Clinton Goes After Trump in Foreign Policy Speech

Hillary Clinton delivers a speech on national security in San Diego. REUTERS/Mike Blake
Hillary Clinton delivers a speech on national security in San Diego. REUTERS/Mike Blake

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton delivered a major foreign policy speech in San Diego, California. The speech was her first in a series of five days of campaigning across the state. The central message of Clinton’s speech was that Republican nominee Donald Trump is a danger to America’s domestic and foreign policies. The speech was full of one liners and attacking Trump’s policies and character. “Donald Trump’s ideas are not just different, they are dangerously incoherent. They’re not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies,” she told the crowd of supporters. She went after Trump’s “thin skin”, his “dangerous” policies, his Twitter rants, and his history with foreign leaders saying, “He praises dictators like Vladimir Putin and picks fights with our friends, including the British prime minister, the mayor of London, the German chancellor, the president of Mexico and the pope.”

Clinton then spoke about her experience as First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State. She covered a few of her platform points, but her primary argument is that the 2016 election is about a choice of “two very different visions” of America’s future. “One that’s angry, afraid and based on the idea that America is fundamentally weak and in decline. The other is hopeful, generous, and confident in the knowledge that America is great, just like we always have been,” she said. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Business Insider, Reuters

Clinton Campaign Releases New Video

Today, Hillary for America released a video highlighting Hillary Rodham Clinton’s career and tenure as Secretary of State. The five-minute video highlights her choices and accomplishments. A number of people are interviewed for the video including former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, former Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard, former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Dr. Eric Goosby, and Lt. Eric Gardiner. You can watch the video on Hillary for America’s YouTube Channel or click play above.

Clinton’s schedule is very light this week because she is scheduled to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Thursday. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

CGI Annual Meeting: Equality for Girls & Women: 2034 instead of 2134?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-09-24 at 6.11.56 PMIn the final day of the Clinton Global Initiative’s Annual Meeting, Hillary Rodham Clinton took part in two events. The first was a discussion entitled “Equality for Girls & Women: 2034 instead of 2134?,” which focused on the inequality of employment and education opportunities for women around the world. With the first panel moderated by The New York Times Editor, David Leonhardt, Clinton was joined on stage by Melinda Gates and the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe. A second panel was then introduced to continue the discussion. The second panel was moderated by Katie Couric and included Western Union CEO Hikmet Ersek, President of Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa Leymah Gbowee, and CEO of American University of Afghanistan Nilofar Sakhi. There was also a short speech by Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

The full video from the event may be viewed by CLICKING HERE as we are unable to embed the video directly.

In the time between the two panels’ discussions, Hillary was joined on stage by Chelsea Clinton to announce a new CGI initiative called CHARGE. CGI and its partners have pledged $600 million to assist 14 million girls between the ages of 11 and 16 with attending school. While this announcement is part of the video above, you may watch a video of the announcement only by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: ABC News

Video Source: CGI’s Livesteam