How to Watch: Clinton and Trump’s First Debate


Tonight, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump will face off for the first in a series of three presidential debates. The debate will begin at 9 p.m. ET and last for 90 minutes. NBC’s Lester Holt will moderate tonight’s debate and the announced topics of the debate will be America’s Direction, Achieving Prosperity, and Securing America. You can watch the debate on all four major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, PBS), all the news networks (CNN, CNBC, CSPAN, Fox News, and MSNBC), and the debate will be live streamed on Facebook and Twitter.

There are a number of live streams to choose from as well. NBC, PBS, and The Washington Post’s streams are embedded below:

Hillary for America has some requests for Clinton supporters as they follow along with the debate on various social media channels. Read the outlined hashtags and follow the Twitter accounts below to follow along with the campaign during tonight’s debate.


Text “FACT” to 47246 every time you think Trump is lying

  1. Official debate hashtag: #Debates2016, #Debates (plural)

When Trump says something that makes you cringe: #LoveTrumpsHate

When Hillary say something that makes you proud: #ImWithHer

  1. Tuesday is National Voter Registration Day!
  1. Follow along with our official campaign accounts to get a sense of what to tweet about while you watch.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: USA Today

First Lady Michelle Obama Campaigns for Hillary in Virginia


On Friday, First Lady Michelle Obama hit the campaign trail in support of Hillary Clinton. Speaking at a campaign event in Fairfax, Virginia, the First Lady spoke about Hillary Clinton’s experience as a public servant saying that, “No one in our lifetime has ever had as much experience and exposure to the presidency.” Obama also went after Donald Trump saying that the United States cannot afford his policies or his divisive attitude. She said that this election is extremely important adding, “So, we can not afford squander this opportunity, particularly given the alternative. Because here is what we know: That being president isn’t anything like reality TV. It is not about sending insulting tweets or making fiery speeches.” A video of Obama’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Time, ABC News

Clinton Shows Foreign Policy Strength at Forum


During NBC’s Commander-in-Chief forum on Wednesday night, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump faced off for the first time. While they were interviewed separately, that did not stop them from attacking each others proposals during their conversation with moderator Matt Lauer. Clinton was interviewed first by Lauer, and she spoke about her qualifications saying that she believes that a strong commander-in-chief is “an absolute rock steadiness and mixed with strength to be able to make the hard decisions. I’ve had the unique experience of watching and working with several presidents, and these are not easy decisions.”

Clinton was asked about a wide variety of topics including her support of the Iraq war, the decision to intervene in Libya, the Iran nuclear agreement, her proposal to end the Veterans Affairs backlog, and her plan to defeat ISIS. She demonstrated her strength as a policy wonk by being able to clearly outline her policy proposals. However, Clinton was defensive as she fielded questions from the audience about her judgement and faced questions from Lauer about her emails and her handling of classified materials. Audience members asked some tough questions and some of Clinton’s answers were indirect.

Overall, the forum was a preview of what is come later this month and  Clinton and Trump face off in their first debate on September 26. While the forum has received mixed reviews, Clinton clearly demonstrated her knowledge of the issues, but she needs to work on convincing the American public that she is trustworthy. During Trump’s portion of the forum, he made a number of claims that prompted several responses from Clinton’s campaign. Each of Hillary for America’s releases can be read HERE, and a replay of the forum is below.

Update (9/9/2016): Hillary for America has released the following video featuring some of Trump’s comments from the forum.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, NBC News, CBS News

Bill, Chelsea, Albright, McCaskill, and McAuliffe Campaign for Hillary


Today, Hillary for America pulled off a multi-state campaign with a cast of supporters. In New Hampshire, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe traveled across the sate to meet with volunteers and supporters. While anyone was welcome at the events, he did not host any public rallies or events.

In Iowa, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Senator Claire McCaskill met with volunteers and encouraged voters to caucus for Hillary. At the same time, Chelsea Clinton attended two organizing events in Davenport and Iowa City. During the events, Chelsea highlighted her mom’s qualifications and plans, and how they differ from her Republican rivals. Attacking Republicans she said, “I don’t remember this kind of the racist, homophobic, jingoistic, sexist, misogynistic rhetoric that seems to have become normalized, and ever be given as much attention and being treated as if somehow serious.”

Bill Clinton was in Iowa as well. His events were in Council Bluffs and Fort Dodge. On his second day in the state, Bill continued with the theme from the day before touting his wife’s resume and the key differences between electing a Democratic president versus a Republican president. Bill also spoke about Hillary’s experience with reaching out and compromising with Republicans, something she did as First Lady and as a Senator. He wrapped up his speech in Council Bluffs saying, “I believe in all my heart that we can be a better country.”


The final event of the day was in Des Moines where both Bill and Chelsea spoke to the crowd. They spoke about similar topics and urged attendees to caucus for Hillary on February 1. A video from the joint appearance is available on C-SPAN. Videos from today’s events in Iowa and New Hampshire will be posted when/if available.

Hillary for America will likely continue to have a number of supporters appearing on Hillary’s behalf as we get closer to the primaries. Hillary is currently preparing for tomorrow night’s Democratic Debate in Charleston, South Carolina. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Roanoke Times, WOWT, Iowa City Press-Citizen, KWWL, Waterloo Cedar Fall Courier

Bill Clinton on the Campaign Trail

This week, Bill Clinton began hosting private and public events on behalf of his wife and Hillary for America. On Thursday, Clinton visited Cedar Rapids and Dubuque, Iowa where he took the opportunity to meet with several voters and hold two organizing events. His speeches were similar in that he spoke about the importance of electing a Democrat as president in 2016, and the best candidate for the job is Hillary Clinton. He spoke of her qualifications, and said that she is the best qualified person for the job. He said, “I do not believe in my lifetime, we have had a president that was more prepared, not only by experience but by temperament, to step in to this incredible mix of promise and peril. Ever. I don’t think it’s close.” A video from one of his speeches is below.

Former president Clinton also attended several private fundraisers over the last several days. Beginning on Wednesday, January 6, Clinton attended a New York City fundraiser hosted by the NY Film and TV for Hillary. On Friday, Clinton was scheduled to attend a fundraiser at the Paradise Valley, Arizona home of Dr. Nadeem and Hajra Kazi. He then flew to Seattle, Washington to attend a fundraiser at the Century Ballroom. Today, he was scheduled to appear at a fundraiser hosted by James Griffin in Los Ranchos, New Mexico before flying to Ohio to attend a fundraiser at the DiGeronimo Residence in Independence. As with all private fundraisers, they were closed to the press.

Next week, the former president gets a break, but Chelsea Clinton will hit the campaign trail in support of her mother. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News, The Des Moines Register

Bill Clinton Hits Campaign Trail for Hillary


On Monday, former president Bill Clinton returned to the campaign trail for his wife at two organizing events held in New Hampshire. The first event was held in Nashua where he applauded his wife’s plan to restore the prosperity of the American people. He praised Hillary Clinton’s credentials saying, “I do not believe in my lifetime, anybody has run for this job at a moment of greater importance who was better qualified by knowledge, experience and temperament to do what needs to be done now.” A full video from the event is below.

The former president then traveled to Exeter where he delivered a speech that was similar to the one earlier in the day, with a focus on “broad base prosperity.” In addition, he spoke about a variety of topics including gun control, Supreme Court appointments, and her credentials. He focused on the accomplishments of her career, but focused primarily on her time as First Lady, a Senator from New York, and Secretary of State.  A full video of Clinton’s speech in Exeter is available on C-SPAN.

On Wednesday, former president Clinton will attend a fundraiser is New York City before heading to Iowa on Thursday. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: USA Today, 4 New York