Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Pennsylvania


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton attended two organizing events in Pennsylvania ahead of their primary on April 26. Her first stop was in Philadelphia where she spoke at the AFL-CIO Convention. During her speech, she expressed her confidence that she would be the Democratic nominee for president and vowed to make labor and the economy a priority as president. She also criticized comments made by Republican front runner Donald Trump saying, “You’ve got other candidates talking about building walls and putting up barriers against each other, right? My campaign is about breaking down all the barriers holding working families back. My campaign is about building again those ladders of opportunity and empowerment so people can claim their own piece of the American dream.” A full video of her speech is below.

Clinton then spoke at an organizing event on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Clinton spoke to a crowd of about 2,000 people who crowded in the gymnasium and on the lawn outside to hear her speak, and she apologized for not speaking at a larger venue. During her speech, Clinton spoke about her plans to continue the progress of President Barack Obama’s administration by improving heath care, making higher education more affordable for those in school and those paying off school debt, and expanding clean energy. She criticized Republican policies and said that a real Democrat needed to continue the progressive movement. A full video of her speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Penn Live, The Morning Call, CBS Pittsburgh

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Wisconsin


On Friday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin. Speaking at Lawrence University in Appleton, Clinton focused on a number of Hillary’s platform points including her idea for Wall Street reform, her plan to lower the cost of higher education, and her focus on clean energy. He also criticized Republican front-runner Donald Trump for his plans to build a wall on the United States’ border with Mexico and said that the focus needed to be on building a strong middle class. He said, “We can do this, but we can’t do this until we tear down (economic) barriers.” A video from today’s speech will be posted when/if available.

Also campaigning on behalf of Hillary on Friday were two Hillary for America advisors. In State College, Pennsylvania, Foreign Policy Advisor Laura Rosenberger attended a fundraiser hosted by Michael Berkman, Sue Port, John McCarthy, Patricia House, Virginia McGregor, Art Patterson, and Nancy Chiswick. Meanwhile in Newtown, Pennsylvania, Campaign Chair John Podesta hosted an event at the home of John Cordisco.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Appleton Post-Crescent

Bill, Chelsea, and Others Attend Fundraisers


On Monday, Bill and Chelsea Clinton were on the campaign trail fundraising for Hillary’s campaign. Bill was in Florida where he attended a number of events on behalf of Hillary. She was originally scheduled to attend the events, but she cancelled to attend a number of campaign events across Nevada before this weekend’s caucus. In Florida, Bill attended a fundraiser at the Palm Beach home of Elaine and Gerald Schuster. Then, he attended a fundraiser held at Gary Nader Fine Art in Miami. Finally, in Boca Raton, he attended an event at the home of Helene and Roy Schwedelson.

While in Florida, Bill hosted one public event in Riviera Beach where he spoke about Clinton’s experience and qualifications for the presidency, but he also went after her rival Bernie Sanders (not by name) by saying that it was important for the Democratic Party to remain moderate and to not lean too far left. He cited the rift between the Republican Party and the more extreme Tea Party as an example that the Democrats do not want to follow. He also spoke about heath care, higher education, and immigration reform. A video of his speech is below.

Chelsea Clinton was also on the campaign trail on Monday making stops in Ohio and Pennsylvania. She began with morning event in Bexley, Ohio at the home of Susan Tomasky and Ron Ungvarsky. She then traveled to the Cleveland home of Judy Eigenfeld and Rick Maron. She wrapped up the evening with a fundraiser at the home of Kris and Robyn Jones
in Shavertown, Pennsylvania.

In Washington, DC, Senator Debbie Stabenow hosted a conversation on Capital Hill. The event is part of a series hosted by Hillary for America covering a number of platform topics. This evening’s topic was Agricultural policy.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Miami Herald

Clinton Attends Private Fundraisers

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.

Hillary Rodham Clinton attended two fundraisers today in two different states. In Scranton, Pennsylvania, she attended a private fundraiser. Clinton is well known in the community as the city is the childhood home of her father, Hugh Rodham. She also attended a fundraiser at the Radisson Hotel in Corning, New York. The event was hosted by Corning CEO Wendell Weeks and Corning Chief Financial Officer James Flaws. As with all private fundraisers, the events were not open to the press.

On Friday, Clinton is scheduled to speak at the National Urban League Convention in Florida. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

News Source: Democrat and Chronicle, The Morning Call

Clinton Hosts New Hampshire Town Hall

Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to New Hampshire on Tuesday for a town hall event in Nashua. The event comes one day after Clinton unveiled her climate plans. During the town hall event, she was asked a number of questions, but the one question that she continues to refuse to answer is regarding the Keystone Pipeline. She has been pressed to give a yes or no answer, but she said, “This is President Obama’s decision and I’m not going to second-guess him. If it’s undecided when I become president, I will answer your question.” A full video from today’s town hall is below.

Tomorrow, Clinton is scheduled to attend fundraisers in New York and Pennsylvania. Be sure to follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

News Source: The New York Times

Clinton Attends Pennsylvania and North Carolina Fundraisers

Screen Shot 2015-07-22 at 6.53.08 PMOn Wednesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended private fundraisers in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. She began by visiting a private fundraiser at the home of Cindy Shapira in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania. Shapira is a activist and the wife of, David Shapira, the former CEO of the Giant Eagle grocery chain.

After leaving Pennsylvania, Clinton went to North Carolina where she attended a fundraiser hosted by George and Christine Reddin in Raleigh. Among those attending the event were former Governors Jim Hun and Bev Perdue and former Senator Kay Hagan. Both events were closed to the press, so no videos or details are available.

For all the latest campaign updates, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, WNCN

Clinton Attends Fundraisers in Detroit and Chicago

635730905307178192-2015-0721-dm-hilary00666On Tuesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton stopped in Detroit at a local sweet potato shop. Clinton visited Sweet Potato Sensations for a slice of sweet potato pie and ice cream. She visited with the owners of the bakery and its patrons. Clinton told the patrons and reporters, ” I’ve said in this campaign that I want to be the small business president. And I’m making a real point of sort of identifying and visiting small businesses that are successful, sometimes against the odds, but really provide either a service or product that people in their communities are buying up and giving a good base for further growth.”

After leaving Detroit, Clinton headed to a private fundraiser in Grosse Pointe, Michigan at the home of Democratic Party strategist Jill Alper and her husband, David Katz. Clinton also attended a private fundraiser this evening in Chicago, Illinois. The fundraiser was hosted by securities trader Rajiv Fernando.

Tomorrow, Clinton is expected to visit Pennsylvania. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

New Source: Detroit Free Press, The Detroit News, Chicago Tribune

Clinton Returns to Arkansas

071815_hillary_clinton_1_ap_1160x629Hillary Rodham Clinton began her Saturday morning by attending a private fundraiser in Davenport, Iowa where she spoke about a wide variety of topics including the recent nuclear agreement with Iran. After leaving Iowa, Clinton returned to a state she knows well, Arkansas. Since her husband, Bill Clinton, was governor of the state, Arkansas has become a Republican strong hold. Clinton’s appearance at the Arkansas Democratic Party’s annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Little Rock was intended to boost the party.

During her speech, Clinton addressed a number of topics including points she made in her economic speech earlier in the week. She also addressed comments made by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump who questioned the heroism of Senator John McCain, who was held prisoner during his tour of duty in Vietnam. Clinton called Trump’s comments “shameful” defended McCain, who she has called a friend, saying “there’s nothing funny about the hate [Trump] is spewing at immigrants and families — and now the insults he has directed at a genuine war hero, Sen. John McCain.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below (Note: Clinton’s speech begins at the 7:20 mark).

This coming week, Clinton is expected to make appearances in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

News Source: The New York Times, Politico, Mason City Globe Gazette

Campaign for Tom Wolf (PA)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton hit the campaign trail appearing at an event for Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf. Clinton’s remarks at the event were much more political in nature. Although a number of her events since leaving the State Department have been in an activist role, she has often shied away from politics. All this changed as she began campaigning for the mid-term elections. She echoed Wolf’s political beliefs.

Clinton made strong statements about the economy and the job market, but she was careful not to call out anyone by name. She said, ““We have spent years now clawing our way back, out of the hole that was dug in 2008, but we have a lot more to do if we want to release our full potential and make sure that American families finally feel the rewards of recovery. And that’s particularly true, in my opinion, for American women. Ask yourself, why do women still get paid less than men for the same work? Why, after American women have contributed so much to our economy over the decades, do we act as if it were 1955?”

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: Politico

Marjorie Margolies Fundraiser

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared a fundraiser for Marjorie Margolies. Although Margolies is running for Congress for a district in Pennsylvania, the event took place in New York at the home of Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Margolies is Chelsea Clinton’s mother-in-law and was in the House of Representatives when Bill Clinton was president. The odd part about the fundraiser is that Margolies did not attend.  A campaign aide said, “She felt it important that she be in the district.” The Clintons will certainly continue to campaign for Margolies in the months leading up to the November election. The press was not allowed inside the fundraiser, so no video is available.

News Source: Huffington Post