Hillary Clinton Campaigns in IL, NC On Eve of Primaries


On Monday, Hillary Clinton attended events in Illinois and North Carolina, two states the vote in Democratic primaries tomorrow. Beginning in her hometown of Chicago, the first event was a stop at a non-profit organization in Pilsen where she spoke about her plans for immigration reform. She then went to the Kids Off the Block memorial which remembers child victims of gun violence. A video of her stop in Pilsen is below.

Clinton then spoke at a Get Out the Vote rally at a local Plumbers Hall where she spoke about her plans for gun control, heath care, the economy, and jobs. She spoke about how the Republicans have been harmful to the economy in the past and that the country cannot afford four years of Republican economic policies. She then argued that a president needs to be realistic and a strong leader saying, “No president can do it all. We’ve got to be honest about that. We need leadership and citizenship. We need everyone to reach out and help everyone, and I don’t believe we do that by insulting everyone, by dividing us against them.”

For the final event of the day, Clinton held a Get Out the Vote rally in Charlotte, North Carolina. Speaking to a crowd of 1,000 supporters, Clinton focused primarily on gun control and clean energy. On clean energy, she said that she would like to see 500 million new solar panels installed across the country by the end of her first term. She touched on other points of her platform including heath care and women’s rights. A partial video from her speech is below.

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News Source: Fox 46, ABC 7, Chicago Tribune, The Charlotte Observer