Bill, Chelsea Campaign for Hillary


On Wednesday, both Bill and Chelsea Clinton were on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton. In Las Vegas, Nevada, Bill spoke for over half an hour about a wide variety of topics including Hillary’s email scandal, Donald Trump’s immigration proposals, and Hillary’s plan to create millions of jobs across the country. Bill also addressed his wife’s health issues saying, “She’s feeling great, and I think she’ll be back out there tomorrow [Thursday in North Carolina]. It’s a crazy time we live in, you know, when people think there’s something unusual about getting the flu. Last time I checked, millions of people were getting it every year.” A video of Bill’s speech is below.

Chelsea campaigned for Hillary today in North Carolina and Virginia. Wrapping up a two-day visit to North Carolina, Chelsea began in Raleigh where she took part in a panel of local leaders. She spoke about the importance of North Carolina in the November election and how her mother is relying on them to get out and vote. Then, in Carrboro, Chelsea spoke at a voter registration outside the local Democratic Party headquarters. She, again, spoke about the importance of voting in the November election.

She then tour a pre-k center before speaking at an organizing event in Roanoke, Virginia. Chelsea spoke about her mother’s college affordability plan which would reduce the amount of debt owed by those currently paying on student loans and ensure that future students, with family incomes of under $125,000, can finish college debt free. Chelsea said that Hillary wants to help young people build a future and reducing college debt is a big part of that plan. “We have to make investments in our young people from the beginning and then, all the way through,” she said. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, a fundraiser was held in Washington, DC on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Senator Debbie Stabenow, Senator Sherrod Brown, Senator Joe Donnelly, Senator Heidi Heitkamp, and Senator Tammy Baldwin.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post, The New York Times, News Observer, The Herald-Sun, The Roanoke Times

Tim Kaine Pens Higher Education Op-Ed


Time magazine published an op-ed from Tim Kaine today in which he touted the education plan proposed by Hillary Clinton. Kaine writes about the rising cost of a college education and the importance of being college educated in today’s workforce. He explained that the Clinton-Kaine plan will help students reduce their current debt and will provide tuition free education to students whose families make less than $125,000 per year. Kaine says, “The Clinton-Kaine ticket is fully committed to sending every child in this country to world-class schools with great teachers, no matter where they come from. But higher education is a distinct challenge—which is why our plan will help anyone willing to work for a quality, affordable college degree.” The full text of Kaine’s op-ed is below.

When I graduated from college in 1979, education costs were manageable for many working families. By the time my own kids started college in the 2000s, it was a very different story.

So what happened?

The cost of a higher education skyrocketed by every measure. American students and graduates hold more than $1.2 trillion in debt today—and each indebted graduate can expect to owe nearly $30,000.

If you’re a current college student reading this, I want you to know that Hillary and I know what you’re going through. As the father of three, a lifelong supporter of educational opportunity for all and a former teacher at the University of Richmond’s Law School, I want to make one thing clear: We can do better.

These questions of access and affordability aren’t new to us. Hillary Clinton’s first job out of law school was working for the Children’s Defense Fund, where she went door-to-door in the fight to help kids with disabilities get the schooling they deserve. I ran a technical school in Honduras, an experience that inspired my ongoing support for those kinds of programs here at home. And my wife Anne’s decades-long career fighting for kids and families recently culminated in her service as Virginia’s Secretary of Education.

The Clinton-Kaine ticket is fully committed to sending every child in this country to world-class schools with great teachers, no matter where they come from. But higher education is a distinct challenge—which is why our plan will help anyone willing to work for a quality, affordable college degree.

Our plan would make debt-free college available to everyone, and make tuition free for in-state students from families with income under $125,000. It will free millions of Americans from the existing debt they’re struggling to pay off. And because I know that a four-year degree isn’t the only path to success, we’ll open up new opportunities for students beyond traditional degrees.

Meanwhile, institutions and states alike will have to commit to lowering costs and raising their own investments in education if they want to continue receiving federal funding. From restoring year-round Pell Grants to supporting HBCUs and on-campus childcare, our plan leverages commonsense, sustainable changes for the public good.

After all, an American with a college degree will earn about $570,000 more in their lifetime than one without—but they’ll also be expanding our national economy and building up our middle class along the way. That’s the real beauty of this plan: When everyone does their part, it’s a win-win all around.

But then there’s Donald Trump’s plan—or lack thereof.

Though he brags about his own four-year degree from an Ivy League school, he has no intention of offering anyone else the same opportunity. Trump University, currently the subject of multiple class-action lawsuits, made a mockery of higher education while its namesake and his cronies unapologetically scammed thousands of student out of thousands of dollars.

Trump has long said that the United States spends too much on education. Instead of reconsidering how that money should be spent, he wants to all but nix the Department of Education, an agency that offers an array of resources to support our most vulnerable students. Hillary wants to build on what works there; Trump wants to pull the rug out from under everyone not in his tax bracket.

Hillary and I believe passionately in advancing educational opportunity from pre-k through higher education and career and technical training. Trump chose a running mate, Mike Pence, who as Governor of Indiana turned down millions of federal dollars that could have expanded access to preschool for low-income kids and cut funding for schools serving Indiana’s most vulnerable students.

When it comes to expanding access to higher education, the choice in November is clear. We’re siding with students and with every American seeking an affordable college degree.

I hope you join us!

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Time

“Talk to Your Baby” Campaign Launch

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

AP969155414883Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared with New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray at SCO/FirstStepNYC, a pre-kindergarten center in Brooklyn, New York. At the center, McCray and Clinton launched a program called “Talk to your Baby.” The initiative, partnered with the Clinton Foundation’s “Too Small to Fail” early childhood education program, is geared toward getting parents to talk to their children at a young age to help their development. Clinton’s appearance in Brooklyn raised eyebrows as she is expected to announce her candidacy for president in the coming weeks and headquarter in Brooklyn. Her appearance with McCray is also unsurprising as her and her husband, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, have been long supporters of Clinton.

During a roundtable discussion with parents, Clinton said, “You are literally building your baby’s brain to better prepare that little boy or little girl to do well in school and do well in life. So from every experience, your child will be learning words, developing a vocabulary, making it possible to better prepare that child for school.”

A video from this event will be posted when/if available.

New Source: NBC New York