FBI Releases Additional Docs, State Releases Emails


Last week, the FBI and State Department released documents related to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. The FBI released 299 pages of internal records detailing a fight between the bureau and the State Department over the classification of an email regarding arrests related to the attacks on the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. The report includes internal emails as well as internal memos that shed additional light into the investigation of Clinton’s emails by the FBI. Read the report below or download a PDF copy HERE.

Meanwhile, the State Department released 371 of the 15,000 emails that were turned over to the department by the FBI. The total document dump totaled over 1,000 pages and are “near duplicates” of the documents turned over by Clinton’s team in 2014. The State Department has been reviewing the emails turned over by the FBI since late summer 2016 and has reported that about 60% of the emails were personal in nature and not related to business. Of the emails that relate to Clinton’s time as Secretary of State, the department reports that a “substantial number” of them are duplicates of those that have been previously reviewed. The State Department will continue to review and release the emails until all 15,000 have been examined. You can access the latest batch of emails by following the steps below:

  1. Go to http://foia.state.gov/Search
  2. Type “F-2016-07895” in the Case Number field
  3. Click on the arrow next to the “Posted Date” column header and select “Sort Descending” so that the recently released documents show first
  4. Click the title of the document in the “Subject” field to open a PDF copy

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, The Hill

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in North Carolina


Bill Clinton returned to North Carolina Sunday for two campaign events. Before his scheduled rallies, Bill attended church services at Mount Zion Baptist Church and Providence Baptist Church, both in Greensboro. At each, Bill referenced Biblical prophet Isaiah saying, “We’re all going home, and all we can control is what we do between this homecoming and that homegoing. Today, or sometime between now and Nov. 8, stand up like Isaiah and say, ‘We will be repairers of the breach.’” He encouraged those attending the services to vote and make sure they have a voice in this election. “Our voice is our vote. And our vote is our voice,” he said.

In Greensboro, Bill also attended a rally at LeBauer Park where he framed the 2016 election as one of the most important elections held in decades. Once in a great while, you have an election that defines a generation. When we started, it seemed to me that America’s challenges were pretty straightforward … but because of the actions, deeds, records and proposals of the other side, it is even more fundamental,” he said. Bill then spoke about Hillary Clinton’s optimistic blueprint for America and her plans to create new jobs, increase the minimum wage, and make college more affordable. Bill also went after Donald Trump for inciting anger and negativity saying, “You’ve got one candidate that says, ‘We’re stronger together.’ The other says, ‘No we’re not.’ One says, ‘I understand your anger, but answers are what you need.’ The other says, ‘No, we don’t, we like our anger.’” A video of Clinton address at Providence Baptist Church is below.

Bill then traveled to Charlotte where he spoke at the Hickory Grove Recreational Center about the importance of voting in the election. He criticized the Trump campaign and others for a campaign based on lies saying, “The other side wants a fact-free, name-calling election. I was naive. I thought we’d have a fact-based election.” Bill outlined a number of Hillary’s key platform proposals including her plans to create jobs and invest in the economy. He concluded by asking everyone to vote on November 8th or to take advantage of early voting. A video from the event in Charlotte is below.

Meanwhile, two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was in Chicago, Illinois and featured a conversation with singer/songwriter Cher. The second event was in New York City and featured a night of karaoke with Dennis Cheng and Mike Taylor.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Greensboro News & Record, Greensboro News & Record, The Charlotte Observer

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Michigan and Ohio


Following last night’s debate, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail with events in Michigan and Ohio. Clinton’s first event was on the campus of Wayne State University in Detroit. While her speech covered a number of platform points, she also spoke about bipartisanship saying that she is “winning more and more support not just from independents but also Republicans.” She then went after Donald Trump for his divisive campaign, name calling, and refusal to release his income tax records. “I believe everyone in this room has paid more income tax than (Trump) has,” she said. Clinton concluded by talking about the importance of voting in the November election. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Clinton then spoke at a rally at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. The event was by far the largest of the campaign with over 18,000 people filling the oval. During the event, Clinton spoke about a variety of her platform points including reigning in the costs of higher education. She also spoke about her opponent and criticized him for not buying steel made in the United States, but instead buying steel from China. Clinton also spoke about her time as a public servant saying, “When Donald Trump talks about what I have been doing for the last 30 years, I welcome that. Because in the 1970s, I was working to end discrimination and he was being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination. In the 1980s, I was working to improve the schools in Arkansas … while he was getting a loan for $14 million from his father to start a business. On the day that I was in the Situation Room watching the raid that brought Osama bin Laden to justice, he was hosting Celebrity Apprentice.” A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Patch, Detroit Free Press, Cleveland.com

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Ohio


Hillary Clinton hit the campaign trail today in Ohio holding two events in the state. Her first event was in Toledo where she focused on her plans to help the middle class. She covered a number of her major policy proposals including her plans to boost American manufacturing, invest in and improve the country’s infrastructure, and create good paying jobs. During the event, Clinton also attacked Donald Trump for the recent revelation that he may not have paid income taxes for nearly two decades. She said, “Trump’s campaign is bragging that not paying taxes makes him a genius. What kind of genius loses $1 billion in a single year?” She pointed out that Trump’s plan would cut taxes for himself even more at the expense of working families. Watch a video of Clinton speech below.

Clinton then traveled to Akron where she continued to focus on the economy and her plans to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to prosper in America. She largely focused on the same big points she hit on in Toledo, but she also spoke about her plans to raise the minimum wage, ensure equal pay for women, and cap the maximum out of pocket expenses for childcare. Clinton continued her assault on Trump’s tax records saying that he has certainly benefited from the tax code, but he has not contributed to the United States. Clinton is likely to continue to criticize Trump’s tax returns as the two prepare for their next debate next week. A video from the Akron event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Time, The Toledo Blade, Patch

20 Questions Trump Is Avoiding


Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton’s Twitter feed included a series of 20 questions for Donald Trump following the release of a Newsweek cover story. Today, Hillary for America released the following requesting answers to those questions:

This week has brought a string of revelations about foreign business entanglements that would create actual conflicts of interest for Donald Trump were he to become president. They’re a reminder of why Trump’s utter lack of transparency and disclosure have become an urgent concern with just over 50 days left in this election.

On a call with reporters yesterday, Hillary for America chair John Podesta called on Trump to disclose all information related to his foreign investments and business dealings, divest his holdings in the Trump Organization to remove these troubling conflicts of interest, and release his tax returns to meet the basic threshold for transparency.

“If Trump is only willing to release information that makes him look good,” Podesta asked, “what else is he hiding?”

Hillary Clinton has 20 questions for Donald Trump, which he is avoiding by not holding a press conference in Washington, D.C. this morning.

This week’s report offers a disturbing preview of the foreign entanglements that could influence Donald Trump, should voters make the grave mistake of electing him president. We now know that over the course of decades, The Trump Organization has been financially involved in more than a dozen countries on five continents — including Russia, Ukraine, Libya, Turkey, China, and Brazil. These new revelations also bring greater urgency to the need for Trump to release his tax returns, so the American people can see his sources of income and what influences he might be subject to.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clinton, Kaine Release Health Data


Following Hillary Clinton’s recent bout with pneumonia, Hillary for America released an updated letter from Clinton’s doctor, Dr. Lisa Bardack, and released a letter for the doctor of Senator Tim Kaine. The release from HFA is below, and the letter from Clinton’s doctor can be viewed HERE while Kaine’s letter can be viewed HERE.

Today, Hillary for America released comprehensive information updating the public on Secretary Hillary Clinton’s personal health. The information provides an update to the last disclosure of Secretary Clinton’s health information in July 2015.

The campaign also released comprehensive health information on Senator Tim Kaine.

Clinton’s updated information was provided in the form of a letter from Dr. Lisa Bardack, who is Chair of Internal Medicine at CareMount Medical in Mount Kisco, NY.

Kaine’s update is provided in the form of a letter from Dr. Brian P. Monahan, who is the attending physician of the U.S. Congress.

“It’s fair to say the public now knows more about Hillary Clinton than nearly anyone in public life,” said Robby Mook, Hillary for America Campaign Manager. “Hillary Clinton’s release of updated medical information today meets a standard followed by presidential candidates like Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Additionally, Hillary has made public nearly 40 years of tax returns over her lifetime. In stark contrast, Donald Trump is hands down the least transparent presidential nominee in memory. His Doctor Oz charade is as completely unserious as his original joke of a letter written in five minutes. He continues to hide his taxes and business dealing behind fake excuses. And it begs the question: what is he trying to hide?”

To view the letters click here.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Time, The Washington Post, NBC News

Hillary Clinton Discusses Health with Anderson Cooper


On Monday evening, Hillary Clinton called in to AC360 on CNN where she was asked by Anderson Cooper about the state of her health. Clinton said that she felt dizzy during yesterday’s September 11 memorial event and left. Following her diagnosis with pneumonia on Friday, she said she was advised to rest. “I was supposed to rest five days — that’s what they told me on Friday — and I didn’t follow that very wise advice,” Clinton said. Cooper then asked Clinton about her transparency about her health asking why she did not inform the public about the illness sooner. Clinton defended herself saying that she did not think it was “going to be that big a deal,” but she added that she has been transparent with releasing medial records last year. The Clinton campaign announced today that additional health records will be released later in the week. The video of Clinton’s interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, CNN

HFA Statements on Trump Campaign Chair Pro-Kremlin Ties


Hillary for America released two statements following reports that the campaign chair for Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, has ties to pro-Putin elements in Ukraine. Manafort was named in an investigation by Ukrainian authorities. The report sites off the books records of payments to Manafort. The investigation is on-going. HFA Senior Policy Advisor Robby Mook released a statement calling Manafort’s actions into question. A copy of the statement is below.

“On the eve of what the Trump campaign has billed as a major foreign policy speech, we have learned of more troubling connections between Donald Trump’s team and pro-Kremlin elements in Ukraine.  Given the pro-Putin policy stances adopted by Donald Trump and the recent Russian government hacking and disclosure of Democratic Party records, Donald Trump has a responsibility to disclose campaign chair Paul Manafort’s and all other campaign employees’ and advisers’ ties to Russian or pro-Kremlin entities, including whether any of Trump’s employees or advisers are currently representing and or being paid by them.”

As more details were released, the campaign released a second, extended statement from Mook. The statement includes a number of questions for Trump’s campaign as well as a list of members of Trump’s team with Russian Connections. The full statement is below.

“Facing another news story detailing Trump’s team’s ties to Russia and on the day of his foreign policy address, Trump’s campaign manager’s statement raised more questions than it addressed. This is a serious matter and there are real concerns about the pro-Kremlin interests engaged with the Trump team. As someone running to lead American policy and national security, Donald Trump owes the American public answers.”

  1. Between Trump’s campaign chair Paul Manafort and many other allies and surrogates, Trump should disclose the details of any ties to Russian or pro-Kremlin entities. Which of Trump’s employees or advisers are currently representing and/or being paid by these pro-Russia entities?  How did these employees or advisers influence the numerous pro-Putin policy stances already adopted by the campaign?
  1. Multiple sources have disputed Manafort’s claims on the RNC platform, confirming that the pro-Russia changes were made at the behest of the Trump campaign. Will Trump investigate how the change was made and which of his advisers advocated for it?
  1. Given Paul Manafort’s history of potentially skirting the Foreign Agent Registration Act and the allegations in the story, will Trump investigate whether his own campaign chair violated FARA and/or whether the reported payments violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?
  1. According to the Washington Post, Trump’s Foreign Policy Adviser Carter Page’s “background in Russia has raised questions about potential conflicts of interest.” Page, who has investments in Russian energy giant Gazprom, has been highly critical of U.S. and European economic sanctions placed on Russia and recently broke precedent by giving a speech critical of U.S. policy while in Moscow. What pro-Kremlin policies has Page advocated with Trump?
  1. After recent Russian government hacking and disclosure of Democratic Party records, it was revealed that long-time Trump confidante Roger Stone was in communication with Julian Assange, leader of Wikileaks and source of key leaked information. In light of WikiLeaks reported ties to Russia, will Donald Trump disclose details of information shared between him and Roger Stone on Assange and the hack of US citizens?

Trump Campaign Aides’ Ties To Russia

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CNN

Clintons Release 2007-2014 Tax Returns

bill-and-hilary-clintonToday, Bill and Hillary Clinton released their tax returns from 2007-2014. Over the last 8 years, the Clintons paid $43.8 million in taxes with a tax rate of 35.7% in 2014. The Clintons also reported donating roughly 10% of their income to charity. Due to the requirements of candidates, the Clintons have released several times over the years. To date, the Clintons have released 38 years of tax returns.

News Source: Time