Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Pennsylvania

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Following Hillary Clinton’s primary win in New York, the focus has turned to next week’s primaries. Pennsylvania is one of five states holding a primary on Tuesday, and Bill Clinton was campaigning on behalf of his wife in Johnstown. Speaking with supporters at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Bill spoke about his wife’s experience and qualifications as president. He outlined a number of her platform points including her plans to tackle income inequality, regulate Wall Street shadow banking, reduce student debt, and lower the cost of higher education. On the topic of the rising cost of college, he said, “Anybody that goes to a school with reasonable tuition and a decent graduation rate should qualify for help. Everybody that needs free tuition should get it.” A video of his speech will be added when/if available.

Chelsea Clinton was in Connecticut, another state with a primary next Tuesday, where she attended two fundraisers. The first was in Hartford and included a conversation with Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen. The second event was held in West Hartford. Chelsea attended a fundraiser at the home of Shari and Michael Cantor.

Bill and Chelsea were not the only supporters on the campaign trail for Hillary for America. Wendy Sherman, Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, attended a fundraiser in Newton, Massachusetts. The event was hosted by Eleanor White and Amb. Barry White (Ret.). In Scranton, Pennsylvania, actress Kathy Najimy and HFA Director of Women’s Outreach Mini Timmaraju attended a fundraiser. The final fundraiser was held in Horsham and was hosted by Jeff Albert, David Broida, Ellen Brookstein, Shelly Waldman, Jill Zipin, and JACPAC. The fundraiser was in support of the Jewish Community for Hillary and included an appearance by Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Tribune-Review

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in New York


While Hillary Clinton campaigned in Purchase, New York, Bill Clinton hosted a number of organizing events with labor unions in the New York City area. At each of the events, he struck a populist tone and criticized big companies that refuse to raise wages for their workers saying that “80 to 90% of the profits are going to shareholders and top management” instead of those doing the work. He said that Hillary will continue to fight for everyone and ensure that unions do not lose their right to collectively bargain. Criticizing Bernie Sanders, Bill also suggested that Sander’s heath care program will not work saying, “It’s interesting that the governor [Peter Shumlin] of Vermont — Vermont, the only governor in America that ever had the courage to try to have a single-payer system — he found, just like the experts that it was going to cost twice what he thought it was, and would take half the state’s budget. He gave it up. And guess who he is supporting for president? Hillary.” A video from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Three fundraisers were held by Hillary for America. The first was held in Providence, Rhode Island. The event was hosted by Rhode Island for Hillary and featured Congressman Joaquin Castro. The second event was hosted by Doctors Steven Beller and Esther Brimmer in Washington, DC. The event featured a conversation with Wendy Sherman, Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and Kurt Campbell, Former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. The final fundraiser of the day was held in New York City and included Marc Elias, Hillary for America General Counsel and Robbie Kaplan, Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Business Insider, Politico New York