Tim Kaine Campaigns in North Carolina


On Thursday, Tim Kaine continued his campaign tour of North Carolina with events in Charlotte and Durham. During the event in Charlotte, Kaine spoke about Hillary Clinton’s platform and plans to ensure that the economy works for everyone and not just those at the top. He also referred to last night’s presidential debate praising Clinton for her performance. Kaine criticized Donald Trump for refusing to accept the outcome of the election saying, “has a profound misunderstanding for the institutions of government. … He is trying to upset a tradition that’s been one of the notable features of American life.” Kaine added, “This is not a television show, this is not a reality show. This is about running a country. You gotta do better than that.” Following the event, he spoke with members of the press. A video of Kaine’s speech is Charlotte, as well as his press briefing, is below.

In Durham, Kaine spoke with supporters on the campus of North Carolina Central University. At the event, Kaine urged everyone to get out and vote on November 8th, and he spoke about the importance of the election. He said that he and Clinton are dedicated to to North Carolina, and they want to win the state. Kaine said, “If we can win North Carolina for Hillary Clinton we’re gonna win the whole thing. We’re gonna win the whole thing. I’m very good at elections. I’m 8-0. You can beat me in Scrabble, but not in elections. I’ll be 9-0 on Nov. 8.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Charlotte Observer, WNCN

Chelsea Clinton, Anne Holton Encourage Voter Registration


On Friday, Chelsea Clinton and Anne Holton held campaign events focused on voter registration. Chelsea began her day in Green Bay, Wisconsin where she spoke about the importance of registering to vote before the deadline. She also spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s proposals if elected president including her plans to raise the minimum wage, pass gun safety legislation, and raise taxes on the top earners while leaving middle class taxes where they are today. Chelsea urged voters to consider their children and the next generation of Americans saying, “Whoever we elect, will play a profound role in shaping the future that my children and the generation they grow up in.” She then took questions from those in attendance. A video from the event is below.

Chelsea then traveled to Traverse City, Michigan where she spoke to a group of Hillary supporters and potential voters at Kirkbride Hall. Again, Chelsea held a townhall style event taking questions from the audience. She said, “I’m wanting to talk to anyone who wants to talk to me. I was so just touched that so many people came out today here, took time out of their busy Fridays to kind of listen to me make the case for my mom.” Some of the topics covered included the military and veterans, Hillary’s plans to combat climate change, and the rising cost of a college education. A video from the event will be added if/when available.

Holton traveled to Iowa where she spoke at events in Charles City and Mason City. She said that she is exited to be on the campaign trail while her husband, Tim Kaine, prepares for Tuesday’s vice presidential debate. Holton spoke to those in attendance about the importance of voting and encouraged voters to take advantage of Iowa’s early voting option. She also spoke about a number of issues, but her primary topic was education. As the former Secretary of Education for Virginia, that is her topic of expertise, and Hillary recognized her strength in that subject area. Hotlon said, “The key thing Hillary [Clinton] has asked me to do on the campaign trail is to listen to educators, teachers, students, parents and bring back ideas.” A video from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

In Brooklyn, New York, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event included a conversation with actress Scarlett Johansson and Scott M. Stringer, New York City Comptroller.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Fox 6, TMJ4, UpNorthLive.com, KIMT

Hillary Clinton Holds Town Hall for Digital Content Creators


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton attended two fundraisers and held a town hall event for digital content creators in Los Angeles, California. During the event, Clinton spoke about her plans to cultivate innovation and assist young people with their startups. Clinton then took questions from those in attendance and spoke about a number of topics including job creation, foreign policy alliances, and her thoughts on Republican Donald Trump.

Clinton also unveiled her Initiative on Technology & Innovation on Tuesday. While some of the details were discussed at an event earlier in the day in Denver, more details were discussed during the evening’s town hall. The extensive plan includes proposals to assist entrepreneurs, improve the technology used in the United States, update existing infrastructure, expand computer science and STEM education, protect user privacy, and make government more technologically efficient. An outline of Clinton’s proposals are below and the full details are available on The Briefing.

  • Spurring entrepreneurship and innovation clusters like Silicon Valley across the country
  • Allowing young entrepreneurs to defer their federal student loans for up to three years
  • Connecting every household in America to high-speed internet by 2020
  • Providing every student in America access to computer science education by the time they graduate
  • Building the Tech Economy on Main Street
    • Providing Every Student in America an Opportunity to Learn Computer Science
    • Engaging the Private Sector to Train up to 50,000 Computer Science Teachers
    • Encouraging Local STEM Education Investments
    • Opening up the Higher Education and Job Training Landscape
    • Rebooting Job Training around Industry Needs and Job Credentials
    • Supporting Programs to Diversify the Tech Workforce
    • Spur Entrepreneurship and Innovation Clusters like Silicon Valley across the Country
    • Support Young Entrepreneurs
    • Attract and Retain the Top Talent from Around the World
    • Invest in Science and Technology R&D
    • Ensure Benefits are Flexible, Portable and Comprehensive
  • Investing in World-Class Digital Infrastructure
    • Close the Digital Divide
    • Launch a “Model Digital Communities” Grant Program
    • Connect More Community Anchor Institutions to High-Speed Internet
    • Deploy 5G Wireless
  • Advancing America’s Global Leadership In Tech & Innovation
    • Fight for an Open Internet Abroad
    • Promote Multi-Stakeholder Internet Governance
    • Grow American Technology Exports
    • Promote Cyber-Security
    • Safeguard the Free Flow of Information across Border
    • Update Procedures Concerning Cross-Border Requests for Data by Law Enforcement
  • Setting Rules of the Road to Promote Innovation While Protecting Privacy
    • Promote Healthy Competition at the Federal, State and Local Level
    • Defend Net Neutrality
    • Improve the Patent System to Reward Innovators
    • Effective Copyright Policy
    • Commercial Data Protection
    • Protect Online Privacy as well as Security
  • Engineering a Smarter and More Innovative Government
    • Make Government Simpler and More User Friendly
    • Open up More Government Data for Public Uses

A video from the town hall event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing, The Los Angeles Times

Clinton Attends New York Fundraisers and Iowa Events


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton began the day by attended fundraisers in New York City and a fundraiser in White Plains, New York. During the White Plains event, which also featured Congresswoman Nita Lowey, Clinton spoke about her plans to combat climate change, expand clean energy, expand health care, grow the economy, and continue to pressure Iran to ensure it sticks to the nuclear agreement.

Following her fundraisers, Clinton returned to Iowa where we are only three days from the caucus. She hosted two Get Out the Caucus events, one in Newton and second in Keokuk. In Newton, Clinton focused on education. She spoke about expanding early childhood education and making college education more affordable for everyone. She also covered a number of other platform topics including equal pay for women, updating the tax code to ensure the wealthy pay their fair share, and improving the Affordable Care Act. A video from her speech is below.

At the event in Keokuk, Clinton spoke about a number of platform points before opening the floor to questions. In typical town hall fashion, Clinton was asked a number of policy questions, but one man didn’t ask a question. He simply want to tell Clinton that she had convinced him to vote for her. He said, “I was going to vote for Donald Trump. But my daughter brought me here. She was really excited to come here and see you. And after hearing you talk — because all he does is give the exact same speech he gave when he started running for president — you actually have topics, solutions and all that stuff. And now I’m voting for you.” A video from the event in Keokuk will be added when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton will attend an event with Bill Clinton in Davenport, Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Journal News, WHOTV, The Hawk Eye

Hillary Clinton Encourages Caucus Goers in Iowa


On Monday, Hillary Clinton hosted three Get Out the Caucus events and encouraged voters to caucus for her on February 1st. The first event of the day was in Waukee, where Clinton spoke to the Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines about a number of platform topics, including the Iran nuclear deal and her support for Israel, before taking questions from those in attendance. A video from the event is below.

A second Get Out the Caucus event was held in Knoxville. Clinton spoke about her clean energy plans and how it will benefit Iowa. She then spoke about her faith and her attitude toward charity and mercy. Clinton disagreed with those who use religion to criticize those they disagree with, saying that it goes against everything Christianity stands for. Because the bible teaches forgiveness and acceptance, she said, “My study of the Bible, my many conversations with people of faith, has led me to believe that the most important commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself.” A of her speech is below.

The final campaign event of the day was in Oskaloosa, where Clinton gave a speech, and, again, answered questions from the audience. She covered a number of her platform points and asked for voters’ support on February 1st. Videos from the event are below.

Today, Clinton is hosting three events across Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News, The Des Moines Register, The New York Times

Clinton Returns to Campaign Trail in New Hampshire


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail following some time off for the Christmas holiday. She hosted a town hall event at the Unitarian South Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire with over 900 in attendance. Clinton spoke about a number of topics from her platform, but she focused on the economy and her proposal to effectively treat and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. She then answered a number of questions from those in attendance, including a question from a young boy who wondered why his mom doesn’t make as much money has his dad. A full video from the event is below or you can watch on C-SPAN.

Later in the day, Clinton headed across the snowy state to Berlin where she held a second town hall at Berlin High School. She covered similar topics during the event and answered a number of questions from the crowd. She was asked about ISIS and their persecution religious minorities in the region, including Christians. Clinton stated that she believed that ISIS’s attacks on the Yazidi minority and other minority groups should be defined as genocide. She said, “America must wage and win an immediate battle against ISIS, al Qaeda, and other terrorist networks, as well as a generational struggle against radical jihadism.”

New Hampshire is important to Clinton because she currently trails Democratic rival Bernie Sanders in the New Hampshire primary polls. As part of a final campaign push leading up to the first primaries, Clinton hosted the town halls today and Bill Clinton will make several stops in the state next week. The New Hampshire primary will be held on February 9, 2016.

Clinton is now off until after the new year. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS New York, The Washington Post, WHDH, Politico

Clinton Campaigns in Iowa


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton hosted two town hall events in Iowa, the first in Waterloo and the second in Urbandale. At both events, she struck a similar tone by criticizing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for suggesting that he would ban Muslims from entering the United States. Clinton blasted Trump for playing into the hands of ISIS and other extremist groups. She went on to speak about her recently announced plan to reform corporate tax policies. Clinton then took questions from the crowds, and she was asked about a variety of topics including voter apathy and immigration reform. A video from the Urbandale town hall is below, and a video from Waterloo will be added when/if available.

Today, Clinton attended two private fundraisers in New York City. Tomorrow, Clinton will attend a grassroots organizing event in Tulsa, Oklahoma followed by a fundraiser in St. Louis, Missouri. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, Politico

Clinton Hosts Iowa Events

635797457191255817-DEM-2016-Clinton-Pres-12-On Tuesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton hosted two events in the key swing state of Iowa. She began the day at a community forum in Davenport. During the event, Clinton spoke about heath care saying that more needed to be done to give Iowans and Americans more affordable choices. She also spoke about gun control and called for background checks, reducing higher education costs, and fighting poverty. She also criticized Jeb Bush for his “stuff happens” comment in regards to the mass shooting in Oregon. Bush was campaigning nearby Bettendorf. After speaking briefly, Clinton took questions from the crowd. Videos from the event in Davenport are below.

Following the event, Clinton took the the streets in Davenport where she met with voters and went shopping in a local market. Later in the day, Clinton attended an organizing event at the Strawberry Farm Bed and Breakfast in Muscatine. Clinton, again, spoke about her plans as president, but she took a moment to talk about her Republican rivals and their difficulty naming any of her accomplishments as Secretary of State in the recent Republican debate. So, she sent them each a copy of her book! She said, “You know, I hear the Republicans talking from time to time in their debates and elsewhere and they say things like, ‘Oh, I don’t know what she accomplished as Secretary of State. She didn’t accomplish anything.’ I listened to that for a while. And then I thought maybe they just don’t know, so I have now sent each of them a copy of my book, Hard Choices, about what we did during those four years.” She joked that there are enough candidates running on the Republican ticket that they could start a book club. She then went on to discuss a number of her accomplishments at the State Department.

Tomorrow, Clinton remains in Iowa where she is scheduled to participate in events in Mt. Vernon and Councils Bluff. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

UPDATE: Added video from Muscatine event.

News Source: The New York Times, Time

Clinton Host Second Facebook Q&A

Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 6.47.06 PMThis afternoon, Hillary Rodham Clinton hosted her second Facebook Q&A event. During the session, Clinton received over 1,500 questions. She answered a number of them including questions about her thoughts on recent comments by Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio’s family leave plan, and prescription drugs. She answered a number of other questions about her platform, and she also answered more personal questions including one about her granddaughter’s recent birthday and her thoughts on pumpkin spice lattes. You can read the full Q&A on Hillary for America’s Facebook page by CLICKING HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Time

Clinton in New Hampshire – Day 2

5cec1fbf-9da6-446c-938f-5252bc883cf1-APTOPIXDEM2016Clin_LoiaOn Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended two events in New Hampshire. The first event was a town hall at the University of New Hampshire in Durham where she focused on college affordability. Clinton’s college affordability plan would allow students to attend a state school without accumulating debt. During the event, Clinton received the endorsement of New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan. A video from the town hall will be posted when available, until then, a local news report is below.

Clinton then attended a Democratic Party dinner event this evening in Plymouth. During her remarks, Clinton took shots at Republican presidential candidates. She also referred to attacks on her time as Secretary of State that were leveled by Republicans during their debate on Wednesday. Clinton said, “I’m going to send them all a copy of my book. I’m going to tell them to either read the chapters about how I put together the coalition who imposed sanctions on Iran, or maybe how I negotiated a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas or, you know, maybe how I got a blind dissident out of China when China didn’t want to let him go — just to give them some information.” A video from tonight’s event will be posted when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton wraps up her trip to New Hampshire in Manchester before going to Washington, D.C. to attend the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Dinner. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News, WMUR, Business Insider