Bill Clinton Campaigns in Bay Area

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On the day before California’s Democratic primary, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in the San Francisco area. Bill has been focusing his efforts on smaller events and has spoken to supporters by standing in the back of a truck. His first two events today were a Get Out the Vote rallies in Oakland and Hayward. At each event, Bill spoke about Hillary’s experience and a number of platform points including growing the economy, focusing on clean energy, and expanding health care. In his speeches, he also criticized Republican nominee Donald Trump for a number of his positions and rhetoric saying that Hillary is a better candidate to continue the progress of the last eight years. A video from today’s event in Oakland is below.

Bill then spoke at a Get Out the Vote event in Antioch. Speaking to a crowd of supporters at Marsh Elementary School, Bill spoke about Hillary’s experience and her plans to keep moving America forward. He explained how important the 2016 election is to continue to the progress of the last eight years, and that electing Trump is a certain way to undo most of that progress. A video of the speech is below.

In Richmond, he spoke spoke about similar topics, but he was confronted by a group of protestors who interrupted his speech. Instead of having the protesters escorted out, Bill answered their questions. He was asked about Hillary’s ties to Wall Street and the crime bill that passed during his administration. He has admitted that that parts of that bill were not perfect saying, “When the crime bill in 1994 came over from the House, it had stronger incarceration procedures than I originally asked for. They cover about 8 percent of total people in prison. When we got to the Senate, the Senate included an assault weapons ban with an ammunition clip limit.” A partial video from the event, including Bill’s exchange with the protester, is below.

His final event of the day was in San Francisco where he spoke about the city’s important position in the country saying, “San Francisco is uniquely positioned to understand that every American should care about the implications of our elections and our choices and the rest of the world.” He then went on to speak about a number of Hillary’s platform points and making an argument why she is a better candidate for president than Democratic rival Bernie Sanders or Trump. He asked for voters’ support in the primary saying that California would be a big win for Hillary. A video from the event is below.

Chelsea Clinton and Senator Cory Booker also campaigned for Hillary in New Jersey. They appeared at several events and spoke about a number Hillary’s platform points and the importance of the 2016 election. They both urged voters to vote in tomorrow’s New Jersey primary.

Meanwhile, Tokyo, Japan, a fundraiser was held for American citizens living in the region. The event featured a conversation with former Under Secretary of State Bob Hormats. The topic of the conversation was economic growth, energy, and the environment.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC 7 (Antioch), ABC 7 (San Francisco), CBS NewsABC 7 (Oakland)

Hillary Clinton Wins Puerto Rico Primary


Updated: 8:00am ET

On Sunday, Puerto Ricans voted in their Democratic primary and chose Hillary Clinton over rival Bernie Sanders. With 60 delegates up for grabs, a decisive victory will move Clinton to within a few dozen votes of securing the Democratic Party’s nomination for president. As of this posting, with 69% of results counted, Clinton leads Sanders 61.0% to 38.6%. This post will be updated throughout the evening.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Oakland, Vallejo, and Sacramento

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On Sunday, Hillary Clinton was in northern California where she began the morning by attending Sunday services at the Greater St. Paul Church in Oakland. She spoke with the congregation briefly saying that, if elected president, she will ask herself everyday, “What can I do that day to make it possible for every child to live up to their God-given potential?” Clinton spoke about a number of key issues she would like to address including raising the minimum wage, creating jobs, reducing gun violence, and reforming the criminal justice system. She said that America is at its best when everyone works together to achieve a common goal, and divisive politics is not helping anyone. She vowed to work with members of both parties to continue the progress of the last eight years. A video of Clinton’s address is below:

Clinton then attended a round table discussion with city leaders in Vallejo. Meeting at a local restaurant, Clinton first spoke about a number of topics she believes to be central to the 2016 election. She spoke about her plans for immigration reform, criminal justice reform, education, and health care. She then listened to the concerns of local city leaders and business owners. Each day, Clinton has held at least one round table discussion because she believes they are important. “I do think it’s important to hear from people directly,” she said. Clinton stressed the importance of a community to work together toward common goals, and she said that while the state and federal governments have a role, local decisions are very important. A video from the event is below.

Her final event was a rally in Sacramento where she spoke to a crowd of supporters at Sacramento City College. During her speech, Clinton took a number of shots at Republican nominee Donald Trump, but she did so while covering a number of key platform points. She spoke about her plans to grow the economy and create jobs, assist those with mental health, help those suffering from addiction, and combat climate change. Clinton concluded by asking for voters’ support in Tuesday’s primary. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: SF Gate, KCRA, The Mercury News

Bill Clinton Speaks at Three Los Angeles Area Campaign Events


On Sunday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Los Angeles. He began by attending Sunday morning church services at First African Methodist Episcopal Church where he also joined the congregation for breakfast. Bill then spoke at the Boys and Girls Clubs of East Los Angeles. During his speech, he talked about the importance of the 2016 election and why Hillary is the best choice to keep moving the country forward. He spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points including health care, the economy, and immigration reform. He then urged voters to vote in Tuesday’s primary and vote for Hillary. A video from the event is available on C-SPAN.

Later, Bill spoke at a Get Out the Vote rallies at Mariachi Plaza and Plaza de la Raza Cultural Center. During each of the events, Bill focused on Hillary’s major platform points and targeted Republican nominee Donald Trump. At one event, he was interrupted by protestors, but he kept addressing the supporters. Referring to the protestors, he said, “They say everybody who disagrees with them is a part of some nefarious establishment. Well it’s a pretty big establishment.” Bill continues to focus on smaller local rallies as he meets with supporters. He concluded each event by asking for the support of voters. Videos from the events will be added when/if available.

In the evening, Bill attended a fundraiser in support of the Hillary Victory Fund in Los Gatos.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Los Angeles Times, CSPAN, The Los Angeles Times

Hillary Clinton Interviewed on “This Week”

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This morning, Hillary Clinton was interviewed on ABC’s This Week by host George Stephanopoulos. During the interview, Clinton and Stephanolpoulos discussed her stepped up attacks on Republican nominee Donald Trump and her plans to go after him in the general election. When asked if she thought being more like him was the best way to beat him, she responded quickly by saying, “No, not at all. I laid out in my speech in San Diego the crux of my concerns and my case against him on foreign policy and national security. And a lot of what he says plays into what I consider to be a very divisive and dangerous view of the world. And I think it’s important that we call it for what it is.”

Clinton was also asked about the final round of primaries coming up this week and her continued fight with Bernie Sanders for the nomination of the Democratic Party. She expressed confidence that she will be Democratic nominee after Tuesday’s primaries. Other topics discussed included her use of a private email server as Secretary of State and whether she was concerned about the current investigation by the FBI, and she also discussed several of her platform points. A video of the interview is below and a transcript from the episode can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by The Los Angeles Times


Yesterday, The Los Angeles Times Editorial Board published their endorsement of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in Tuesday’s Democratic primary in California. The primary reason for their endorsement is that Clinton’s experience and political acumen make her better prepared to go up against Republican nominee Donald Trump. They also argued that Clinton’s plans are more practical, and her background and history of working with both Democrats and Republicans suggests that she will be better at accomplishing her plans as president.

The board said that Clinton is better prepared than Sanders to be president saying, “But Clinton is not only more knowledgeable about domestic and international affairs than Sanders, but also more likely to achieve objectives they have in common. Her speech last week on foreign policy in San Diego  — in which she skillfully skewered Trump for his ignorance and recklessness — was a reminder of the breadth of her understanding of international affairs. On domestic policy, her positions on issues such as healthcare and financial regulation are less utopian than what Sanders has proposed but also more realistic.”

The board did have several positive comments about Sanders saying that he has done a great job getting the attention of voters and shining the spotlight on a number of important issues. But the board concludes, “Voters in California’s Democratic primary owe a debt of gratitude to Bernie Sanders for a campaign that has emphasized issues that otherwise might have been ignored. But they should cast their votes for Hillary Clinton.” Read the full editorial HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Los Angeles Times

Hillary Clinton Holds Four Events in California


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton attended four campaign events in California. The first event of the day was a community discussion in Slymar. The primary topic of the event was immigration reform. Clinton said that immigration is going to be a key issue in the 2016 election because statements about immigrants made by Republican nominee Donald Trump are often “hateful, very prejudicial, really unacceptable ways.” She spoke about the importance of keeping families together and passing comprehensive immigration reform. Most of the event was Clinton listening to stories told by the several Asian and Latino immigrants. She vowed to fight for a fair immigration plan if elected president.

Clinton then traveled to Oxnard where she spoke to supporters at a Get Out the Vote event. She covered a number of her platform points, but she went after Trump several times throughout the speech saying that he “fails” a number of important presidential trait tests. Clinton said that the 2016 election is very important to ensure the country continues to move forward with health care, the economy, clean energy, and climate change. She concluded by asking voters’ to support her in Tuesday’s primary. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Later, Clinton traveled to Santa Barbara where she held a community event focused on women and families. The round table discussion consisted of local officials and representatives. Clinton spoke about a number of her platform points aimed at improving the lives of women and helping families. She spoke about increasing the minimum wage, ensuring that women receive equal pay for equal work, ensuring families have access to affordable childcare, and guaranteeing workers paid family leave. After Clinton’s remarks, she listened to the concerns of several people in attendance. A video from the event is below.

The final event of the day was a Get Out the Vote rally in Fresno where she spoke to packed crowd of supporters at Edison High School. While she criticized Trump on a number of occasions, Clinton covered a number of her key platform points including early childhood education, clean energy, abortion rights, marriage equality, immigration reform, and making higher education more affordable. She also spoke about an issue that is local to Fresno: water. The city has seen water shortages due to the recent droughts in the area and she said, “If I am fortunate enough to be your president, we are going to work on water and we are going to get this fixed.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Noozhawk, The Fresno Bee, CBS Los Angeles, Ventura County Star

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Los Angeles Area


On Saturday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in three cities in the Los Angeles area. His first event was in Inglewood where he spoke about Hillary’s platform plans and the importance of continuing the successes of the Obama administration. Bill also went after Republican nominee Donald Trump saying that his pledged to “make America great again” is a signal for something else. “He means: ‘I’ll make it the way it used to be.’ Well, it wasn’t so great for a lot of people,” he said. He continued the attacks on Trump saying, “we’ve got to start acting like Americans again and stop dumping all over each other.” Before meeting with supporters in the crowd, he asked for voters’ support in Tuesday’s primary. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Bill then spoke at Get Out the Vote rallies in Torrance and Compton. At each event, he touted Hillary’s experience and her plans to ensure that every American has equal opportunities. Bill argued that Hillary’s vision of America is vastly different from that of Trump and that it is important for voters to understand that Trump is campaigning on fear while Hillary is optimistic about America’s future. Bill said that in order for the progress of the last eight years to continue, electing Hillary is vital. A partial video from the event in Torrance is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS Los Angeles, The Los Angeles Times

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Los Angeles Area


On Friday, Hillary Clinton held four campaign events in the Los Angeles, California area. Her first event was in Culver City and featured appearances by Elizabeth Banks, Sophia Bush, Michelle Kwan, Debra Messing, Mary Steenburgen, and Sally Field. Each actress took a few minutes to speak about why they supported Clinton. When Clinton took the stage, she stressed the importance of the 2016 election and defeating Republican nominee Donald Trump. Clinton concluded by asking for voters’ support in Tuesday’s primary saying, “Starting next Tuesday, we’re on our way to breaking the highest and hardest glass ceiling.” A video from the event is below.

She then traveled to Westminster where she spoke with supporters at a Get Out the Vote rally. During her speech, she spoke about a number of platform points including expanding health care, passing immigration reform, and lowering the cost of higher education. She continued to go after Trump saying that he has “set a very bad example” for not condemning violence at a number of his rallies. Clinton said that she does not want her supporters to provoke violence, but to be respectful of others. She said, “I don’t think any of this helps anybody.” Clinton went on to criticize a number of Trump’s proposals and comments before asking for voters’ support on June 7.

Clinton met with community leaders in Santa Ana. She gave a brief speech to the supporters present before sitting down with a group of city leaders and business owners to discuss local and national issues. The listening event has been a staple of Clinton’s 2016 campaign, and she has held at least one a day during this trip to California. Topics covered during the event included health care, immigration reform, and a number of other platform topics. A video of Clinton’s speech from the event is below.

The final event of the day was a Get Out the Vote rally in San Bernardino, a city still recovering the December 2015 terror inspired mass shooting. Clinton’s speech focused on national security and her vow to do everything she can to keep America and Americans safe from foreign and domestic threats. She said, “I want you to know from the bottom of my heart I will do whatever I can to protect America and Americans and do whatever I can to support our brave law enforcement, who were there protecting people right in this city.” Clinton discussed a number of other platform points during her 30-minute speech before asking for voters’ support in the state’s primary on Tuesday. A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Orange County Register, The Desert Sun, The Wall Street Journal, CBS Los Angeles, US News & World Report

Bill Clinton campaigns for Hillary in Southern California


On Friday, Bill Clinton attended four events in Southern California on behalf of Hillary Clinton. The first event was in Burbank where he spoke about Hillary’s experience and her robust platform plans to move America forward. He also spoke about violence at a rally held by Republican nominee Donald Trump in San Jose. Bill asked Hillary’s supporters to listen to all ideas respectfully and peacefully. He said, “If people want to protest Mr. Trump or Hillary or me or anyone, fine, but it should be peaceful. People should be able to have their say. We should listen to everybody respectfully. We can win this argument; we don’t need to shout it down.” Bill concluded by asking for voters’ support in the June 7 Democratic primary. A video from a member of the audience is below.

He then spoke at Get Out the Vote events in Pacoima, Woodland Hills, and Santa Monica. At each of the events, he continued to tout Hillary’s experience and platform. At each event, he criticized Trump and the Republicans. In Santa Monica, Bill said that it wasn’t until Hillary left the State Department that the attacks on her began. He said, “All these Republicans were slobbering all over her ’til she left the state department, thought she was wonderful.” Bill asked for voters’ support in the upcoming primary. Additional videos from the day’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Los Angeles Times, Variety, Daily Mail