Clinton Featured in People Magazine


This weeks issue of People Magazine features Hillary Rodham Clinton on the cover and in their feature story. In the article Clinton discusses becoming a grandmother, her feelings about Monica Lewinsky, Hard Choices, House of Cards, and (of course) 2016. The issue of People Magazine is on newsstands now.

News Source: New York Times

Hillary Clinton will make Decision to run Next Year

Thursday, December 19, 2013 (5:04)


Hillary Rodham Clinton has been named Barbara Walters’ most fascinating person of 2013 (she was also Walters’ most fascinating person in 1993). From leaving the State Department in January to the speculation about whether she will run president in 2013, Clinton has remained in the headlines. As this site has outlined, Clinton has given a number of high profile speeches and appears to be building for a possible run in 2016.

During her interview with Walters, she urged Clinton to run for president. When asked about her possible run, Clinton’s response was, “I will look carefully at what I think I can do and make that decision sometime next year.” It appears we will have our answer sometime next year! Watch the full interview with Barbara Walters below.

News Source: ABC News

Video Source: YouTube