Bill Clinton Wraps Up North Carolina Campaign Tour


On Wednesday, Bill Clinton wrapped up a two day campaign bus tour in North Carolina. He began the day in Wilmington where he spoke on the campus of Cape Fear Community College. During his speech, Bill spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to bolster the economy by investing in the country’s infrastructure, focusing on bringing manufacturing jobs back to America, raising the minimum wage, and making college more affordable. Bill spoke about the dangers of electing Donald Trump and framed Hillary as the only candidate with a complete plan to move America forward. He said, “Believe it or not, even things like emergency help for people after natural disasters may be on the line here. And one thing you won’t have to worry about with Hillary as president, it’s somebody that’ll have your back when you’re in need and you need to start again.” Bill concluded by urging everyone to on November 8th or to take advantage of early voting. Watch a video from the event below.

Bill then spoke at events in Pembroke and Fayetteville. He continued to focus on the issues and the differences between the policies proposed by Hillary and Trump. He spoke about the campaign’s motto, Stronger Together, and how it is a blueprint for America. He said “When she says stronger together. When she says this wall-building and anti-Muslim rhetoric is not only bad for America, it’s bad for the rest of the world. It’s because she knows we live in a world where we have to have partners.” Bill encouraged everyone to take advantage of early voting or to head to the polls on November 8th. A video of Bill’s speech in Fayetteville is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WWAY, Fayetteville Observer, NPR