Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in North Carolina


Bill Clinton returned to North Carolina Sunday for two campaign events. Before his scheduled rallies, Bill attended church services at Mount Zion Baptist Church and Providence Baptist Church, both in Greensboro. At each, Bill referenced Biblical prophet Isaiah saying, “We’re all going home, and all we can control is what we do between this homecoming and that homegoing. Today, or sometime between now and Nov. 8, stand up like Isaiah and say, ‘We will be repairers of the breach.’” He encouraged those attending the services to vote and make sure they have a voice in this election. “Our voice is our vote. And our vote is our voice,” he said.

In Greensboro, Bill also attended a rally at LeBauer Park where he framed the 2016 election as one of the most important elections held in decades. Once in a great while, you have an election that defines a generation. When we started, it seemed to me that America’s challenges were pretty straightforward … but because of the actions, deeds, records and proposals of the other side, it is even more fundamental,” he said. Bill then spoke about Hillary Clinton’s optimistic blueprint for America and her plans to create new jobs, increase the minimum wage, and make college more affordable. Bill also went after Donald Trump for inciting anger and negativity saying, “You’ve got one candidate that says, ‘We’re stronger together.’ The other says, ‘No we’re not.’ One says, ‘I understand your anger, but answers are what you need.’ The other says, ‘No, we don’t, we like our anger.’” A video of Clinton address at Providence Baptist Church is below.

Bill then traveled to Charlotte where he spoke at the Hickory Grove Recreational Center about the importance of voting in the election. He criticized the Trump campaign and others for a campaign based on lies saying, “The other side wants a fact-free, name-calling election. I was naive. I thought we’d have a fact-based election.” Bill outlined a number of Hillary’s key platform proposals including her plans to create jobs and invest in the economy. He concluded by asking everyone to vote on November 8th or to take advantage of early voting. A video from the event in Charlotte is below.

Meanwhile, two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was in Chicago, Illinois and featured a conversation with singer/songwriter Cher. The second event was in New York City and featured a night of karaoke with Dennis Cheng and Mike Taylor.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Greensboro News & Record, Greensboro News & Record, The Charlotte Observer

HFA Fundraisers Held on Sunday, Kutcher in Iowa


On Sunday, two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was a LGBT and Allies reception in Charlotte, North Carolina. The event featured a conversation with Mayor Michael Nutter and music by DJ Samantha Ronson. Then, in Providence, Rhode Island, a fundraiser was hosted by Michelle Kwan and Clay Pell. The event featured a conversation with actor Tony Goldwyn.


Hillary Clinton has also received several celebrity endorsements. Actor Ashton Kutcher visited a local Hillary for America campaign office in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A native Iowan, Kutcher criticized Donald Trump for doing anything to get elected. “In an effort to get himself elected, he’s willing to say whatever he has to and make you promises that ultimately I don’t think he can keep, but what most common sense people think is right,” he said. Kutcher continued, “I think Hillary stands for all of the things we stand for.” Meanwhile, in an interview with Katie Couric, DJ Khaled said he was supporting Clinton.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Gazette, Thump

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Pennsylvania


On Friday, Hillary Clinton spent the day in Pennsylvania leading up to next week’s primary. She attended events and visited with voters across the state. She began in Philadelphia where she spoke with Lilly Ledbetter, then in Jenkinstown, she spoke with a number of voters at a local cafe. During the conversation, she presented a number of her plans to continue economic growth, introduce new jobs, improve health care, and lower the cost of higher education. She then went to the Pittsburgh area where she had dinner at Primanti Brothers restaurant in Market Square where she spoke with supporters about labor unions, the minimum wage, and the struggles of the middle class.

In the evening, Clinton held an organizing event at Dunmore High School in Scranton. She had a populist tone as she referenced a number of local examples and bringing additional jobs to the area. She spoke about a number of her platform points and was largely positive in her outlook, “I believe we can still make it in America. We will knock down the barriers, and we will raise the minimum wage.” Clinton also spoke about her plans to expand mental health care and combat the heroin epidemic in the Northeast. She said, “Two things I hear most about are mental health and addiction. When I shake the hand of a mother, father, brother or sister of a mental health patient, they look at me and tell me they need help.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Clinton was not alone on the campaign trail Friday. Secretary of Labor Tom Perez was in Reading, Pennsylvania where he spoke with a group of Hillary supporters. In Providence, Rhode Island, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards spoke with a group of supporters.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WPXI, Times Leader, CBS Pittsburgh, CBS Philly, Montgomery Media,

Hillary Clinton Holds Rally in Staten Island

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton addresses a rally in The Great Hall at Snug Harbor in Staten Island, New York on April 17,2016. / AFP / KENA BETANCUR        (Photo credit should read KENA BETANCUR/AFP/Getty Images)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton addresses a rally in The Great Hall at Snug Harbor in Staten Island, New York on April 17,2016. / AFP / KENA BETANCUR (Photo credit should read KENA BETANCUR/AFP/Getty Images)

On Sunday, Hillary Clinton held a rally in Staten Island, New York where she spoke to a crowd of about 1,000 supporters. During her speech at Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Clinton touted her record and her years of service as a New York senator. She then outlined a number of points of her platform. Clinton spoke at length about her record of bipartisanship and criticized politicians who are “partisan for the sake of being partisan.” She said that bipartisanship is what the American people expect and deserve to ensure things get done. A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Three fundraisers were also held today in support of Hillary for America. The first was held in Providence, Rhode Island was focused on LGBT issues. Attending the fundraiser was Former Congressman Barney Frank and Congressman David Cicilline. Meanwhile, Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan attended two fundraisers for American citizens living in London.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Newsday, Observer

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in New York


While Hillary Clinton campaigned in Purchase, New York, Bill Clinton hosted a number of organizing events with labor unions in the New York City area. At each of the events, he struck a populist tone and criticized big companies that refuse to raise wages for their workers saying that “80 to 90% of the profits are going to shareholders and top management” instead of those doing the work. He said that Hillary will continue to fight for everyone and ensure that unions do not lose their right to collectively bargain. Criticizing Bernie Sanders, Bill also suggested that Sander’s heath care program will not work saying, “It’s interesting that the governor [Peter Shumlin] of Vermont — Vermont, the only governor in America that ever had the courage to try to have a single-payer system — he found, just like the experts that it was going to cost twice what he thought it was, and would take half the state’s budget. He gave it up. And guess who he is supporting for president? Hillary.” A video from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Three fundraisers were held by Hillary for America. The first was held in Providence, Rhode Island. The event was hosted by Rhode Island for Hillary and featured Congressman Joaquin Castro. The second event was hosted by Doctors Steven Beller and Esther Brimmer in Washington, DC. The event featured a conversation with Wendy Sherman, Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and Kurt Campbell, Former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. The final fundraiser of the day was held in New York City and included Marc Elias, Hillary for America General Counsel and Robbie Kaplan, Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Business Insider, Politico New York

Clintons Return to the Campaign Trail


Following last night’s Democratic debate, Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton all returned to the campaign trail. Chelsea was in Providence, Rhode Island where she attended a fundraiser. Bill attended two fundraisers today. The first was in Cincinnati, Ohio and was hosted by Allan Berliant and Jennie Rosenthal Berliant, Eisha and Tim Armstrong, Mayor John Cranley, Richard Lawrence, Francie Pepper, Richard Rosenthal and Kitty Strauss. The second fundraiser was held at the home of Elizabeth Welch in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Also hosting a fundraiser today in Newark, New Jersey was Senator Cory Booker.

Meanwhile, Hillary began her day by attending a post-debate breakfast fundraiser in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with Senator Tammy Baldwin. She then traveled to South Carolina where she hosted a town hall event in Denmark. During her remarks, Hillary again painted Bernie Sanders’ platform as too narrow and explained how her experience allowed her to build a broader platform. Clinton also laid out a new proposal called the “Breaking Every Barrier Agenda” which would provide underserved communities with $125 billion for economic development. She explained that the program would largely be paid for by a tax on large financial institutions. She said, “Those that contributed to the Great Recession are going to contribute to bringing back the communities that were the hardest hit by the Great Recession.”

Hillary and Sanders shared the stage (separately) as they both spoke at the Minnesota DFL Humphrey-Mondale Dinner in St. Paul. During Clinton’s speech, she covered a number of her platform points and poked holes in Sanders’ platform, although, she never mentioned him by name. She said, “Once in a while, a day comes along when we make something big and extraordinary happen all at once. But in my experience, that’s not how we make change most of the time. To make change happen over and over again, you’ve got to keep working at it! You’ve got to keep fighting for it day after day after day. And if you get knocked down, you get right back up!” A video from the event is below.

Tomorrow, Hillary will be in Colorado for a Democratic Party event. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, Twin Cities Pioneer Press, Humphrey-Mondale Dinner

Clinton Attends Two More Private Fundraisers

8033353_GToday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended two private fundraisers in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The first took place in Newton, Massachusetts at the home of Margot and Jonathan Davis. The second fundraiser was held at the home of Mark Weiner in East Greenwich, Rhode Island with former Providence Mayor Joseph Paolino in attendance.

Clinton’s next scheduled event is the campaign kick-off rally being held on Roosevelt Island in New York. It is scheduled for Saturday, June 13. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and her all new Instagram page.

New Source: NECN

Image Source: NBC 10