Repost: Clinton Releases Medical Records and Clean Bill of Health


Note: This is a modified repost from August 1, 2015.

Yesterday [July 31, 2015], the State Department released another batch of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails from her tenure as Secretary of States, and Clinton released two additional disclosures. The first release is common among those seeking public office: tax returns. The Clintons’ released their tax returns for 2007-2014, meaning that 38 years of personal tax records are now available to the public. But she also released something that isn’t common for a presidential candidate: a note from her doctor.

The campaign released a letter from Dr. Lisa Bardack, chair of internal medicine at the Mount Kisco Medical Group and Clinton’s personal physician since 2001. The letter contained information from her latest physical (dated March 21, 2015) including her blood pressure (100 over 65), cholesterol scores (Overall: 195; LDL:118; HDL: 64), various test results, and a list of her current medications (Coumadin, Armour Thyroid, antihistamines, and Vitamin B12) Dr. Bardack also addressed a concussion and blood clot Clinton suffered in 2012 for which Clinton still takes an anticoagulant. Dr. Bardack stated, “She is in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as President of the United States.”

There have been questions about Clinton’s health and age since she announced her candidacy in April [2015]. She and her campaign have opted to address the issue head on by releasing Clinton’s personal medical information. You can read the full letter by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, Politico

Clinton Releases Medical Records and Clean Bill of Health

Clinton takes part in a New Hampshire Independence Day Parade
Clinton takes part in a New Hampshire Independence Day Parade

Yesterday, the State Department released another batch of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails from her tenure as Secretary of States, and Clinton released two additional disclosures. The first release is common among those seeking public office: tax returns. The Clintons’ released their tax returns for 2007-2014, meaning that 38 years of personal tax records are now available to the public. But she also released something that isn’t common for any candidate: a note from her doctor.

The campaign released a letter from Dr. Lisa Bardack, chair of internal medicine at the Mount Kisco Medical Group and Clinton’s personal physician since 2001. The letter contained information from her latest physical (dated March 21, 2015) including her blood pressure (100 over 65), cholesterol scores (Overall: 195; LDL:118; HDL: 64), various test results, and a list of her current medications (Coumadin, Armour Thyroid, antihistamines, and Vitamin B12) Dr. Bardack also addressed a concussion and blood clot Clinton suffered in 2012 for which Clinton still takes an anticoagulant. Dr. Bardack stated, “She is in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as President of the United States.”

There have been questions about Clinton’s health and age since she announced her candidacy in April. She and her campaign have opted to address the issue head on by releasing Clinton’s personal medical information. You can read the full letter by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, Politico

Clinton Interviewed by CNN

Yesterday, CNN’s Brianna Keilar sat down with Hillary Rodham Clinton and discussed a wide variety topics including the use of a personal email server as Secretary of State, her positions on various issues, and her Republican rivals. The full interview is included above.

Clinton has nothing scheduled until July 13, when she will travel to Kansas City, Missouri. Until then, be sure to follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

Video Source: YouTube