Hillary Clinton Wins Mississippi Democratic Primary


Hillary Clinton soundly won the Mississippi Democratic primary with the final tally being 82.6% to 16.5%. In Michigan, Clinton’s Democratic rival Bernie Sanders pulled off a surprising upset and won the state by the narrow margin of 49.8% to 48.3%. In the delegate count, Clinton actually extended her lead due to the way delegates are assigned proportionally.

Before the final results in Michigan were in, Clinton spoke to supporters in Cleveland, Ohio. She spoke briefly about the win in Mississippi, then turned her attention to Ohio. She spoke about her plans going forward in the campaign and how the 2016 race for president is more important than ever. She addressed a number of topics including lead poisoning and how it affect Cleveland, companies outsourcing jobs, gun violence, and the economy. A video from her speech is below.

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News Source: Politico, Cleveland.com, CNN