Clinton Speaks at Brookings’ Saban Forum

During a speech at the Saban Forum, Hillary Clinton pledged her support for Israel if elected president. She spoke about ISIS and its threat to the world and Israeli security moving forward. Two major points to Israeli security include the nuclear agreement with Iran and working toward a negotiated peace between Israel and Palestine. Clinton is optimistic, but cautious, about the agreement with Iran saying that the world will need to strictly monitor and enforce the terms of the agreement. Clinton concluded her speech by praising Israel for its strength and resolve. Following her speech, Clinton answered questions from the audience, including questions about using the military to enforce the nuclear agreement with Iran, and how she would work to broker a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine. A full video of her speech and Q&A secession is above.

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Clinton Pens Op-Ed About US-Israel Relations

11150142_891732904216573_1781032207063359201_nYesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton penned an op-ed that was published by Forward in which she outlines her plans for the relationship between the United States and Israel. Clinton pledged to support Israel and and vowed that she would continue to defend Israel as president. In the piece she says, “I am deeply committed to Israel’s future as a secure and democratic Jewish state, and just as convinced that the only way to guarantee that outcome is through diplomacy. And while no solution can be imposed from outside, I believe the United States has a responsibility to help bring Israelis and Palestinians to the table and to encourage the difficult but necessary decisions that will lead to peace. As president I will never stop working to advance the goal of two states for two peoples living in peace, security and dignity.”

Read the full op-ed by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: Forward

Georgetown University

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

141203_clinton-391Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at Georgetown University at an event sponsored by Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security (GIWPS); Harvard’s Institute for Inclusive Security; and the Clinton Foundation’s No Ceilings Initiative. Her speech was entitled “Smart Power: Security Through Inclusive Leadership” and focused on women participating in the peace process throughout the world. The event featured a panel discussion following Clinton’s speech. Also speaking at the event was the Minister of Defense for the Kingdom of Norway Ine Eriksen Søreide.

Clinton spoke about women involved in peace process throughout the world and the diplomatic role many women have taken on. She said, “This is what we call Smart Power, using every possible tool…leaving no one on the sidelines, showing respect even for one’s enemies, trying to understand, and insofar as is psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view, helping to define the problems [and] determine a solution, that is what we believe in the 21st century will change the prospect for peace.”

Those taking part in the panel included: Ambassador Marriët Schuurman, special representative to the NATO Secretary General for Women, Peace and Security; Maj. Gen. Adrian Foster, deputy military adviser for the U.N. Department of Peacekeeping Operations; Akihiko Tanaka, president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency; Lt. Gen. Daniel Leaf, director of the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies; Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General (via video); and Staffan de Mistura, United Nations Special Envoy for Syria (via video).

The event was captured live on Ustream and the video is still available by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: Georgetown University