Clintons Attend Hamptons Fundraiser

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania in July.

On Sunday evening, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the home of Hilary Leff in East Hampton, New York. Former President Bill Clinton joined his wife for the fundraiser and mingled with guests. During the event, Clinton spoke briefly about her platform and about the current agreement between the United States and Iran, which is currently facing an up-hill battle in Congress. Clinton has supported the agreement and mentioned that she plans to give a speech on September 9 directly addressing the agreement. More details about the upcoming speech will be posted to the Scheduled Events page as they are made available.

As with all private fundraisers, the event was closed to the press and public.

Clinton’s schedule appears to be light this week and her next scheduled event isn’t until next week. If that changes, we will post information. In the meantime, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, Jewish Political News & Updates

Clinton Attends Hamptons Fundraiser

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania in July.

On Saturday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the home of Selma and Artie Rabin in the upscale Hamptons area of New York. A number of politicians attended including Senator Cory Booker. Also in attendance was Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea, and her husband Marc Mezvinsky. The event was closed to the public and press, but she reportedly spoke about her plans to build on the achievements of the last eight years, testifying before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in October, and creating a better future for the next generation.

Tomorrow, Clinton returns to Iowa where she is expected to layout her agriculture proposals and platform. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Post

Clinton Attends Fundraisers, Meets with Lawmakers in Texas

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania in July

Hillary Rodham Clinton wrapped up the week by attending a breakfast fundraiser this morning in La Jolla, California. The event comes after several yesterday and one on Wednesday night in California. The private fundraiser was held at the home of Qualcomm co-founder Irwin Jacobs and his wife, Joan. Clinton left California for Texas where she met with Democratic lawmakers this afternoon. This evening, Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the McAllen home of powerbroker Alonzo Cantu. All three events were closed to the press.

On Monday, Clinton begins the week in New Hampshire where she is expected to roll out her plans for rising college tuition and student loan debt. Until then, follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 5, MySA

Clinton Attends California Events

On Thursday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended an early morning fundraiser in Atherton, California. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and former State Assemblywoman Fiona Ma hosted the breakfast event. Clinton was in San Francisco last night as well to begin her visit to California.

After leaving the San Francisco, Clinton traveled to southern California where she held a roundtable discussion with home health care workers at the Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. Following the roundtable, Clinton attended a fundraiser at the home of Scooter and Yael Braun. Braun is a record label executive and manager for Justin Bieber. The events were private and closed to the press.

UPDATE (8/6): Added video from the roundtable event.

News Source: The Washington Post, NBC 4, ABC 7

Clinton Attends 3 Fundraisers in 3 States

Clinton Attends a Private Fundraiser in Park City, Utah
Clinton Attends a Private Fundraiser in Park City, Utah

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended three fundraisers in three states. She began her day in Park City, Utah where she attended an event at a private home. While no cameras were allowed in the event, supporters said that Clinton spoke about America’s role in the world and child care. It is estimated that 60 people attended the event.

Clinton then traveled to Oregon where she attended a fundraiser at the Portland home of Win McCormack and Carol Butler. A number political figures attended the event including Portland Mayor Charlie Hales, form Governor Ted Kulongoski, and Representatives Suzanne Bonamici and Earl Blumenauer. Clinton met with guests and made brief remarks.

The final stop of the day was in the San Francisco area where she attended an event at the home of former Facebook executive Chris Kelly. As with all private events, none were not open to the public or press, so no video is available.

Tomorrow, Clinton will remain in California where is expected to attend another private fundraiser in San Fransisco before traveling to Los Angeles for a public and private event. Keep up with all the latest campaign news on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 13, The Oregonian, Fox 40

Image Source: Fox 13

Clinton Attends Private Fundraisers

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.

Hillary Rodham Clinton attended two fundraisers today in two different states. In Scranton, Pennsylvania, she attended a private fundraiser. Clinton is well known in the community as the city is the childhood home of her father, Hugh Rodham. She also attended a fundraiser at the Radisson Hotel in Corning, New York. The event was hosted by Corning CEO Wendell Weeks and Corning Chief Financial Officer James Flaws. As with all private fundraisers, the events were not open to the press.

On Friday, Clinton is scheduled to speak at the National Urban League Convention in Florida. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

News Source: Democrat and Chronicle, The Morning Call

Clinton Attends Pennsylvania and North Carolina Fundraisers

Screen Shot 2015-07-22 at 6.53.08 PMOn Wednesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended private fundraisers in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. She began by visiting a private fundraiser at the home of Cindy Shapira in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania. Shapira is a activist and the wife of, David Shapira, the former CEO of the Giant Eagle grocery chain.

After leaving Pennsylvania, Clinton went to North Carolina where she attended a fundraiser hosted by George and Christine Reddin in Raleigh. Among those attending the event were former Governors Jim Hun and Bev Perdue and former Senator Kay Hagan. Both events were closed to the press, so no videos or details are available.

For all the latest campaign updates, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, WNCN

Clinton Attends Private Fundraisers in Maryland and DC

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Connecticut on June 5
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Connecticut on June 5

On Monday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended private fundraisers in Maryland and Washington, DC. In Bethesda, she attended a fundraiser at the home of Susan Ness and Larry Schneider, where about 120 people gathered. Then on Monday evening, Clinton attended a LGBT fundraiser at the Woman’s National Democratic Club in Washington, DC. The event was hosted by Olivia founders Claire Lucas and her partner, Judy Dlugacz. Clinton has been a vocal supporter of LGBT rights and featured a gay couple in her launch video in December. Because both events were closed to the press, details about wheat Clinton said at each event are not available.

Clinton is expected to be in Boston and Rhode Island later this week before her campaign rally on Saturday on Roosevelt Island in New York. Keep up with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

New Source: Bethesda Magazine, The Huffington Post

Clinton attends New Mexico Fundraiser

This morning, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a private fundraiser in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The event, held at the home of Ed Romero, the former U.S. ambassador to Spain, was closed to the press. After her breakfast fundraiser, Clinton headed to Texas where she attended events throughout the day today and will continue to be in Texas tomorrow. We will post a full wrap-up of her Texas trip tomorrow evening.

Until then, follow along by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: KOB4

Clinton Attends New York Fundraiser

11150142_891732904216573_1781032207063359201_nLast night, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a private fundraiser in Laurel Hollow, New York at the home of Nassau Democratic Party Chairman Jay Jacobs. This is one of many private (meaning close to the press) fundraisers Clinton has scheduled in June. Clinton’s schedule for June is filled with public events, such as her rally on June 13, and a growing number of private fundraisers. Clinton will hold events events in at least 15 states throughout the upcoming month. You can see a full list of upcoming campaign events by visiting our Scheduled Events page.

Later this week, Clinton heads to Texas and Connecticut. Follow along by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: Long Island News 12, Politico