Hillary Clinton Interviewed by Vox

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On Monday, Vox released an interview with Hillary Clinton. She was interviewed by Ezra Klein, and the forty-minute interview covers a number of topics. What makes the interview between Klein and Clinton so unique is that it is less about politics and more about policy. Topics they spoke about include poverty, welfare reform, the national deficit, immigration, free college, and universal health care.

Klein the asks Clinton a series of broader questions such as the skills required for being a presidential candidate and why America has stopped trusting the political elite. The 2016 election saw the rise of two political outsiders (Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders), and Klein asks Clinton why she thinks that it is. You can watch the interview below and read the transcript, and more about the interview, HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Vox

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in South Carolina


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton attended events across South Carolina leading up to Saturday’s primary. Clinton spoke at a Columbia luncheon for the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, the nation’s first African-American sorority. She spoke to the group of women about the disparity between white people and people of color, and how it especially affects women. She said, “Something is wrong when black women are more than three times more likely to die in this country in this century from complications due to childbirth. Imagine if a white baby here in South Carolina were twice as likely to die as an African-American baby. Imagine the outcry and the resources that would flood in.” Clinton spoke about the continued fight for equal rights and the systemic racism that continues in parts of the country. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Tonight, Clinton attended a town hall on the campus of Morris College in Sumter, South Carolina. During the event, Clinton spoke about race, poverty, and inequality. She also spoke out against the effort in a number of southern state to make it more difficult to vote. The measures being introduced disproportionately affect people of color, and she urged those in attendance to follow the lead of Representative John Lewis and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and fight against it. She also blasted Senate Republicans for vowing to not confirm a Supreme Court nominee put forward by President Barack Obama. She said, “To say don’t even send us a nominee is at variance to the Constitution and deeply disrespectful to the office of the president of the United States.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Clinton also attended a fundraiser at the Charleston home of Lisa and Joe Rice. Tomorrow, Clinton will remain in South Carolina where is scheduled to attend four events. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, Charleston Post and CourierThe Sumter Item

Clinton Hosts Iowa Events

635797457191255817-DEM-2016-Clinton-Pres-12-On Tuesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton hosted two events in the key swing state of Iowa. She began the day at a community forum in Davenport. During the event, Clinton spoke about heath care saying that more needed to be done to give Iowans and Americans more affordable choices. She also spoke about gun control and called for background checks, reducing higher education costs, and fighting poverty. She also criticized Jeb Bush for his “stuff happens” comment in regards to the mass shooting in Oregon. Bush was campaigning nearby Bettendorf. After speaking briefly, Clinton took questions from the crowd. Videos from the event in Davenport are below.

Following the event, Clinton took the the streets in Davenport where she met with voters and went shopping in a local market. Later in the day, Clinton attended an organizing event at the Strawberry Farm Bed and Breakfast in Muscatine. Clinton, again, spoke about her plans as president, but she took a moment to talk about her Republican rivals and their difficulty naming any of her accomplishments as Secretary of State in the recent Republican debate. So, she sent them each a copy of her book! She said, “You know, I hear the Republicans talking from time to time in their debates and elsewhere and they say things like, ‘Oh, I don’t know what she accomplished as Secretary of State. She didn’t accomplish anything.’ I listened to that for a while. And then I thought maybe they just don’t know, so I have now sent each of them a copy of my book, Hard Choices, about what we did during those four years.” She joked that there are enough candidates running on the Republican ticket that they could start a book club. She then went on to discuss a number of her accomplishments at the State Department.

Tomorrow, Clinton remains in Iowa where she is scheduled to participate in events in Mt. Vernon and Councils Bluff. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

UPDATE: Added video from Muscatine event.

News Source: The New York Times, Time

USAID Global Development Lab

Thursday, April 3, 2014


On Thursday, Hillary Rodham Clinton and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced the creation of the U.S. Global Development Lab. The group consists of USAID and 31 universities, corporations and foundations. The group will use modern technology and scientific techniques to develop solutions to the world’s problems, particularly poverty. The goal of the group is to eliminate extreme poverty by 2030. While Clinton did not speak at this event, it is something that she has been involved with.

News Source: Time