Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Los Angeles Area


On Friday, Hillary Clinton held four campaign events in the Los Angeles, California area. Her first event was in Culver City and featured appearances by Elizabeth Banks, Sophia Bush, Michelle Kwan, Debra Messing, Mary Steenburgen, and Sally Field. Each actress took a few minutes to speak about why they supported Clinton. When Clinton took the stage, she stressed the importance of the 2016 election and defeating Republican nominee Donald Trump. Clinton concluded by asking for voters’ support in Tuesday’s primary saying, “Starting next Tuesday, we’re on our way to breaking the highest and hardest glass ceiling.” A video from the event is below.

She then traveled to Westminster where she spoke with supporters at a Get Out the Vote rally. During her speech, she spoke about a number of platform points including expanding health care, passing immigration reform, and lowering the cost of higher education. She continued to go after Trump saying that he has “set a very bad example” for not condemning violence at a number of his rallies. Clinton said that she does not want her supporters to provoke violence, but to be respectful of others. She said, “I don’t think any of this helps anybody.” Clinton went on to criticize a number of Trump’s proposals and comments before asking for voters’ support on June 7.

Clinton met with community leaders in Santa Ana. She gave a brief speech to the supporters present before sitting down with a group of city leaders and business owners to discuss local and national issues. The listening event has been a staple of Clinton’s 2016 campaign, and she has held at least one a day during this trip to California. Topics covered during the event included health care, immigration reform, and a number of other platform topics. A video of Clinton’s speech from the event is below.

The final event of the day was a Get Out the Vote rally in San Bernardino, a city still recovering the December 2015 terror inspired mass shooting. Clinton’s speech focused on national security and her vow to do everything she can to keep America and Americans safe from foreign and domestic threats. She said, “I want you to know from the bottom of my heart I will do whatever I can to protect America and Americans and do whatever I can to support our brave law enforcement, who were there protecting people right in this city.” Clinton discussed a number of other platform points during her 30-minute speech before asking for voters’ support in the state’s primary on Tuesday. A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Orange County Register, The Desert Sun, The Wall Street Journal, CBS Los Angeles, US News & World Report

Clinton Unveils Wall Street Plan

MANCHESTER, NH - SEPTEMBER 19: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton raises her arms stands on stage during the New Hampshire Democratic Party Convention at the Verizon Wireless Center on September 19, 2015 in Manchester, New Hampshire. Challenger for the democratic vote Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has been gaining ground on Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)
MANCHESTER, NH – SEPTEMBER 19: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton raises her arms stands on stage during the New Hampshire Democratic Party Convention at the Verizon Wireless Center on September 19, 2015 in Manchester, New Hampshire. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)

On Thursday, Hillary Rodham Clinton unveiled her plan to regulate Wall Street and protect Americans. In an op-ed on Bloomberg she explained her plan and her reasoning for a number of its points. She then released details of the plan on The Briefing. The plan is very detailed and it would be impossible to insert the entire plan into this post. We have summarized the main points below:

  • Defend and preserve Dodd-Frank
    • Veto any legislation that attempts to weaken the law
    • Fight Republican attempts to repeal it
  • Reduce dangerous risks in the financial system
    • Impose a “risk fee” on the liabilities with of banks with more than $50 billion in assets
    • Reorganize, downsize, or break apart firms that are too large and too risky
    • Increase oversight of the “shadow banking” system to reduce risk
    • Introduce high-frequency trading tax for the stock markets
    • Impose compensation rules on senior management of banking institutions that suffer losses that threaten its financial health
    • Strengthen the Vlocker Rule (which prohibits banks from making risky or speculative trading bets with taxpayer-backed money)
    • Increase transparency in the banking system
    • Introduce international cooperation to curb excessive risk-taking
    • Increase the financial system’s security against cyber attacks
  • Hold individuals and corporations responsible when they break the law or put the system at risk
    • Ensure individual accountability when prosecuting wrongdoing
    • Ensure that fines affect the bonuses of executives, supervisors, and employees with misconduct takes place on their watch
    • Prohibit individuals in financial services from working in the industry after being convicted of egregious crimes
    • Extend the statute of limitations for financial fraud
    • Strongly prosecute insider traders
    • Create guidelines for that ensure transparency and accountability
    • Require that corporations admit to wrongdoing as a condition of settlement agreements
    • Increase transparency of corporate settlements
    • Restrict SEC waivers for repeat offenders
    • Give prosecutors the resources to punish law-breakers
    • Strengthen the SEC and CFTC
    • Increase maximum penalties for SEC and CFTC actions
    • Reward whistleblowers for bringing illegal activities to attention of authorities
  • Ensure that the financial systems serves investors and consumers, not just itself
    • Make sure that Wall Street helps Main Street grow and prosper
    • Protect all Americans from unfair and deceptive practices that put their earned income at risk

Clinton’s plan protects hard working Americans while ensuring that those who threaten the economy and financial system as a whole are held accountable. You can read the plan in full on The Briefing and read her op-ed on Bloomberg. She summed up her plan saying, “The bottom line is that we can never allow what happened in 2008 to happen again. Just as important, we have to encourage Wall Street to live up to its proper role in our economy — helping Main Street grow and prosper. With strong rules of the road and smart incentives, the financial industry can help more young families buy that first home, make it possible for entrepreneurs to create new small businesses and support hardworking Americans saving for retirement. My plan will help us unlock that potential. We’ll create good-paying jobs, raise incomes and help families afford a middle-class life, with less speculation and more growth — growth that’s strong, fair and long-term. That’s what I’m fighting for in my campaign, and that’s what I’ll do as president.”

Tonight, Clinton will present an award during the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala, and she will attend a private fundraiser in Washington, DC. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Bloomberg, The Briefing, The New York Times, Business Insider

Clinton Comes Out Against Drilling in Arctic

On Tuesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton tweeted her support for protecting the Arctic from oil drilling. Several Republicans were quick to criticize Clinton’s position, but her stance against drilling in the Arctic goes against several members of her own party, including President Barack Obama. Clinton’s tweet was praised by a number of environmental groups including Greenpeace.

News Source: Politico