Bill Clinton Speaks at Three Los Angeles Area Campaign Events


On Sunday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Los Angeles. He began by attending Sunday morning church services at First African Methodist Episcopal Church where he also joined the congregation for breakfast. Bill then spoke at the Boys and Girls Clubs of East Los Angeles. During his speech, he talked about the importance of the 2016 election and why Hillary is the best choice to keep moving the country forward. He spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points including health care, the economy, and immigration reform. He then urged voters to vote in Tuesday’s primary and vote for Hillary. A video from the event is available on C-SPAN.

Later, Bill spoke at a Get Out the Vote rallies at Mariachi Plaza and Plaza de la Raza Cultural Center. During each of the events, Bill focused on Hillary’s major platform points and targeted Republican nominee Donald Trump. At one event, he was interrupted by protestors, but he kept addressing the supporters. Referring to the protestors, he said, “They say everybody who disagrees with them is a part of some nefarious establishment. Well it’s a pretty big establishment.” Bill continues to focus on smaller local rallies as he meets with supporters. He concluded each event by asking for the support of voters. Videos from the events will be added when/if available.

In the evening, Bill attended a fundraiser in support of the Hillary Victory Fund in Los Gatos.

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News Source: The Los Angeles Times, CSPAN, The Los Angeles Times