Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Washington and Wins Arizona on Tuesday

Hillary Clinton greets supporters at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday. Thousands rallied for Hillary Clinton at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday, March 22, 2016. (Dean Rutz / The Seattle Times)
Hillary Clinton greets supporters at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday. Thousands rallied for Hillary Clinton at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday, March 22, 2016. (Dean Rutz / The Seattle Times)

Hillary Clinton was one for three in Tuesday’s Democratic primaries in Arizona, Idaho, and Utah, but she earned nearly the same number of delegates as Bernie Sanders allowing her to inch closer to the 2,383 delegates required to secure the nomination. Clinton soundly won Arizona (57.6% to Bernie Sanders’ 39.9%), but she finished second in Idaho (78.0% to 21.2%) and Utah (79.3% to 20.3%). The next round of primaries will be held this Saturday in Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington.




Arizona Closed Primary Hillary Clinton
Idaho Open Caucus Bernie Sanders
Utah Semi-open Caucus Bernie Sanders

Meanwhile, leading up to this weekend’s caucus in Washington, Hillary Clinton campaigned in the state. She began the day in Everett where she met with union worker at Boeing and addressed a crowd of supporters. Then, she met with local tribal leaders this afternoon in Puyallup. In Medina this evening, Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the home of Jeff and Susan Brotman. A video from her rally in Everett is below.

On Tuesday evening, Clinton held a rally with supporters in Seattle where she began by thanking the voters in Arizona for their support. Then, Clinton turned her attention to her Republican rivals and their campaign of fear. She criticized plans suggested by both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz to ban Muslims from entering the country and increasing surveillance on Muslims living in the country. She said, “It will not keep us safe. This is a time for America to lead, not cower.” She vowed to “take the fight” to ISIS but work with Muslims who want to defeat extremists. A video of her speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, The Seattle TimesQ13 Fox