Senator Sanders Campaigns for Hillary in New Hampshire and Maine


On Tuesday, Senator Bernie Sanders returned to the campaign trail where he spoke at events in Plymouth and Hanover, New Hampshire. During his speech, Sanders spoke about the importance of the election and ensuring that a progressive is in the White House. He spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform points, including her plan to make college more affordable, a plan he and Clinton worked together on. Sanders said that electing Clinton is half the battle as she will need support in Congress. He encouraged voters to also support U.S. Senate candidate Maggie Hassan. Sanders concluded each event by urging everyone to vote on election day and to not get discouraged by the current political climate. “I understand that a lot of people are discouraged by this campaign, and some people are going to sit it out. Don’t you be one of them! The stakes are much too high. This is not a personality contest. You are not voting for the senior class president at the local high school. You are voting for the most important public official in the world. The differences between Secretary Clinton and Donald Trump are day and night.” Videos from the events in Plymouth and Hanover are below.

Sanders’ final event was of the day was a Stronger Together rally in Portland, Maine. Sanders spoke at Deering High School about the importance of voting saying, “Hillary Clinton will win Maine if there is a high voter turnout, she will lose if there’s low voter turnout. Those four electoral votes could literally make the difference as to who the next president of the United States is.” He spoke about Clinton’s progressive platform and the importance of continuing to make progress and assisting middle class families. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Boston Globe, Maine Public, Portland Press Herald

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Newspapers Across the Country


Hillary for America released the following summary of major newspaper that have announced their endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president.

Editorial boards from across the country are backing Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump because they find her to be qualified for the office and fit to serve, and they find him lacking both. There is an unprecedented depth and breadth of endorsements, many of which highlight Clinton’s strength while lamenting the danger Trump would pose as President. In fact, the Dallas Morning News had not backed a Democrat for more than 75 years and the Cincinnati Inquirer had not backed a Democrat since 1916.

See for yourself.

Akron Beacon Journal [9.25.16]

“An election is a choice, and at home, Clinton also far exceeds her opponent in vision, knowledge and policy. Here, she is about change, if not the sweeping — and unrealistic — variety. […] The focus belongs on the breadth of her record and what Hillary Clinton would bring to the presidency, her appreciation of what it takes to govern and her grasp of how to do so. She is resilient, tested and calm. She knows her way around the partisan battles. The country doesn’t need a revolution. It isn’t a wreck. It requires the right brand of change.”

Portland Press Herald [9.25.16]

“…Clinton is one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office, and she easily earns our endorsement. She has both executive branch and legislative experience as well as an expert’s depth of knowledge in both domestic and foreign policy.”

New York Times [9.25.16]

“Over 40 years in public life, Hillary Clinton has studied these forces and weighed responses to these problems. Our endorsement is rooted in respect for her intellect, experience, toughness and courage over a career of almost continuous public service, often as the first or only woman in the arena. […]a determined leader intent on creating opportunity for struggling Americans at a time of economic upheaval and on ensuring that the United States remains a force for good in an often brutal world.”

Cincinnati Enquirer [9.24.16]

“Trump is a clear and present danger to our country. He has no history of governance that should engender any confidence from voters. Trump has no foreign policy experience, and the fact that he doesn’t recognize it – instead insisting that, “I know more about ISIS than the generals do” – is even more troubling. His wild threats to blow Iranian ships out of the water if they make rude gestures at U.S. ships is just the type of reckless, cowboy diplomacy Americans should fear from a Trump presidency. Clinton has been criticized as being hawkish but has shown a measured approach to the world’s problems. Do we really want someone in charge of our military and nuclear codes who has an impulse control problem? The fact that so many top military and national security officials are not supporting Trump speaks volumes. […] In these uncertain times, America needs a brave leader, not bravado. Real solutions, not paper-thin promises. A clear eye toward the future, not a cynical appeal to the good old days. Hillary Clinton has her faults, certainly, but she has spent a lifetime working to improve the lives of Americans both inside and outside of Washington. It’s time to elect the first female U.S. president – not because she’s a woman, but because she’s hands-down the most qualified choice.”

Los Angeles Times [9.24.16]

“We can elect an experienced, thoughtful and deeply knowledgeable public servant or a thin-skinned demagogue who is unqualified and unsuited to be president. […] Perhaps her greatest strength is her pragmatism — her ability to build consensus and solve problems. As president, she would be flexible enough and experienced enough to cut across party lines and work productively with her political opponents. As first lady, she worked with Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) to create the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides healthcare coverage to more than 8 million children. As a senator, she was instrumental in persuading a Republican president to deliver billions of dollars in aid to New York after September 11. As secretary of State, she led the charge to persuade nations around the world to impose the tough sanctions on Iran that led to the landmark nuclear agreement, and she negotiated a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.”

Dallas Morning News [9.7.16]

” Trump’s values are hostile to conservatism. He plays on fear — exploiting base instincts of xenophobia, racism and misogyny — to bring out the worst in all of us, rather than the best. His serial shifts on fundamental issues reveal an astounding absence of preparedness. And his improvisational insults andmidnight tweets exhibit a dangerous lack of judgment and impulse control. After nearly four decades in the public spotlight, 25 of them on the national stage, Clinton is a known quantity. For all her warts, she is the candidate more likely to keep our nation safe, to protect American ideals and to work across the aisle to uphold the vital domestic institutions that rely on a competent, experienced president. Hillary Clinton has spent years in the trenches doing the hard work needed to prepare herself to lead our nation. In this race, at this time, she deserves your vote..”

WIRED Magazine [8.18.16]

“She comes to every policy conversation steeped in its history and implications, and with opinions from a diverse set of viewpoints. She is a technician, and we like technicians. […] she is the only candidate who can assess the data, consult with the people who need to be heard, and make decisions that she can logically defend. Sure, she’s calculating. She’s tactical. There are worse things you can ask of a person with nuclear codes.”

Storm Lake Times [8.3.16]

“As first lady and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton stood up to the world powers and demanded human rights for women and children around the globe. In her public life, she has given voice to the voiceless. […] Is Hillary Clinton a good person? Yes. Is she presidential material? You bet. Would she stand up for poor immigrants in Storm Lake, Iowa? We believe it in our very soul.”

Houston Chronicle [7.29.16]

“On the issues, there’s no comparison in terms of thoughtfulness, thoroughness and practicality. […] On foreign affairs, the former secretary of state is knowledgeable, dependable and trusted worldwide, unlike her blusterous opponent whose outrageous remarks last week about Russia were merely the most recent bizarre outburst to unsettle our allies.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Addresses American Federation of Teachers

On Monday evening, Hillary Clinton spoke during the annual convention of the American Federation of Teachers. Clinton spoke about her dedication to education and teachers saying that she would support efforts to modernize teaching, expand computer science and STEM education, ensure that testing assists teaching, and oppose vouchers and for-profit schools. Clinton also attacked Republican Donald Trump for his divisive policies and Republicans attitude toward education. A video from the event is below.

Two Hillary for America fundraisers were held today. The first was in Portland, Oregon and included a conversation with Senior Policy Advisor Ann O’Leary. The event took place at the home of Leanne Littrell DiLorenzo and John DiLorenzo Jr. The second event was in Atlanta, Georgia. The event featured former Congressman Barney Frank and was held for LGBTQ and Allies for Hillary. The event was hosted by Alan Brewer and Michael Goltzman.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Education Week, Twin Cities Pioneer Press

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Pittsburgh


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton attended a rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During her speech, Clinton ripped into Republican Donald Trump for his speech yesterday in response to the deadly attack in Orlando, Florida. She criticized his divisive language and renewed proposal of banning all Muslims from entering the United States. She also spoke about the importance of regulating the sales of guns saying, “We need to lift up voices of moderation and tolerance. I believe we Americans are capable of both protecting our Second Amendment rights while making sure guns don’t fall into the wrong hands. The terrorist in Orlando was the definition of the wrong hands. And weapons of war have no place in our streets.” Clinton called for the country to come together and politicians to work together, across party lines, to ensure that an attack of this nature is not possible in the future. A video from her speech is below.

In Portland, Maine, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. Former Congressman Barney Frank and Mary Bonauto spoke at the event that was hosted at Coffey by Design.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Pittsburgh City Paper, The Morning Call, CBS Pittsburgh

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in California

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters during a campaign rally at East Los Angeles College on Thursday, May 5, 2016 in East Los Angeles. (Photo by Keith Birmingham/ Pasadena Star-News)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters during a campaign rally at East Los Angeles College on Thursday, May 5, 2016 in East Los Angeles. (Photo by Keith Birmingham/ Pasadena Star-News)

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton campaigned in southern California where she spoke at an organizing event at East Los Angeles College. With a gathering of Bernie Sanders supporters protesting outside, Clinton focused on the general election in November and fighting the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. She urged Democrats, including supporters of herself and Sanders, to work together to defeat Trump and prevent the “loose cannon” from reaching the White House. She spoke about her plans to work with Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform saying, “We are a nation of immigrants, and I’m proud of it. We are stronger together, and our diversity is one of our strengths. So if people condemn or scapegoat or criticize or demagogue about immigrants, I wonder: Where are they living?”

Bill Clinton was in Portland, Oregon where he addressed a crowd of supporters at Left Bank Annex. Bill also spoke about Trump and why Hillary is a better alternative. But he said that he understands why a candidate like Trump appeals to many Americans. He said, “They’re mad and they’re longing to hear Donald Trump bash people around. And they like the bashing because they feel like they’ve been bashed, and the rest of us, their fellow Americans, don’t give a rip about them.” Bill said that Hillary has a long career of getting things done, and that her plans include everyone, not just a select group of Americans. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

A number of fundraisers were held today on behalf of Hillary for America. In Los Angeles, Clinton attended two fundraisers. The first including a conversation with Los Angeles Councilmember José Huizar. The second event was hosted by Simon Pang. Also in Los Angeles, Campaign Vice Chair Huma Abedin attended an event hosted by Dr. Asif Mahmood. Bill Clinton attended a fundraiser in Portland, Oregon. The event was hosted by Jill and Benjamin Souede. The final fundraiser of the day was held in Houston, Texas and included a conversation with Campaign Manager Robby Mook. The event was hosted by Cheryl and Percy Creuzot.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Orange County Register, ABC 7, OPB

Hillary Clinton Kicks off “Breaking Down Barriers” Tour in Appalachia


Today, Hillary Clinton began a series of events that she is calling the “Breaking Down Barriers” tour. The goal of the tour is to speak with small groups of voters and get a better understanding of their concerns. During her first event in Ashland, Kentucky, Clinton met with workers at Alma’s Italian Cafe where she outlined her plan to help coal communities. She compared her plan to the “Marshall Plan,” the plan that rebuilt Western Europe following World War II, saying that the three main parts would protect health and pension benefits of miners, research how coal can be a clean part of America’s energy future, and invest in alternative energy. She also spoke about her plans to entice more businesses to keep their manufacturing operations in the United States.

Clinton then traveled to Williamson, West Virginia where she was met by a number of protestors who took issue with recent comments Clinton made about the coal industry. During the event, Clinton apologized for the comments saying that her comments were taken out of context. She said, “What I was saying is that, the way things are going now, we will continue to lose jobs. That’s what I meant to say. I do feel a little bit sad and sorry that I gave folks the reason or the excuse to be so upset with me because that is not what I intended at all.” Clinton visited with miners who have lost their jobs and community leaders who are struggling with unemployed citizens. She vowed to support West Virginia and towns that rely heavily on coal mining for survival even if the state does not support her in the primary or November. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, fundraisers were being held for Hillary for America across the country. Chelsea Clinton was in Washington, DC where she attended a fundraiser. Also in Washington, DC, Campaign Chair John Podesta attended a fundraiser along with policy advisors Ann O’Leary and Jennifer Klein. In Brookline, Massachusetts, a fundraising event was held at the home of John Reinstein and retired Judge Nancy Gertner. Attending the event was former Attorney General Eric Holder. In Portland, Oregon, Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan and actress Kathleen Turner were on hand to kickoff a phone bank effort.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, The Washington Post, Mother Jones, Lexington Herald-Leader, West Virginia Metro News

Democrats Across the Country Campaign for Hillary


On Monday, while Hillary Clinton was in Iowa, a number of high profile Democrats and celebrities attended a number events in support of Hillary for America. Actress Jamie Lee Curtis has been visiting with voters and volunteers in Iowa for the last few days, holding events in Council Bluffs, Ames, and Newton. Curtis has been a long time support of Hillary and talked about her experience and readiness to lead.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro attended two events yesterday on behalf of Hillary and Hillary for America. The first was a fundraiser hosted by Tony Buxton, Bonnie Porta, and Karen Harris in Portland, Maine. The second event was a gathering at the Puerto Vallarta Mexican Grill in Manchester, New Hampshire. Meanwhile in New Jersey, Senator Cory Booker and Victor Herlinsky hosted a fundraiser in Newark.

Bill and Chelsea were also on the campaign trail yesterday, attending events in California. Bill was scheduled to attend events in Hillsborough and San Francisco. Chelsea attended two fundraisers, with the first being hosted at the Newport Coast home of Michael and Sholeh Chegini. The second fundraiser was held at the Los Angeles office of Frank Gehry.

The Iowa Caucus us under a week away, and events in Iowa are likely to pick up this week. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: KMTV

Clinton Stops in Portland, Maine

Hillary Clinton waves to supporters during a campaign event on Friday, Sept. 18, at King Middle School in Portland.
Hillary Clinton waves to supporters during a campaign event on Friday, Sept. 18, at King Middle School in Portland.

On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton made a campaign stop in Portland, Maine. Speaking at an event at King Middle School, Clinton spoke about a wide variety of topics, and she attacked Republicans for calling for failed policies of the past. She also spoke about investing in green energy and choosing Supreme Court justices. Yesterday in New Hampshire, Clinton spoke at length about her plans to help those suffering from addiction. She, again, addressed the issue because heroin is an issue in the northeast. She said, “I did not think I’d be talking about substance abuse in my presidential campaign until I started campaigning. Everywhere I go, people ask me, ‘what are you going to do about the heroin epidemic?’” A full video of the event is below.

Today, Clinton also made two stops in New Hampshire. Full coverage of those events will be posted later. Tomorrow, Clinton has one stop in New Hampshire before going to Washington, D.C. to attend the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Dinner. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Bangor Daily News

Clinton Attends 3 Fundraisers in 3 States

Clinton Attends a Private Fundraiser in Park City, Utah
Clinton Attends a Private Fundraiser in Park City, Utah

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended three fundraisers in three states. She began her day in Park City, Utah where she attended an event at a private home. While no cameras were allowed in the event, supporters said that Clinton spoke about America’s role in the world and child care. It is estimated that 60 people attended the event.

Clinton then traveled to Oregon where she attended a fundraiser at the Portland home of Win McCormack and Carol Butler. A number political figures attended the event including Portland Mayor Charlie Hales, form Governor Ted Kulongoski, and Representatives Suzanne Bonamici and Earl Blumenauer. Clinton met with guests and made brief remarks.

The final stop of the day was in the San Francisco area where she attended an event at the home of former Facebook executive Chris Kelly. As with all private events, none were not open to the public or press, so no video is available.

Tomorrow, Clinton will remain in California where is expected to attend another private fundraiser in San Fransisco before traveling to Los Angeles for a public and private event. Keep up with all the latest campaign news on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 13, The Oregonian, Fox 40

Image Source: Fox 13

World Affairs Council International Speakers Series

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke last night at the World Affairs Council International Speakers Series in Portland, Oregon. While she spoke on a wide variety of topics during her speech and a Q&A session that followed, Clinton continued to voice her concern with the extreme partisanship in American politics. She has been particualrly discouraged by the lack of comprise and urged voters, “Don’t vote for people who proudly tell you they won’t compromise.”

The video above is a news report from Portland’s KOIN news station. A full video will be posted if/when one becomes available.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source:  The Oregonian