HFA Releases Series of Ads as Election Nears


On Tuesday, Hillary for America released a series of ads targeting Donald Trump a week before the election on November 8th. The first three ads feature Republicans and one former Trump supporter who have vowed to support Hillary Clinton in light of Trump’s comments about women. The final video highlights a number of comment Trump has made about women over the decades. Next is a video titled “27 million Strong” about how the Latino immigrants in the United States can send Trump a message on election day. The ad is being released in both English and Spanish. Then, the Briefing has a video called “The Trump Effect” which looks at how Trump’s divisive statements affect Americans. Then, an ad that encourages African American voters to get out and reject Trump’s divisive platform. Next is an ad titled “We are America” and outlines the dangers a Trump presidency would present to the American democracy. Then, the next video features Katy Perry’s song Roar and outlines a number of reasons to vote for Clinton. The next video imagines what life in America will be like after a year of a Trump presidency. The final ad is a radio ad talking about Trump’s history of demeaning African Americans. Watch the videos below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Interviewed on The Breakfast Club


Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the morning radio show “The Breakfast Club.” During the interview, Clinton and hosts DJ Envy, Angela Yee & Charlamagne Tha God discussed a number of topics including Clinton’s thoughts on being parodied on Saturday Night Live, her support for the Chicago Cubs, and the presidential debates. The group also discussed a number of Clinton’s campaign points including her plan to combat systemic racism. She said, “It’s something that we have to be honest about. We have to face up to systemic racism. We see it in jobs, we see it in education, we see it in housing. But let’s be really clear; it’s a big part of what we’re facing in the criminal justice system. African American men get arrested, charged, convicted, and incarcerated far more often and for far longer for doing the same thing that white men do.” A video of the full interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: NBC News

New HFA Video: This Is Alex Jones


Today, Hillary for America is releasing a new video spotlighting Donald Trump’s disturbing admiration for fringe InfoWars radio host Alex Jones, a conspiracy enthusiast best know for pushing outlandish and gross theories around national tragedies including that the Sandy Hook shooting, September 11th terror attacks and the Oklahoma City bombing were either inside jobs or simply made up. Over the course of the campaign, Trump has publicly praised and drawn from Jones’ dangerously wacky ideas. In fact, just yesterday he falsely suggested that Hillary Clinton was “pumped up” on drugs, a claim made on Jones radio show just this month.

As Jones said: “And I’ll tell you, it is surreal to talk about issues here on air and then word for word hear Trump say it two days later. It is amazing.”

We agree.


Alex Jones, whose show Trump has appeared on, and who Trump has praised publicly, is a prominent conspiracy theorist.

Jones pushed several conspiracy theories around national tragedies: “Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, ‘false flag’ ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook—those were actors—and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked.” [New Yorker, 6/23/16]

Jones on the Gabby Giffords shooting: “My gut tells me this was a staged mind-control operation. The government employs geometric psychological-warfare experts that know exactly how to indirectly manipulate unstable people through the media.” [Rolling Stone, 3/2/11]

Jones on the Orlando nightclub shooting: “In a YouTube video posted Sunday evening, the Infowars.com founder called Mateen’s shooting rampage ‘a false-flag terror attack.’” [Daily Beast, 6/12/16]

Apart from conspiracy theories, Jones has a history of offensive comments.

“Real women don’t need #feminism! It destroys society! It promotes division & hate against men! http://bit.ly/1EyNooc #tcot” [@RealAlexJones, Twitter, 3/7/15]

“Sheriff Clarke: Black Lives Matter Is A ‘Vulgar, Vile, Vicious, Slimy Movement’ http://www.infowars.com/sheriff-clarke-black-lives-matter-is-a-vulgar-vile-vicious-slimy-movement/ …” [@RealAlexJones, Twitter, 9/1/15]

“Unedited Video Shows Bundy Making Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican Comments –http://www.infowars.com/unedited-video-shows-bundy-making-pro-black-pro-mexican-comments/ … #BundyRanch” [@RealAlexJones, 4/25/14]

The list of disturbing and bizarre headlines on Jones’ site, Infowars, is unending. Visit http://www.infowars.com/ for a view into the mind of a man Trump has said he “greatly admires.”

Donald Trump shares a mutual admiration with conspiracy theorist and radio show host, Alex Jones.

2015: Donald Trump to Alex Jones: “I just wanted to finish by saying that your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down. You’ll be very, very impressed, I hope, and I think we’ll be speaking a lot, but you’ll be looking at me in a year, or two years—give me a little bit of time to run things—but a year into office, you’ll be saying, ‘Wow, I remember that interview, he said he was gonna do it, and he did a great job.” [Vanity Fair, 12/2/15]

2015: “Alex Jones Is A Big Fan Of Donald Trump, And The Feeling’s Mutual.” “Republican front-runner Donald Trump appeared on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ show on Wednesday in a lengthy display of mutual appreciation. Appearing on a blurry video connection, Trump talked to Jones about Trump’s false claims about Muslims in New Jersey cheering 9/11, Hillary Clinton, and Trump’s book, among other topics. Jones told Trump he had been ‘vindicated’ in his claims. I know it happened and I held my line and people wanted me to apologize and I can’t do that,’ Trump told Jones. ‘People like you and I, we can’t do that so easily.’” [BuzzFeed, 12/2/15]

2016: “Alex Jones Celebrates Trump’s Takeover Of The GOP.” Jones took in Trump’s Republican Convention and “spent Monday mobbed by reporters, sharing a podium with Trump adviser Roger Stone and welcoming several far-right candidates onstage as part of an ‘America First Project’ unity effort.” [Washington Post, 7/18/16]

2016: Trump’s Senior Policy Advisor Stephen Miller Talked To Infowars And Praised Alex Jones For Being On Top Of The Issues Close To The Trump Campaign. “In a February 8 interview with Infowars.com, Trump senior policy adviser Stephen Miller praised Jones and Infowars for having ‘been on top of … the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and on the immigration issue.’ Miller then repeatedly pitched Trump to Jones’ audience, telling them that ‘if you want to stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership, if you want to close the border, if you want to protect American jobs and wages, then you have to support Donald J. Trump.’” [Media Matters, 2/10/16; Infowars, 2/8/16]

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Releases Series of New Videos and Ads


On Monday, Hillary for America released a new round of commercials and ads. The first is a TV ad titled “Arrogant” that goes after Donald Trump following the weekend’s report that he has not paid taxes for years. The next three videos highlight the record of Mike Pence and draw parallels between Pence and Trump. Then, a video featuring prominent African-American actors talking about what is at stake in this election for the African-American community. Next, is an ad titled “Measure” that highlights Hillary Clinton’s career fighting for children and families. The next video, titled “Shane,” introduces a man who talks about his experience in the foster care system and how, as First Lady, Clinton helped pass the Adoption and Safe Families Act. Then, actress Selma Hayak is in a Spanish language ad underscoring the importance of the election for the Latino community. The next is a radio ad that highlights Trump’s business dealings with Cuba during the embargo. The final ad is a Spanish language radio ad that talks about how Trump treated hotels in his hotels like “second class workers.” Watch, and listen, to the ads below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clinton Campaign Releases Series of Ads


This week, Hillary for America has released a series of new advertisement for television, radio, and the internet. The first is a radio ad urging African American millennials to register and vote for Hillary Clinton in November. The next three video ads highlight Clinton’s career and her work with everyday people. One of the videos includes a personal story of Clinton’s work with a girl named Anastasia. Next, is a video featuring Roxie, a woman in New York that Clinton helped as Senator. The final videos go after Donald Trump. The first criticizes Trump for the Trump Foundations’ use of donations to settle Trump’s legal problems. The second and third videos calls for Trump to release his tax returns. The final video calls out Trump’s lies before the debates. Listen to and watch each of the ads below.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clinton Interviewed by Steve Harvey


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by Steve Harvey on an episode his radio show, “The Steve Harvey Morning Show.” During the interview, Clinton was asked about the recent shooting by police of an unarmed black man in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Clinton responded to the death of Terence Crutcher by asking, “How many times do we have to see this in our country?” She continued by speaking about the importance of proper police training saying, “There are good, honorable, cool-headed police officers. … We can do better. We have got to rein in what is absolutely inexplicable, and we’ve got to have law enforcement respect communities and communities respect law enforcement because they have to work together.” Download the full interview HERE.

A transcript of the interview is below:

STEVE HARVEY: Okay, well here we go. Joining me now – this is what I’ve been waiting on – is a dynamic Democratic Party candidate for the presidency of the United States. She served as the 67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. She was born right here in Chicago, Illinois. Woohoo. Chi-town girl. She is a former First Lady of the United States. Who got that title? […] She’s a mother, she’s a grandmother, and we’re going to put her back in the White House, just flat out. Simply put.


STEVE HARVEY: Nothing else will do. Please welcome to the show Mrs. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton.

HILLARY CLINTON: Oh, Steve, hello!


HILLARY CLINTON: Hey, good morning, everybody.

STEVE HARVEY: How you doing?

HILLARY CLINTON: It’s so good to hear your voice.

STEVE HARVEY: You know what? I had you on my talk show, it was great there, and I told you I was going to get behind you and be a full supporter, and we’ve done just that – just that.

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I really appreciate it because I know that you understand how high the stakes are in this election. It doesn’t get any higher, and we need everybody to get out and register and then vote because we’ve got to keep our country on the right track, and that’s under threat right now.

STEVE HARVEY: Yeah. Yeah, it absolutely is. Hey, we’re going to get into that right now. Now, let me ask you something kind of personal, though.


STEVE HARVEY: You and I are now both grandparents.

HILLARY CLINTON: Yes, just you and me.

STEVE HARVEY: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, we’re grandparents right now.


STEVE HARVEY: I’ve been struggling with what I want the grandkids to call me. I’ve already pitched one; Marjorie kind of shut it down. She is “Nana.” They call her “Nana.”


STEVE HARVEY: I wanted the grandkids to call me “Big Pimpin’.” [Laughter.] That got shot down.

HILLARY CLINTON: Yes, I’m with Marjorie on this one. [Laughter.]

STEVE HARVEY: Yeah, okay. Well, y’all women are always sticking together. So I got shot down, so I’m down to “Papa.”

HILLARY CLINTON: Yes, that’s —

STEVE HARVEY: What does your granddaughter Charlotte call you? What does she call you?

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, she calls me “Grandma” and she calls Bill “Pop-pop.”

STEVE HARVEY: “Pop-pop,” that’s cool.


STEVE HARVEY: That’s pretty cool.


STEVE HARVEY: And are you enjoying being a grandparent?

HILLARY CLINTON: Oh, it is the best thing in my life by such a country mile. There’s no comparison. I am so happy whenever I even get a picture or FaceTime and, oh, my gosh, if I get to see them. It just is transformational, Steve. I mean, there’s nothing like it.

STEVE HARVEY: Yeah, yeah.

HILLARY CLINTON: And really – it’s really about the future. I mean, you look at these little kids and you just want to hold them and protect them and love them and guide them, and you just want the country they’re growing up in to be everything it should be and the world to be peaceful and prosperous. I mean, it really does trigger all of these very deep thoughts when you’re around your kids.

STEVE HARVEY: Yeah. You know what? I would imagine that’s really what’s at stake here in this election. It’s really about the future and – but it’s also about right now. And what’s shaking us up in this whole candidacy is we’ve got to get America to understand exactly what you’re about here. And you do want what’s best for the country. How do you see this election going right now? Because you’re gaining momentum now because you – you had to take a short break for a minute because you were ill.

HILLARY CLINTON: That’s right.

STEVE HARVEY: And how is your health now? First of all, let me ask you that.

HILLARY CLINTON: It’s great. Thanks for asking. And yes, I’m back on the campaign trail.

STEVE HARVEY: Okay, so good. What separates you from Donald Trump? Let me ask you.

HILLARY CLINTON: Oh, my gosh. Can I have the whole hour? [Laughter.]


HILLARY CLINTON: I think it really comes down to our visions and our values. I have a vision where we continue to pursue equality and justice and opportunity for everybody, and that’s how I was raised. My mom had a really neglected life and yet she was able to, through the kindness of literally strangers, not her own family but teachers and others, to become a warm and loving parent and not be bitter; and my church, which gave me a lot of food for thought as they tried to make sure that I didn’t take any of my blessings for granted and understood to whom much is given much is required.

And then I was so fortunate because when I was in law school I met Marian Wright Edelman, who was the first African American woman to pass the Mississippi bar. She went down there and started working on behalf of kids and families, and she was close to Dr. King, she was close to Bobby Kennedy, and she formed the Children’s Defense Fund, and that gave me the opportunity to really see what we need to do – because I believe you’ve got to change both laws and hearts. We’ve got to change laws to protect people, to protect everything about them, and we’ve got to be a clear and loud voice for our society being what it should be: the city on the hill, striving for the more perfect union. And that’s my view, and I don’t think that’s how my opponent sees it.

When I went to defend young black kids put into adult jails in South Carolina, or went to Alabama undercover to expose racist segregated academies, or when I worked to get kids with disabilities the education they deserved, or stood up for women around the world who are often the last fed and ignored and marginalized, and everything that I believe in I want to bring to the White House. I want to build on the progress that President Obama has made during a very tumultuous time.

I mean, I’m appalled that Donald Trump will not apologize to the President and to the country for spending years questioning his citizenship and attempting to delegitimize him. And President Obama and Michelle Obama, they’ve kept their heads high. Like Michelle says, when they go low, we go high. And we’ve got to stay high. We’ve got to stay focused. And I know what we can do together to deal with more good jobs with rising incomes, making college affordable. I’ve got a plan for historically black colleges and universities because I value their work so much. And we’ve got to tackle systemic racism – this horrible shooting again. How many times do we have to see this in our country? In Tulsa, an unarmed man with his hands in the air? I mean, this is just unbearable, and it needs to be intolerable.

And so maybe I can, by speaking directly to white people, say, look, this is not who we are. We’ve got to do everything possible to improve policing, to go right at implicit bias. There are good, honorable, cool-headed police officers. We have seen them in action in New York over the last 48 hours because of the terrorist attacks. We can do better. We have got to rein in what is absolutely inexplicable. And we have got to have law enforcement respect communities and communities respect law enforcement because they have to work together.

So I have a big agenda.


STEVE HARVEY: I want to say this to you. You’re speaking right now from your heart because this was not a prompted question about what happened on Friday to this gentleman. Nobody – I didn’t ask you any questions about HBCUs. I didn’t ask you the information that you know. This is a person that’s speaking from her heart. This is truly on the inside of you. This is what people have got to know about Hillary Clinton, that this is coming from within you. This isn’t prepped, started up. And we’re – that’s one thing we’re really looking for these debates on Monday because there will be no chance for everybody to get prepped. You will be and see pointblank from the heart of a person and mind what they really think and feel because there will be no teleprompting. You can’t fix it. I think Monday, Monday, we will see the real difference between these two candidates. And I think it will be a glaring difference.

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I’ll tell you I am going to do my very best to communicate as clearly and – and fearlessly as I can in the face of the insults and the attacks and the bullying and bigotry that we’ve seen coming from my opponent. I can take it, Steve. I can take that kind of stuff. I’ve been at this. And I understand it’s a contact sport. But I’m not going to take what he says about everybody else –


HILLARY CLINTON: – his attacks on African Americans and immigrants and Muslims and women and people with disabilities.

STEVE HARVEY: Yes. There you go.


STEVE HARVEY: There you go.

HILLARY CLINTON: It’s just something we cannot tolerate. And that’s why it’s so important for you and for everyone who has a platform in our country right now to really stand up and say, “This is not who we are.” And it’s important that all your – your listeners and your viewers on TV realize they cannot stay on the sidelines.


HILLARY CLINTON: Every issue they care about is at stake in this election. This is not, oh, a little here, a little there. We can – we can take it, no matter who wins. No. The next 50 days will determine the next 50 years. And I say that –


HILLARY CLINTON: – absolutely seriously. And so I hope that everybody is encouraged to be sure you’re registered to vote. It’s simple. If you go to a site called iwillvote.com and enter your information, you can find out are you registered, where do you go to register because I need you. I need you –


HILLARY CLINTON: – people who believe as we believe and what we need to be doing in our country to make it better and make it fairer. We’ve got to stand up and be counted in this election.

STEVE HARVEY: Hey, let me tell you something. Ms. Clinton, you – you have our word here on The Morning Show we are going to see this thing through. We are pushing real hard for voter registration. The polls are not counting the right people. The polls are not counting all of us. And we are very well-aware of that. We supported President Obama. We heard his plea at the caucus meeting, what would mean the most to him if we got behind you. We’re not going to let you down. Be well on Monday. Be aggressive. If you say what you just said today, we’re going to hit it over the wall. But we’re behind you, Ms. Clinton.


STEVE HARVEY: And we wish you nothing but the best. But, more than that, we are going to the polls, and we are going to vote. Thank you so much.

HILLARY CLINTON: Thank you. Great to talk to you, Steve and everybody. Thanks a lot.

STEVE HARVEY: Absolutely. Thank you.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Los Angeles Times, The Huffington Post

Clinton Campaign Releases Series of New Ads


Hillary for America released a new series of television and radio ads this week. The first five videos focus on Donald Trump and the controversies surrounding him and the Trump Foundation donations. There are three radio ads that focus more on Hillary Clinton’s platform points and less on Trump. The final set of ads is a pair of television and radio ads in Spanish. Each focuses on Clinton’s dedication to Latino families. Review the ads below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clintons Canvass New York on Eve on Primary


On the eve of the New York primary, Bill, Chelsea, and Hillary Clinton were canvassing the state for support before tomorrow’s primary. A list of Hillary’s favorite New York restaurants was published by Thrillist, and  she attended a number of events in and around New York City. Hillary began by appearing on a morning radio show called “The Breakfast Club“. During the interview, Clinton spoke about a number of her key platform points and the importance of tomorrow’s primary in New York. She also was asked to name something that she always carry with her. Her answer was “hot sauce.” Watch a video of the full interview HERE to find out why.

Hillary then hosted a Get Out the Vote rally at the Hilton in Manhattan. During her speech, she spoke about her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders and his record on gun control. He voted for a 2005 bill that made gun manufacturers immune from lawsuits if their product was used illegally. She continued, “There are many powerful lobbyists in Washington, as I said in the debate the other night in Brooklyn. I said, look, Senator Sanders talks a lot about the greed and recklessness of Wall Street. But what about the greed and recklessness of the gun manufacturers?” Hillary went on to explain the importance of the 2016 election and asked for voters’ support tomorrow. Tonight, Hillary will appear on CBS’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Bill, meanwhile, was campaigning on Hillary’s behalf in Buffalo and Rochester. In Buffalo, Bill began by kicking off a phone bank at Hilary’s headquarters. He then made several stops in town visiting St. John Towers senior facility, Spot Coffee, and he had lunch at Alton’s restaurant in Cheektowaga. In Rochester, Bill was joined by Gov. Andrew Cuomo and spoke to a crowd of supporters. He spoke briefly about a number of Hillary’s platform points and asked for their vote in tomorrow’s primary. A video from his speech in Rochester is below.

Chelsea has spent the last two days campaigning on behalf of her mother at smaller events across the state. Yesterday, Chelsea spoke at Get Out the Vote events in Poughkeepsie and Binghamton. At both events, she spoke about her mother’s experience and plans as president. She stressed the importance of the election saying that it is the “most important” election of her lifetime. Chelsea even took time to answer questions from those in attendance.


Today, Chelsea spoke with supporters at the Women’s Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls. She spoke about her mom’s experience saying, “I think when you look at who has a real record of being able to deliver progress and be able to make change, my mom really stands out.” She spoke about similar topics at her other stops in upstate New York. Chelsea also spoke with supporters at Coltivare in Ithaca. In Rome, Chelsea visited a local daycare center. Speaking at the Little Learners On Campus Child Care Center, she spoke about the importance of early childhood education and Hillary’s plan to expand it nationwide.

The Clintons weren’t the only ones campaigning on behalf of Hillary today. In New York, Carole King, former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, and Cecile Richards all joined Hillary and held events on their own. In Chicago, Illinois, David Plouffe, Campaign Manager for President Barack Obama in 2008, attended a fundraiser that was hosted by Kevin Conlon, Katelynd Duncan, Abby Erwin, Adam Hitchcock, Reyhad Kazmi, Samir Mayekar, Kevin Morris, Marilynn Rubio, Jon Samuels, Abigail Schmitz, and Joshua Schwartz.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, Thrillist, Poughkeepsie Journal, KENS, WIBX, TWC News Rochester, Ithaca Journal, WGRZ, TWC News, Observer

Clinton Interviewed by Radio Iowa

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waves to voters following a campaign stop at the Hawkeye Labor Council AFL-CIO Labor Day picnic in Cedar Rapids, Iowa September 7, 2015.     REUTERS/Brian C. Frank
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waves to voters following a campaign stop at the Hawkeye Labor Council AFL-CIO Labor Day picnic in Cedar Rapids, Iowa September 7, 2015. REUTERS/Brian C. Frank

Before beginning her series of town halls in Iowa, Clinton took time to speak with Radio Iowa via telephone. During the interview, Clinton spoke about the upcoming Iowa caucus, but the interview was focused on gun control and President Barack Obama’s plan to take executive action. Clinton promised that if elected, she would close the gun show loophole and enforce background check. She said, “I think we’re going to have to keep pushing forward on the political front and I intend to do that, to take on the gun lobby and to work with responsible gun owners, of which there are many millions who actually in large numbers support the common sense approaches that I’m advocating.”

Listen to the full interview on the Radio Iowa website.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Radio Iowa

Clinton Appears on Al Sharpton’s Radio Show

alsharpton033a_wide-7595ffdf126eb7258ff71005a51e2722c2252cde-s6-c10Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on Reverend Al Sharpton’s radio show “Keepin’ it Real”. She was interviewed by Sharpton and the conversation primarily focused on race and the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which the Supreme Court gutted in 2014. Clinton expressed her concern over those who have attacked the Voting Right Act saying that Congress needed to renew the act to protect voting rights for everyone.

Clinton and Sharpton went on to discuss race and justice pointing to recent police brutality against African-American suspects. But she also addressed prison population saying, “I know that this is a serious problem, but it falls disproportionately on the African American community.” Sharpton asked if Clinton was planning to watch this evening Republican debate on Fox News. She responded, “I don’t think I need to watch it to know that nearly everybody standing on that stage, in the first or the second debate, has either actively sought to limit the right to vote in their states or supported the efforts to limit the right to vote if the were not governors but were in the Congress.”

Audio or video from the event is currently unavailable; however, a number of clips from Clinton’s interview were aired during Sharpton’s MSNBC show “Politics Nation.” A video from last night’s episode is below.

Tomorrow, Clinton continues the private fundraiser streak by attended events in California and Texas. Follow along with Clinton on the campaign trail on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

New Source: New York Observer, NBC News