Al Gore Campaigns for Hillary in Colorado


Al Gore returned to the campaign trail on Monday. He campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton at events in Boulder and Lakewood, Colorado. Gore spoke about the importance of the election and its potential impact on the climate. He said that Clinton is the only candidate that admits climate change is real and offers a viable plan to combat its affects. “This election in particular is a climate election. You don’t have to go very far from downtown Boulder to answer the question of, ‘must we change?'” Gore then spoke about the importance of voting and encouraged everyone to get out tomorrow adding, “The outcome of this election is going to be up to you. Take it from me — every vote counts. (This election) is not just between two people with two different personalities, two different styles and approaches; it’s between two different governing policies. When all of the shouting dies down, that’s when the real decisions take place. This election means the world. Clinton understands that we must change. She understands that the international process requires a president that’s willing to stand up. The other candidate says he’s opposed to all of those things. To me, it seems it’s an extremely clear choice. We can do it. Let’s elect Hillary Clinton.” A video of his speech in Boulder is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Denver Post

Vice President Biden Campaigns for Hillary in Ohio


Vice President Joe Biden campaigned for Hillary Clinton today in Ohio. He made a surprise stop in Cleveland where he spoke with volunteers before heading off to his first event in Toledo. In Toledo, he spoke about the importance of defeating Donald Trump and electing Clinton president. He outlined a number of her policy points and her focus on the middle class. Biden also spoke about the importance of electing down ballot Democrats and ensuring that Clinton had good Senators and Representatives to work with in Congress. Biden campaigned with Senate Democratic candidate Ted Strickland, who is hoping to unseat Republican Senator Rob Portman. Watch a video from the Toledo event on C-SPAN.

Biden then traveled to Dayton where he spoke to a crowd of supporters about the presidential election and how Trump has made the election less about issues and more about personalities. “Trump has so dumbed-down this election. It’s been so outrageous we’ve not covered any of the issues basically. That’s what elections are all about.” Speaking at Sinclair Community College, Biden encouraged everyone to get out and vote on November 8th. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source:, CNN, Sun Herald, Dayton Daily News, The Columbus Dispatch