable if he hadn’t spent years publicly insulting and degrading women who stood up to him, bragging about walking in on nude pageant contestants, who were often under aged, and making jokes about objectifying women. And to the women who have accused him of acting on his comments, Trump has threatened legal retribution.

A president who knows that we are stronger together, compared to one who would sow hatred and division.

  • Hillary Clinton believes in an America where everyone counts and everyone has a place. She’s spent her life acting on those beliefs, from her early work at the Children’s Defense Fund through a campaign that has consistently called out Trump’s division and hatred while offering a policy agenda that would bring people together and address the issues that keep us apart. Hillary has prioritized issues like immigration reform, ending LGBT discrimination and criminal justice reform.
  • Donald Trump set the tone of his campaign by insulting Mexican immigrants and has continued those insults and divisive comments through today. From Muslims to Gold Star families to a judge of Mexican heritage born in America to one of his own African American supporters just this past week, no one has been safe from Trump’s insults and lies. Trump has also built his political efforts around conspiracy theories, starting with the racist lie that President Obama was not born in America and support from hate movements like that alt-right—whose leaders Trump has been too slow to denounce.

A president who will fight for an economy that works for everyone or one who just fights for those at the top

The choice is clear. Americans deserve a president with the temperament and experience to tackle the issues facing our country and to work with all Americans to solve them, not a candidate who has proven himself time and again to be temperamentally unfit and unqualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief.  They deserve a president who holds the optimistic view that Americans are stronger together, rather than one who could destroy the values we hold dear and tear America apart.

In the coming week, voters have the opportunity to stand up for our values and reject Donald Trump’s dark divisive vision for America.  Thanks to your help, their voices will win the day.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by More Local Newspapers


This weekend, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of four major prominent newspapers from across the country. The first was Nebraska’s Omaha World-Herald, the first time the paper has endorsed a Democrat since President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932. The paper’s editorial board says that while Clinton has political faults, she is by far more qualified than Republican Donald Trump. The board concludes, “Clinton’s legislative experience and decades of political involvement — as first lady of Arkansas, first lady of the United States, U.S. senator from New York, secretary of state and two-time presidential candidate — make her the better prepared of the two major candidates for the office of president of the United States.” Read the full endorsement HERE.

The Wisconsin State Journal also published their endorsement of Clinton concluding that the country cannot risk a Trump presidency. The paper’s board said, “Trump’s scandal-a-day campaign has shown he would distract, isolate and embarrass our nation. The world doesn’t need a United States in retreat, nor a stark reset of America’s politics and international posture. The world needs a U.S. president who can actually lead. Clinton is that leader, and the world needs America to get this right.” Read the full article HERE.

Clinton has also earned the endorsement of the New Orleans newspaper The Times-Picayune. The paper’s editorial board says that Clinton is the better choice for New Orleans and Louisiana saying, “As for which candidate is better for Louisiana, there is no contest. Mrs. Clinton is committed to investments in infrastructure, including ports, that would benefit our state. She also wants to offer preschool to every 4-year-old, something that fits Louisiana’s goal of expanding and improving the quality of early childhood education. But for New Orleanians, perhaps the most compelling contrast between Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton is his intolerance and her inclusiveness. New Orleans has diversity in its DNA. A president who routinely degrades African-Americans, Hispanics, Muslims and women could not, and would not, represent us.” Click HERE to read the full endorsement.

In Iowa, The Des Moines Register’s editorial board asked what message Americas wanted to send to a ever interested global community. Do we want to pick the candidate that has run a divisive campaign or one that still believes in the promise of America? The board believes it is important that the American citizens elect a leader that represents our values, and for them that is Clinton. They conclude, “On Election Day, all of us share the privilege and responsibility of protecting the principles on which this country was founded and for which so many others have died: justice, liberty, equality and opportunity for all. In this particular election, only one of the two major-party candidates stands prepared to honor America and uphold its highest ideals. The Des Moines Register endorses Hillary Clinton for president.” Read the full editorial HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Omaha World-Herald, Wisconsin State Journal, The Times-Picayune, The Des Moines Register

Tim Kaine, Anne Holton Campaign in Florida


Today, Tim Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, campaigned in Florida. They began the day by attending Sunday morning church services at Pneuma Church in Miami and The Faith Center in Sunrise. At Pneuma, a Hispanic church, Kaine spoke in fluent Spanish and encouraged everyone to register to vote before Tuesday’s deadline. Kaine did the same at The Faith Center, but in English. Kaine spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to give everyone an equal chance saying, “There’s a lot of people lying on the side of the road in the society we live in and all over this country… Some need education, some need an opportunity, some just need a word of friendship because they’re lonely and they’re on the side of the road. And the question that’s before us is do we pass by or do we go over, even if we don’t know all the answers, even if we don’t know all the words to say, do we at least roll up our sleeves and walk over and try to do what we can to help out? … This is not a congregation of people who walk on by, and Hillary Clinton is not a person who walks on by, and that’s why I’m so proud to be with her.”

Holton held two events in Florida, a Women for Hillary event in Tallahassee and a Canvass Kick-Off event in Panama City. At each, Holton stressed the importance of electing the Clinton/Kaine ticket to the White House. Holton also spoke about the importance of voting urging everyone to register before Tuesday’s extended deadline and asked everyone to vote on November 8th. She thanked the volunteers in Panama City and urged them to keep making calls, knocking on doors, and helping people register to vote. Videos from today’s event will be posted when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CNN, Sun Sentinel, Tallahassee.com

Tim Kaine Encourages Voter Registration in Miami


On Saturday, Tim Kaine campaigned in Miami, Florida and encouraged residents to take advantage of the extended deadline to register to vote. The state gave potential voters an extra week to register in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. After being introduced by musician Pusha T, Kaine encouraged everyone to register to vote and ensure that friends and family members were registered as well. Kaine said that Florida is important for himself and Hillary Clinton and that Floridians could decide the election. “If [Donald Trump] loses Florida, it’s checkmate. Let’s do some checkmate and win,” he said. A video from the event is below.

Meanwhile, fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America in two states. The first event was in Jersey City, New Jersey and featured a conversation with Mayor Steven Fulop and Chelsea Clinton. The second event, in Chicago, Illinois, was a cocktail party with a special performance by Amy & Freddy.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CBS Miami, Miami Herald

HFA Increasing Focus on Getting Women Out to Vote


On Friday, Hillary for America released the following statement about their efforts to get women, both Democrats and Republicans, out to vote on November 8th.

Following First Lady Michelle Obama’s powerful speech outlining the stakes of this election for American women, Hillary for America is dispatching top women surrogates to battleground states across America, as well as deepening its concentrated national effort to emphasize the troubling accusations against Donald Trump and his degrading comments about women to women voters. The Clinton campaign will have hundreds of events nationwide this weekend to contact women voters, including many Republican women, and urge them to register, vote early or get out the vote for Clinton ahead of November.

In addition, Hillary for America is launching a new call team feature to its voter call tool, including a new “FLOTUS Call Team,” where supporters can join together as a community around the First Lady’s statement that “enough is enough” and make phone calls to turn out voters for Clinton in the election. Additionally, on Saturday, women’s health advocate Cecile Richards will join her daughter, Hillary for America’s Lily Adams, for a Facebook Live on Hillary for America’s Facebook page to launch their own “Mother-Daughter Team” to contact voters and echo Obama’s message.

“This week has further shown just how high the stakes are for women in this election,” said Mini Timmaraju, Hillary for America’s Women’s Vote Director. “Donald Trump believes women are to be degraded and demeaned, while Hillary Clinton has been fighting for women’s rights for 40 years, with concrete plans to support them and their families as president. Our campaign is mobilizing women disgusted by Trump to organize their communities and get out the vote for Clinton, either during early voting or on Election Day.”

Hillary for America’s state campaigns will focus their organizing activities on women this weekend, launching women-to-women phone banks, canvasses, voter registration drives and Get Out the Early Vote events across critical battlegrounds. Recent polls show that Trump is lagging badly among women voters — woefully underperforming 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney in critical, vote-rich areas like the Philadelphia suburbs — giving Clinton an opening to further widen the gender gap, effectively walling off Trump’s capacity to make the gains he needs to win.

Additionally, starting today, top Clinton supporters and surrogates are hitting the campaign trail to emphasize the choice women have in this election. Today, for example, Chelsea Clinton was in Pittsburgh, urging women on campus at Pitt to reject Trump’s offensive candidacy, while Gov. John Hickenlooper of Colorado joined local athletes to reject Trump’s defense of his degrading comments as “locker room talk.” Additionally, Eva Longoria urged Latinas to register to vote in Orlando and EMILY’s List president Stephanie Schriock did grassroots organizing activity in North Carolina, while former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will give remarks decrying recent Trump revelations tonight in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

This weekend, Anne Holton will campaign in North Florida, focusing on reaching out to women voters, while members of Congress like Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Grace Meng, Sheila Jackson Lee, Donna Edwards, Brenda Lawrence and Barbara Lee join actors and activists like Alfre Woodard, Connie Britton, Danai Gurira, Marlo Thomas, Naturi Naughton, Erika Alexander, Busy Philipps, NARAL president Ilyse Hogue and former HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to campaign across Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Florida, Nevada, Iowa, Virginia, Michigan and Wisconsin, to spread Clinton’s message that women need someone who will fight for — not degrade — them in the White House.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Colorado, Nevada


Hillary Clinton kicked off the day with a rally in Pueblo, Colorado where she spoke to supporters at the state fairgrounds. Clinton went after Republican Donald Trump for his divisive campaign and comments about women, immigrants, and Muslims. She attacked his business practices, including buying Chinese steel saying, “If he wants to make America great again, make America great again with American steel.” Clinton then spoke about a number of platform points including comprehensive immigration reform, investing in the infrastructure and clean energy, and making public colleges tuition free for families making less than $125,000 per year. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Clinton then traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada where she spoke at a rally on the ground of the Smith Center for the Performing Arts. During her speech, she spoke about the importance of the election given the recent revelations about Trump and his divisive campaign. She urged everyone to register to vote before next Tuesday’s deadline, then vote on November 8th. Clinton added, “Friends don’t let friends vote for Trump!” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Denver Post, Colorado Springs Independent, Las Vegas Review-Journal

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Florida

With US Congressman Alcee Hastings at his side, former President Bill Clinton speaks on the campaign trail for his wife Hillary Clinton Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center in Belle Glade. Damon Higgins / The Palm Beach Post
With US Congressman Alcee Hastings at his side, former President Bill Clinton speaks on the campaign trail for his wife Hillary Clinton Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center in Belle Glade. Damon Higgins / The Palm Beach Post

Bill Clinton was in Florida today where he spoke at three voter registration events. He began in Belle Glade where he spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to invest in infrastructure, reduce the cost of higher education, and continue the economic growth of the last several years. He said, “She’s the best change-maker I’ve ever known. I’ve known her a long time.” Bill then spoke about the importance of voting in the upcoming election and ensuring that they are registered to vote. In Florida, tomorrow is the deadline for voters to register and be eligible to vote on November 8th. A video of Bill’s speech is below.

He then traveled to Fort Myers where he spoke about many of the same topics he covered in Belle Glade. He said that his primary mission was to ensure that voters are registered by tomorrow’s deadline, and to make sure everyone votes for his wife. “We have until tomorrow at five to register to vote. I want to ask each of you drag one extra person to get registered,” he said. Bill spoke about the importance of this election and how Hillary is more qualified to hold the office of president than her opponent, Donald Trump. Watch his speech below.

Bill’s final event of the day was in Safety Harbor. Speaking at a local community center, Bill spoke about Hillary’s plans to invest in clean energy, combat climate change, create new jobs, make college more affordable for past, current, and future students, and rebuild the country’s infrastructure. He warned that electing Trump will be a mistake saying, “What we know from the past is that people who get elected president … actually try to do what they say they’re going to do. So we ought to pay attention to what they say.” Bill argued that Hillary’s proposals are for the betterment of everyone while Trump’s are in service of himself. A video from the event in Safety Harbor is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CBS 12, Palm Beach Post, News-Press, NBC 2, Tampa Bay Times

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Michigan and Ohio


Following last night’s debate, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail with events in Michigan and Ohio. Clinton’s first event was on the campus of Wayne State University in Detroit. While her speech covered a number of platform points, she also spoke about bipartisanship saying that she is “winning more and more support not just from independents but also Republicans.” She then went after Donald Trump for his divisive campaign, name calling, and refusal to release his income tax records. “I believe everyone in this room has paid more income tax than (Trump) has,” she said. Clinton concluded by talking about the importance of voting in the November election. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Clinton then spoke at a rally at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. The event was by far the largest of the campaign with over 18,000 people filling the oval. During the event, Clinton spoke about a variety of her platform points including reigning in the costs of higher education. She also spoke about her opponent and criticized him for not buying steel made in the United States, but instead buying steel from China. Clinton also spoke about her time as a public servant saying, “When Donald Trump talks about what I have been doing for the last 30 years, I welcome that. Because in the 1970s, I was working to end discrimination and he was being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination. In the 1980s, I was working to improve the schools in Arkansas … while he was getting a loan for $14 million from his father to start a business. On the day that I was in the Situation Room watching the raid that brought Osama bin Laden to justice, he was hosting Celebrity Apprentice.” A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Patch, Detroit Free Press, Cleveland.com

Tim Kaine, Chelsea Clinton Campaign for Hillary


On Monday, Tim Kaine campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Denver, Colorado. During the event, Kaine outlined a number of Hillary’s platform points and spoke about her strong performance at last night’s debate. Kaine also spoke about Republican Donald Trump’s 2005 vulgar comments about women saying that men should be insulted by them as well. He said that Trump “cannot look at a woman and see an equal” and real men do not talk about women in a derogatory way. The event also featured a performance by musician Dave Matthews. A video of Kaine’s speech is below.

Chelsea Clinton, meanwhile, campaigned in Minnesota and Wisconsin. She began her day in Rochester, Minnesota where she spoke to local residents about her mother’s policies and why she is the best candidate for the job. She then spoke about the importance of voting in the upcoming election. Chelsea urged everyone to register to vote and to turn out on November 8th saying that everyone has a vested interest in the election. “I didn’t know I could care anymore about politics until I was blessed to become a parent and found that I could, found everything I cared about before just has a sharper intensity,” she said. A partial video from the event in Rochester is below, and a full video will be added when/if available.

Chelsea then traveled to Racine, Wisconsin where she addressed a group of local residents at the Living Light Community Center. Chelsea spoke about a number of Hillary’s major platform points such as raising the minimum wage, passing comprehensive immigration reform, ensuring women receive equal pay, and supporting family medical leave. Chelsea also contrasted Hillary’s plans from those of Trump saying that Hillary has the background and bipartisan connections in Congress to get the job done. “If we look at areas where we already have a broad-base and bipartisan support, my mother has a record of building things together and getting things done. And she hopes that she will have the opportunity to demonstrate that action-oriented positive leadership as president,” she explained. A video from the Racine event is below.

In Chicago, Illinois, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Rick Bayless.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: News 3, KIMT, Racine County Eye

Review: Newspapers Endorsing Hillary Clinton


Hillary for America released the following rundown of all the newspapers from across the country that have endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

As Republicans abandon Donald Trump in an act of self-preservation – coming to the long overdue conclusion they could have made months ago – newspapers across the country continue to show near-unanimous agreement in endorsing Hillary Clinton for President. One newspaper, The Columbus Dispatch, is endorsing a Democrat for the first time in 100 years.

From Florida and Pennsylvania to Colorado and Ohio, editorial boards continued to weigh in this week to make the affirmative case that Hillary Clinton is, by far, the best choice for President.

A selection of this week’s endorsements include:


Tampa Bay Times: Times Recommends: Hillary Clinton for President

October 6, 2016

Excerpt: Hillary Clinton is the only candidate for president with the values, experience and knowledge to meet the challenges at home and abroad. Donald Trump is stunningly unprepared and temperamentally unfit for the presidency, and he has played upon our deepest fears and worst impulses with reckless rhetoric, wild promises and flagrant disregard for the truth. His bombast makes for entertaining television, but it is not suited for the Oval Office.

Sun Sentinel: Sun Sentinel Editorial Board Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

September 30, 2016

Excerpt: The very bottom line? Trump is not qualified. Hillary is fully qualified to serve as president of the United States. Use your vote to swing this swing state to Hillary.


The Hawk Eye: Our Endorsement – Hillary Clinton

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Hillary Clinton should be — and we believe will be — the next president of the United States. It will be as historic an election — the first woman to be elected president — as it was in 2008 when Barack Obama became the first black American to win the presidency.

Clinton Herald: Why Hillary Clinton is Best Choice for President

October 8, 2016

Excerpt: Hillary Clinton’s record of public service and detailed knowledge of the complex and imposing issues the nation will confront in the next four years make her the superior choice to become the next president.


The Columbus Dispatch: For President | Trump unfit, Clinton is qualified

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: For us, the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is not pleasant, but it isn’t difficult. Republican candidate Donald Trump is unfit to be president of the United States. Democrat Hillary Clinton, despite her flaws, is well-equipped for the job.

Cleveland Plain Dealer: In the Matter of Our Endorsement for the President of the United States of America…

October 9, 2016

  • Elizabeth Sullivan: “In a head-to-head, it’s evident despite her flaws that she understands diplomacy, she knows how to work the room on Capitol Hill, she understands the power of words and how to use them and – most important of all – she will not be reckless. Let me repeat that: Hillary Clinton will not be reckless. Trump will, it’s guaranteed. There is only one choice this year to keep Donald Trump out of the White House and to ensure a rational, non catastrophic next four years. That is a vote for Hillary.”
  • Sharon Broussard: “If you could stomach it, Trump would be great entertainment on a political reality show. But the Oval Office is the real deal and he should be nowhere near it. Vote for Clinton.”
  • Thomas Suddes: “You don’t have to like Hillary Clinton or for that matter to loathe Donald Trump to consider Clinton the better presidential prospect. She is. Demonstrably.”
  • Mark Vosburgh: “But the words he has used during the campaign are what mark him as unfit for public office, or even a stool at a respectable tavern. His utterances are the most reckless, untruthful and hateful of any major-party presidential candidate in the 44 years that I have been of voting age. […] So, by default, I voted to endorse Clinton and will mark by ballot accordingly.”


The Tribune Democrat: Hillary Clinton the Only Choice for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: For all his rhetoric and brash statements, Trump has provided no specific plans for making America “great again” – his campaign pledge – nothing to generate confidence in how he would operate in the White House. […] The job of president requires resolve, refinement, vision and a dose of humility – none of which Trump has displayed during the campaign. The Democratic nominee is the only viable candidate for president.

Penn Live: For President, the Only Choice is Hillary Clinton

October 6, 2016

Excerpt: Our endorsement here, then, is based on an examination of the challenges facing the nation and the candidate best-suited to address them. That candidate, hands down, is Hillary Clinton.


Las Vegas Sun: We Endorse Clinton for President and Implore Voters to be Responsible

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: With absolute confidence in her abilities and our nation’s bright future, we enthusiastically endorse Hillary Clinton for president.


Raleigh News & Observer: For President: Hillary Clinton

October 8, 2016

Excerpt: As a candidate, Clinton will not win by dividing and offering hollow promises of huge tax cuts and restoring some mythical former America. She will win on knowledge, competence and grit. On the campaign trail, she connects with crowds by acknowledging their needs and raising their hopes. Trump says America is in decline. Clinton sees it rising into the promise of a new century. No candidate has ever been more qualified. She will be an excellent president. Vote for Hillary Clinton.

The Charlotte Observer: For president: A Flawed, But Capable, Clinton

October 1, 2016

Excerpt: But the sum of Clinton’s flaws adds up to far less than the danger of Donald Trump. The Republican nominee is a man unfit for the presidency, and one who would steer our country toward peril. For that reason alone – although there are others – we endorse Hillary Clinton for president.


AL.com: Endorsement: We’re with Hillary Clinton. Frankly, Donald Trump’s dangerous.

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Donald Trump must not be president.

The Cullman Times: Clinton Only Choice for President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: Trump shows little understanding of the complexities of domestic and international challenges. His thin skin, impulsiveness and temperament make him a high risk in tense situations. He of- fers no ideas on how to address increasing racial unrest in urban cities. He cavalierly promises to destroy ISIS with military power and illegal torture. He talks of abandoning NATO and terminating longstanding defense agreements with Japan and South Korea. If elected, there is a strong possibility he might isolate the United States from the world no matter the dire consequences.


The Fresno Bee: Clinton Will Give More Americans an Opportunity to Succeed

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: Based on her positions on the big issues of our time – the economy, taxes, immigration, the global war on terrorism, policing, gun control and climate change – and her huge edge in public service experience and temperament over her chief rival, we recommend Hillary Clinton as the strong, steady and compassionate leader America needs in the White House.

Ventura County Star: Hillary Clinton Should Be Our Next President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: When you vote for president, the Ventura County Star Editorial Board strongly urges you to select Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump does not have the personal qualities, experience, temperament or values to be president of the United States. More than that, we believe a Trump presidency could be dangerous for the future of this nation, domestically and particularly in our relations with the world.


The Denver Post: It’s an Easy Call: Hillary Clinton for President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: Democrat Hillary Clinton, the first woman ever to win a major-party nomination, is without question the most qualified candidate in the race for president and an easy call to make when considering the challenges confronting the nation. Her nearly 40 years in public life have instilled in her the temperament she needs to face the many challenges that await.


The Day: Hillary Clinton is the Candidate Ready to Lead

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Americans must reject promises that industrial jobs can suddenly be restored by renegotiating trade deals, a tactic that instead invites economically damaging trade wars. They must reject a huckster who says he can quickly dispatch of our enemies with a secret plan. They must reject the un-American notions of rounding up millions of people for mass deportation or banning, because of irrational fears, members of a specific religious group from entering our country.  They must reject a candidate who ignores the scientific evidence of man-made climate change and who would roll back hard-won reproductive rights for women. Instead they should elect the candidate who has demonstrated she is ready for the job. The Day endorses Hillary Clinton for president.

The Hartford Courant: The Courant Endorses Hillary Clinton

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: America needs a president who will lead with reason, not instinct; who will unite, not divide. Mrs. Clinton has, as President Barack Obama said, the compassion and the heart for the job.


The Daily Citizen: Hillary Clinton is Our Choice for President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: We believe Democrat Hillary Clinton’s policies, plans and ambitions offer more balance and reliability for the nation than gambling on the risky promises of Republican Donald Trump. She has the political leadership competencies to steer a steady course in a time of increasing turmoil at home and around the world.


Effingham Daily News: Our View: Effingham Daily News Endorses Clinton

October 6, 2016

Excerpt: Trump is not qualified to lead and should not be elected. Agreeing are high-ranking members of the party he has usurped with bombastic appeals to fear and intolerance. We question his competence to lead anything, much less this nation. He is a man so full of insecurities, paranoia and outright bigotry that his only accomplishment during an unlikely run for the presidency has been to divide this country even more than it already was – something we thought impossible a year ago.


Tribune Star: For presidency, Clinton the Clear Choice

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Hillary Clinton is clearly the better choice to serve as America’s 45th president in a complex world. Her skill set and experience match the deep and broad demands of that difficult office. Trump, through his immature actions and statements, has conclusively proven that he represents a threat to the republic and the values upon which its foundation was built.

Kokomo Tribune: Hillary Clinton for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: He has a disturbing self-heralded history of womanizing. He battled with one of our nation’s Gold Star families. He boasts he was “smart” to avoid paying federal income taxes and uses business debt for self-enrichment. He doesn’t share the values important to Hoosiers: generosity, humility and servanthood. We know who we are. We know Hillary Clinton’s record of public service and intricate knowledge of domestic and foreign policy make her the best choice for president.


Bangor Daily News: Hillary Clinton Has the Vision, Experience and Temperament to Serve as Our Next President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: For us, the choice isn’t between the proverbial lesser of two evils. The choice is between voting for someone committed to a life of public service who has the experience, the intelligence and the temperament to lead the nation versus someone who is committed only to himself, who lies constantly and who regularly displays a lack of self-control.


The Boston Globe: Hillary Clinton for President

October 8, 2016

Excerpt: This election isn’t a close call. Only one candidate on the ballot Nov. 8 belongs anywhere near the White House, and it’s Hillary Clinton. The Globe enthusiastically endorses her candidacy, and urges voters to run, not walk, to their nearest polling place when early voting begins in Massachusetts on Oct. 24.


The Joplin Globe: Our View: A Nation at Risk

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: When it comes to the future security of America — the most important issue of our time — Clinton is the candidate who makes the most sense.

St. Louis Post Dispatch: Hillary Clinton for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: The presidency is the most revered office in the land and America’s most precious possession. In Donald Trump’s hands, it would be a plaything. Clinton understands what an awesome responsibility it is to lead a nation because she has spent the bulk of her adult life participating in that very endeavor. That’s why she remains: America’s only choice.


Press Republican: Why We Support Clinton for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Clinton is a smart, strong woman who has the experience, wisdom, restraint and intricate knowledge needed to deal with war, terrorism, nuclear threats and the many other challenges America faces in dangerous times.

Niagara Gazette: We Endorse Hillary Clinton for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: In this year’s presidential race, only one candidate has any idea what it means to serve something greater than self or the proven ability to do so, and that candidate is Hillary Clinton. Clinton has significant experience as a public servant, including eight years as First Lady, eight as a U.S. Senator and four as Secretary of State. She is smart, diplomatic, poised and worldly. She has a clear-eyed take on the universe and her place in it. She is an adult.


McAlester News-Capital: MC-C Endorses Hillary Clinton

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Simply put, Clinton is the one candidate who presents the opportunity for steady, reliable leadership abroad and here at home. Trump’s policies, meanwhile, represent a dark, dangerous direction for the nation if implemented. As America struggles with political and racial division, the president of this country needs to have a calm, reasoned approach and be a unifier — not a divider. Trump’s comments and positions on immigration are inflammatory and insulting to a huge swath of Americans.

Enid News & Eagle: Hillary Clinton is Our Choice for Commander in Chief

October 8, 2016

Excerpt: Realistically, we have only two candidates for president, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, though other names will appear on the ballot. As has been demonstrated time and again in recent months, Trump does not have the skills, experience or temperament to hold office. For voters, Clinton is the only reasonable choice.


Myrtle Beach Sun News: Clinton By Far the Better Choice for President

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: Clinton is the better choice for president because of her knowledge and command of critical issues and policy, domestic and foreign, her experience and long service to people, and her temperament. She has served as secretary of state, U.S. senator and First Lady. We understand that many people do not trust Clinton; we do not fully understand why so many who resent or fear her simply accept Trump’s many shortcomings as a potential president.


The Olympian: Clinton for President? In a heartbeat

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: This election needs to be over. Our country needs Hillary Clinton. It’s time.

The Seattle Times: The Times Recommends: Hillary Clinton, the Only for President

October 7, 2016

Excerpt: Clinton has demonstrated courage, strength and resilience — the traits we especially value in a president. She does this not by tweets and talking tough but through unflagging public service through personal and political crises that would crumble an ordinary person.


The Register Herald: Trump Video is the Final Straw: We Are With Her

October 9, 2016

Excerpt: She has the temperament, the ability and the experience to lead this nation.

Trump does not. At the end of the day, this is an easy call. Hillary Clinton is the candidate better positioned by a country mile to lead our country.

Bluefield Daily Telegraph: Endorsement: Hillary Clinton is Best Prepared for the Presidency

October 8, 2016

Excerpt: Hillary Clinton has the credentials, political knowledge and battle-tested competence to deal with the consequential issues the nation will confront in the next four years. She is qualified to become our 45th president.

Other recent endorsements include:

The Atlantic: Against Donald Trump

October 5, 2016

Excerpt: In its founding statement, The Atlantic promised that it would be “the organ of no party or clique,” and our interest here is not to advance the prospects of the Democratic Party, nor to damage those of the Republican Party. If Hillary Clinton were facing Mitt Romney, or John McCain, or George W. Bush, or, for that matter, any of the leading candidates Trump vanquished in the Republican primaries, we would not have contemplated making this endorsement. We believe in American democracy, in which individuals from various parties of different ideological stripes can advance their ideas and compete for the affection of voters. But Trump is not a man of ideas. He is a demagogue, a xenophobe, a sexist, a know-nothing, and a liar. He is spectacularly unfit for office, and voters—the statesmen and thinkers of the ballot box—should act in defense of American democracy and elect his opponent.

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