Kaine Encourages Voters in Florida


Tim Kaine returned to Florida on Saturday where he spoke about the importance of the election and Florida’s role on Tuesday. He urged everyone to vote because he wants Hillary Clinton to win Florida. Speaking on the campus of Florida SouthWestern State College in Fort Myers, Kaine outlined a number of Clinton’s key platform plans including raising the minimum wage, creating new jobs by investing in infrastructure and American manufacturing, and making college more affordable. Kaine concluded by asking everyone to vote adding, “This is my ninth race. I’m 8 and 0, and I’m not planning on losing Tuesday. Here’s what I tell myself in every race I every run: I’m the underdog until they call me the winner.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Kaine then spoke at a get out the vote event in Sarasota where he focused on the importance of early voting and defeating Donald Trump. He spoke about the dangers of the vision painted by Trump and offered Clinton’s platform as an optimistic alternative. Kaine said that Clinton has worked her entire life for families and children, and she will not stop once elected. He concluded the event by urging everyone to vote on Tuesday or to take advantage of early voting. “I’m going to just get to the punchline: If you win it in Florida, it’s won,” he said. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: NBC 2, Florida Politics, Bradenton Herald

Senator Sanders Campaigns for Hillary in Iowa, Colorado


Senator Bernie Sanders remained in Iowa this morning for a Get out the Vote rally in Ames. During his speech, Sanders spoke about the importance of electing Hillary Clinton saying, “Hillary Clinton has a very different perspective [and] she understands what Donald Trump does not understand.” He outlined a number of Clinton’s platform points including her plans to combat climate change, reform campaign finance, create jobs, raise the minimum wage, and make college more affordable. Sanders concluded by asking everyone to vote saying that the election is too important to sit out. “You don’t like Hillary Clinton? You Don’t like Donald Trump? Fine. You like yourself? Get beyond personality; that means taking a hard look at what the candidates stand for,” Sanders said. A video from the event is below.

Sanders then spoke at a Get out the Vote event in Colorado Springs. Sanders spoke about a number of the progressive points from Clinton’s platform including her proposals to raise the minimum wage, combat climate change, fix the Affordable Care Act, and make college at public institutions tuition free for students making less than $125,000 per year. He urged everyone to get out and vote on Tuesday and to encourage others to vote as well. “If you take two or three of your friends to the polls, you double or triple your impact,” he said. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Iowa State Daily, The Denver Post, 9 News

Hillary Clinton on Space and STEM


While a lot has been published about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s platform plans for foreign and domestic policies, most outlets have ignored thier stance on science, STEM, and space exploration. Clinton has outlined proposals to combat climate change and increase research for certain diseases, but a number of prominent science and space publications have asked the candidates for their thoughts on science and space exploration. If you consider STEM education, science, and space exploration to be important factors in your decision for whom to vote, which you should, check out the publications below for a better understanding of the positions of Clinton and Trump.

  • The Planetary Society – The Planetary Society is a non-profit group that specializes in space policy. They help fund missions and inform members of Congress on issues related to space. The group has assembled the key positions on space offered by Clinton and Trump.
  • Planetary Radio – Part of The Planetary Society, Planetary Radio’s most recent episode of its Space Policy Edition outlines the stances of Clinton and Trump. Listen to the episode on iTunes or click HERE to download the MP3.
  • Science News – As the official magazine for the Society for Science & the Public, the editorial board released a breakdown of where the candidates stand on specific science policies including space exploration, genetic research, climate change, health, vaccines, gun violence, and STEM education. The articles uses quotes and policy proposals from each candidate and the full break down can be read HERE.
  • Scientific American – As one of the most popular science magazines in the country, Scientific American is a great resource for the latest in the realm of scientific research. Readers of the magazines voted on the 20 top questions they wanted to ask each presidential candidate, and all four candidates responded. A number of topics are covered including innovation, research, climate change, the internet and technology, education, nuclear power, and access to clean water. Read the full answers from each candidate HERE.
  • Ars Technica – As a site about science and technology, Ars Technica writer John Timmer offered his point-of-view on the proposals of Clinton and Trump. Read his full article HERE.
  • ReCode – The tech site run by tech journalists Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, ReCode is an advocate for STEM education. In an article published on November 5, Luther Lowe outlined Clinton’s dedication to STEM and education from her time as First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, Senator from New York, and Secretary of State. Read Lowe’s full article HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Recode, Planetary Radio, The Planetary Society, Science News, Ars Technica, Hillary for America, Scientific American

Senator Sanders Campaigns for Hillary in Michigan, Wisconsin


Senator Bernie Sanders attended two campaign events in Michigan on Wednesday. At events in Kalamazoo and Traverse City, Sanders spoke about the importance of electing Hillary Clinton president to continue the progress the country has made the last several years. While he admitted there is still work to be done, Sanders said that Clinton’s plans are better for the country than those of Donald Trump. Sanders maintained the populist tone that he is famous for saying that it is important to grow the middle class. “It is absolutely imperative that we elect Hillary Clinton, but it is equally imperative that millions of us work together to transform this country. To do that we will have to work hard because the people who have the power are the billionaire class, drug companies, fossil fuel companies and Wall Street. No one will be able to take them on if millions of people don’t tell them government belongs to all of us, not just a few,” he said. A video of Sanders’ speech in Kalamazoo is below.

Sanders then traveled to Wisconsin where he spoke to a crowd of supporters in Milwaukee about a number of the plans Clinton has proposed. He spoke about her plans to raise the minimum wage, ensure equal pay for women, and to make college more affordable. Sanders spent some time talking about college affordability since the plan proposed by Clinton is a product of Clinton and Sanders working together. Sanders concluded the event by urging everyone to vote on November 8th. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Michigan Live, 9 & 10 News, Fox 6, WISN

Hillary’s Plan: Immigration


Clinton Will Fight for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Trump Will Deport 16 Million People

In her first 100 days, Hillary Clinton will put forward a comprehensive immigration reform proposal that includes a pathway to full and equal citizenship. While Clinton will fight to strengthen families, our economy and our country through immigration reform, Donald Trump’s immigration plan remains the same as it’s always been: build a wall, tear apart families and send a “deportation force” into American communities to forcibly remove 16 million people from the United States.


*This will not happen.

Hillary will work to fix our broken immigration system and stay true to our fundamental American values. She has long been a supporter of comprehensive immigration reform. As Senator, Hillary cosponsored Senator Ted Kennedy’s 2004 bill and voted for comprehensive immigration reform bills in 2006 and 2007.

As president, Hillary will:

Donald Trump’s entire campaign has demonized immigrants. Since calling Mexicans “rapists” and “criminals” and, since then, his rhetoric and dangerous immigration policies have only escalated. Trump’s immigration plan would tear apart families and contribute to the loss of  nearly 3.5 million jobs in his first term.

As president, Trump has planned to:

Trump’s plan would cripple the American economy:

  • $4.7 trillion: Amount a policy of mass deportation would reduce cumulative GDP over 10 years.
  • $66 billion: Potential loss to U.S. economy under Trump’s “muslim ban” each year.

Nearly 3.5 million jobs: According to Moody’s, Trump’s immigration policies would contribute to the loss of nearly 3.5 million jobs in his first term.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Pennsylvania


Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania on Tuesday. During his speech, Bill spoke about how Hillary plans to build an economy that works for everyone and not just those at the top. He spoke her plans to raise the minimum wage, invest in the country’s infrastructure, invest in clean energy, reduce student loan interest rates, and ensure that future students can graduate from college debt free. Bill spoke about the importance of the election and how Hillary’s plans have a stark contrast than those offered by Republican Donald Trump. He wrapped up his speech by encouraging everyone to get out and vote on November 8th. A video of Bill’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Burlington County Times

Bill Clinton and Senators Sanders and Warren Campaign for Hillary


Today, Bill Clinton kicked off his bus tour in Ohio. His first event was a rally in Athens where he spoke to a crowd of supporters about how Hillary Clinton has offered answers during the campaign while her rival, Donald Trump, has only offered anger. “This is a time of resentment for everybody. We are making a terrible mistake spending our time biting each others’ heads off … We ought to be for Hillary Clinton and yourself.” Bill went on to speak about a number of Hillary’s platform points including her focus on the middle class and creating new jobs. A video from the event is below.

Bill then spoke at a rally in Steubenville. During the event, Bill spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points and the importance of the 2016 election. Speaking at the Harding Middle School gymnasium, Bill addressed some protesters outside of the venue that were holding signs about coal country. He said, “I saw those signs outside. I just want to say, [Ms. Clinton] was the first and is now the only candidate to say we’ve got to do something about coal country. We’ve got to do something about these rural pockets and these inner cities that have been totally left out of this economic recovery. We’ve got to invest in these areas. You can’t leave anybody behind here. And that’s what this election is about. If we do this we’re going to rise together.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

In Minnesota, Senator Bernie Sanders campaigned for Hillary in Minneapolis. During the event, Sanders spoke about the importance of the 2016 election and ensuring that Trump is defeated saying, “Our job is to elect Hillary Clinton as president but to also understand that our job is not done just by electing Secretary Clinton. On the day after, we continue the movement. Our job under President Hillary Clinton is to see [the most progressive platform, the Democratic platform] is implemented.” Sanders also spoke about a number of those platform points including reducing the cost of higher education and the debt burden for those who have graduated from college. A partial video from Sanders’ speech is below and a full video will be added when/if available.

In the evening, Sanders held a rally in Duluth on the local campus of the University of Minnesota. He spoke about the importance of electing Hillary over Trump because she is supportive of a progressive agenda. Sanders spoke about a number of issues facing the country including affordable college education, helping the middle class, and addressing climate change. A video of Sanders’ speech will be added when/if available.

Senator Elizabeth Warren and Catherine Corteza Masto spoke at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. During her speech, Warren went after Trump for his comments about women and his rants on Twitter. She also attacked Nevada U.S. Senate candidate Joe Heck for supporting Trump and his rhetoric. “Trump calls women fat pigs and bimbos and tries to shame a former beauty pageant winner on Twitter at 3 o’clock in the morning and Joe Heck still sticks with him. If Joe Heck doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to Trump, I guarantee he doesn’t have the backbone to go to D.C. and help Nevada families.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.


Meanwhile, in San Francisco, California, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Mark Cuban and Chris Sacca. Then, in Stockholm, Sweden, a fundraiser was held for American Citizens living in the region. The event included a conversation with Melanne Verveer, former Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, U.S. Department of State.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Columbus Dispatch, WKBN, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, CBS Minnesota, WPR, Washington Examiner, Las Vegas Sun

Hillary Clinton’s Vision for An Economy Where Our Businesses, Our Workers, and Our Consumers Grow and Prosper Together


On Monday, Hillary Clinton and Hillary for America announced a plan that will ensure that businesses, workers, and consumers can all grow and prosper together. This would be a stark contrast from today’s economy in which one typically suffers at the expense of the others. HFA released details of her plan which are outlined below. The full plan can be read on The Briefing.

Hillary Clinton believes we need to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. But today, there are still powerful interests fighting to protect their own profits and privileges at the expense of everyone else. Too many of the rules and incentives in our economy encourage those at the top to abuse their power and take advantage of consumers, workers, small businesses, and taxpayers. That makes it tougher for even well-meaning CEOs to take the high road.

In recent months, we’ve seen three egregious examples of these problems. We saw a drug company, Mylan, excessively raise the price of lifesaving EpiPens without justification. We saw one of our country’s biggest banks, Wells Fargo, bully thousands of employees into committing fraud on unsuspecting customers. And now we’ve learned the latest on Donald Trump: In one year, he lost nearly a billion dollars; he stiffed small businesses, laid off workers, and walked away from hardworking communities; and he apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades—while tens of millions of working families paid theirs. That’s what he calls “smart” business.

Today, Clinton is offering her vision for an economy where our businesses, our workers, and our consumers grow and prosper together. She’s outlining a set of proposals to rewrite the rules so that more companies that do right by workers, small businesses, customers, and taxpayers.

Clinton will:

  1. Eliminate Tax Breaks that Allow Corporations and the Wealthy to Avoid Paying Their Fair Share
  1. Protect Consumers from Unfair and Deceptive Practices
  • Strengthen consumer financial protection, including by restricting practices that businesses like Wells Fargo have used to lock the consumers they’ve harmed out of court
  • Respond to unjustified price increases in long-standing, lifesaving drugs like EpiPens
  1. Promoting Free and Fair Competition and Stopping Big Businesses from Hurting Small Business
  • Crack down on big companies that repeatedly exploit their power to stiff small businesses – and give small businesses the power to respond
  • A new commitment to promote competition, address excessive concentration and the abuse of economic power, and strengthen antitrust laws and enforcement
  1. Rewrite the Rules So Workers Share in the Profits They Create

Full fact sheet available here.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Briefing

Chelsea Clinton, Anne Holton Encourage Voter Registration


On Friday, Chelsea Clinton and Anne Holton held campaign events focused on voter registration. Chelsea began her day in Green Bay, Wisconsin where she spoke about the importance of registering to vote before the deadline. She also spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s proposals if elected president including her plans to raise the minimum wage, pass gun safety legislation, and raise taxes on the top earners while leaving middle class taxes where they are today. Chelsea urged voters to consider their children and the next generation of Americans saying, “Whoever we elect, will play a profound role in shaping the future that my children and the generation they grow up in.” She then took questions from those in attendance. A video from the event is below.

Chelsea then traveled to Traverse City, Michigan where she spoke to a group of Hillary supporters and potential voters at Kirkbride Hall. Again, Chelsea held a townhall style event taking questions from the audience. She said, “I’m wanting to talk to anyone who wants to talk to me. I was so just touched that so many people came out today here, took time out of their busy Fridays to kind of listen to me make the case for my mom.” Some of the topics covered included the military and veterans, Hillary’s plans to combat climate change, and the rising cost of a college education. A video from the event will be added if/when available.

Holton traveled to Iowa where she spoke at events in Charles City and Mason City. She said that she is exited to be on the campaign trail while her husband, Tim Kaine, prepares for Tuesday’s vice presidential debate. Holton spoke to those in attendance about the importance of voting and encouraged voters to take advantage of Iowa’s early voting option. She also spoke about a number of issues, but her primary topic was education. As the former Secretary of Education for Virginia, that is her topic of expertise, and Hillary recognized her strength in that subject area. Hotlon said, “The key thing Hillary [Clinton] has asked me to do on the campaign trail is to listen to educators, teachers, students, parents and bring back ideas.” A video from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

In Brooklyn, New York, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event included a conversation with actress Scarlett Johansson and Scott M. Stringer, New York City Comptroller.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Fox 6, TMJ4, UpNorthLive.com, KIMT

First Lady Michelle Obama Campaigns in Pennsylvania


First Lady Michelle Obama returned to the campaign trail on Wednesday holding two events in Pennsylvania. Her first event was a rally in Philadelphia where she spoke at La Salle University. During her speech, Obama focused on a number of Hillary Clinton’s key platform points including reducing the cost of higher education. She also went after Republican Donald Trump for his attacks on her husband, President Barack Obama, and his lack of leadership, experience, and the temperament necessary to be president. “A president just can’t pop off or lash out irrationally. No, we need an adult in the White House,” she said adding that Clinton is the right person for the job. A video of Obama’s speech is below.

Obama then traveled to Pittsburgh where she spoke to a packed crowd at the Peterson Events Center. Her speech was similar to the one given in Philadelphia, and she focused on Clinton’s calm understanding of issues and her ability to understand details. She urged everyone to vote on November 8 and ensure that their voice is heard. Speaking to the crowd of primarily younger voters she said, “The stakes are far too high. This is the country you will inherit.” A video from the Pittsburgh event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Philadelphia Magazine, WPXI, CBS Pittsburgh