Hillary Clinton Campaigns with Senator Sanders in New Hampshire


Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders teamed up for a campaign event focused on reducing the cost of higher education. Speaking at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, Senator Sanders spoke about his support for Hillary Clinton and her “new college compact.” Clinton then took the stage and spoke about a number of the compact’s key points including her plan to reduce interest rates on student loans and how future college students whose families make less than $125,000 per year will be able to graduate from a public college or trade school debt free. Speaking of her own experience following graduation she said, “I could never have done that if I had the kind of interest rates a lot of people are facing. We are going to fix it. This is wrong.” Clinton said that she believes it is wrong for the government to profit on students’ education. Clinton and Sanders then took part in a question and answer period with those in attendance. A full video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: MassLive, USA Today

Clinton, Kaine Answer Questions on Quora

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On Monday, Hillary Clinton and her running mate Tim Kaine held a question and answer session on the website Quora. They answered questions on a variety of topics from gun control, jobs, scientific research, Zika virus, and issues that Kaine would focus on a Vice President. The full Q&A session can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Newsweek, Quora

Hillary Clinton Meets with Women in Virginia


On Monday, Hillary Clinton spoke with a group of women in Stone Ridge, Virginia where the focus of the conversation was managing work-life balance. Clinton spoke about her plans for paid family leave, equal pay for women, and childcare. She said that raising a family and having a career is harder today than it was when Chelsea was a kid. “Costs are greater, everything from commuting time to feeling like if you take that vacation day, you are going to be viewed as slacking off,” she said. Clinton went on to say that she knew that her proposals would change the current system, but it is important to realize that times have changed. She said, “We need to really start looking at these programs from the lens of what life is like today and not what it was like 50 years ago.” A video from the event is below.

During the event in Virginia, Clinton was asked a number of questions about the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. She has refused to directly respond to any of his comments, and she stuck with tone today saying that she was focused on the issues. She said, “I’m going to let him run his campaign however he chooses. I’m going to run my campaign, which is about a positive vision for our country with specific plans that I think will help us solve problems that we’re facing.” She continued, “I’m answering him all the time. I’m answering him on what I think voters care about. I’m answering him on the differences between our records, our experience, what we want to do for our country, how important it is to try to unify the country.”

In Washington, DC, Hillary for America hosted a conversation on Social and Economic Justice. Those speaking at the event included former United States Attorney General and HFA Senior Policy Advisor Maya Harris.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: PBS NewsHour, The Wall Street Journal

Hillary Clinton Interviewed on NBC’s Meet the Press

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On this morning’s Meet the Press, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by host Chuck Todd. During the interview, Todd asked Clinton about the FBI investigation of her email server. She said that when and if the FBI want to interview her, she will be happy to comply, but the question has yet the be asked. Todd also asked Clinton about when she and Democratic rival Bernie Sanders would debate next. The two campaigns have been having difficulties agreeing to a date. Clinton said that she is confident a debate date will be agreed upon saying, “I know that I still have work to do to win the nomination, and I’m going to keep reaching out to every voter, everywhere in these remaining contests.” A full video from the interview is not currently available, but a transcript can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News

Clinton Interviewed by The Des Moines Register


While in Iowa yesterday, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by The Des Moines Register. During the interview, Clinton was asked about recent criticism from Bernie Sanders, particulary the paid speeches she have given to Wall Street firms. She responded by saying, “I have spoken to so many different groups…What they were interested in were my views on what was going on in the world. And whether you’re in health care, or you sell automobiles, or you’re in banking – there’s a lot of interest in getting advice and views about what you think is happening in the world.” A clip from the interview is below. More details about the interview can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Des Moines Register

Hillary Clinton Hosts Three Iowa Events


On Monday, Hillary Clinton returned to Iowa where she hosted three events. The first was in Davenport where she set the tone for the day with a plea for voters to turn out and support her in Iowa’s caucus on February 1. She vowed to protect, and improve the Affordable Care Act and rework the economy so that it helps everyone and not just those at the top. She also spoke about other points from her platform including voting rights, gay rights, and women’s rights. A video from her event in Davenport is below.

Clinton then traveled to Cedar Rapids where hosted a town hall event. She gave a brief speech before taking questions from the crowd. One of the questions was in regard to Republican rival Donald Trump and his recent comments about her and President Barack Obama being responsible for the creation of ISIS. She responded by saying, “I’ve adopted a new year’s resolution. I’m going to let him live in his alternative reality and I’m not going to respond.”

Clinton wrapped up the first day of her trip to Iowa in Des Moines. The event was billed as a “Get Out the Caucus” rally. Her speech was similar to one she gave earlier in the day in Davenport where she stressed the importance of voters to turn out and vote for her at the February 1 caucus. A video from the event in Des Moines is below. A videos from Cedar Rapids will be posted when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton will host three additional events in Iowa. The events will be held in Osage, Sioux City, and Council Bluffs. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News, The Des Moines Register, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times

Update 1/5/16: Added video from Des Moines

Clinton Hosts Iowa Town Halls


On Wednesday afternoon, Hillary Clinton hosted two town hall events in Iowa. The first was in Iowa City, then she held a similar event in Mason City later in the afternoon. Both events featured a brief opening speech from Clinton in which she spoke about the economy, raising the minimum wage, defeating ISIS, supporting Muslim-Americans, and other aspects of her platform. She then answered questions from those in attendance. Between the two events, Clinton answered questions about her support for sexual assault victims, her taste in music, and how she would respond to one attendees’ Donald Trump supporting father. To that, Clinton replied, “I hope you can see I don’t have horns. And I really do hope that as this election goes on you will listen to your daughter.” A video from the Mason City event will be posted when/if available, and the video from the Iowa City town hall is below.

Today, Clinton was scheduled to attend a Hillary Victory Fund fundraiser in New York City with husband Bill Clinton and singer Sting. A second New York fundraiser was also scheduled and hosted by Drew Barrymore, Will Kopelman, and Randy Florke. As with private events, the fundraisers were closed to the press.

Clinton’s next event is Saturday’s Democratic Debate on ABC. More details about the debate will be posted soon. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Iowa City Press-Citizen, KIMT, KTLA, KIMT

Clinton Appears on Late Show with Stephen Colbert

151027-clinton-colbert-02_b6b28d3d4c541dd6737961cf385b27be.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000On Tuesday night, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. During the interview, Clinton spoke about her campaign and her promise to help all Americas. Colbert asked Clinton about her testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, her Republican rivals, and her TV watching habits. The most surprising moment came when Clinton was asked whether she would let the big banks fail if they had another crisis situation like in 2009. Clinton responded with a simple “yes.” She elaborated saying, “First of all, under Dodd-Frank, that is what will happen because we now have stress tests and I’m going to impose a risk fee on the big bank if they engage in risky behavior. But they have to know, their shareholders have to know that yes, they will fail. And if they’re too big to fail then under my plan and others that have been proposed, they may have to be broken up.” Clips from last night’s show are below.

Last night, Clinton also attended a private fundraiser in Morristown, New Jersey. The fundraiser was hosted by Philip and Barbara Sellinger. As with all private events, the fundraiser was closed to the press.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, Politico

Facebook Q&A

Monday, July 21, 2014

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Hillary Rodham Clinton participated in a Q&A on Facebook. To read all the questions and Clinton’s answers, CLICK HERE. We highly recommend reading through the posts as the questions and answers are fascinating. Clinton answered questions about her career, current events, and future events, such as her thoughts on becoming a grandmother.

News Source: Washington Post