Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Delaware and Pennsylvania

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On the eve of Tuesday’s primaries, Hillary Clinton spoke at Get Out the Vote events in Delaware and Pennsylvania. Her first event was in Wilmington where she made the case that she is the best qualified for president because of her experience in Congress and as Secretary of State. During her speech, Clinton criticized Republican candidate Donald Trump for being out of touch with Americans saying, “Come out of those towers named for yourself and actually talk to people. If you want to be president of the United States, you’ve actually got to be familiar with the United States.” Despite her attacks on Trump, Clinton said that she is open to talking to Republicans in Congress to get things done for Americans.

Clinton then traveled to Youngwood, Pennsylvania where she spoke to a crowd of supporters at Westmoreland County Community College. She focused on her platform points speaking about reducing the cost of higher education, equal rights for women, and continuing the progress of the last eight years. Clinton then asked for voters support in tomorrow’s primaries saying, “If you vote for me tomorrow, I will stand up and fight for you every day.”

Clinton’s final Get Out the Vote rally was in Philadelphia. In her final speech before voters head to the polls, Clinton spoke about a number of her platform points including requiring mandatory background checks before any gun purchase, expanding early childhood education funding, lower the cost of a college education, reducing the debt of college graduates, and ensuring equal pay for women. She spoke about the importance of the 2016 election before asking for voters support in tomorrow’s primary. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Philly.com, The News Journal, Tribune-Review

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Upstate New York


On Saturday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in upstate New York. He began by attending a Get Out the Vote event in Albany, New York’s capital. During the event, he called Hillary “the best change-maker I’ve ever known” adding that she knows what works and will bring her decades of experience to the White House. Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand also appeared at the event and campaigned for Hillary across the state today. Clinton spoke about a number of his wife’s campaign points before asking for voter support in Tuesday’s primary.

His next campaign event was in Watertown where he spoke about the importance of the 2016 race and the future implications of the November election. He went to speak about a number of Hillary’s platform points including economic growth, something he admitted isn’t happening as quickly for everyone as he would like. The next president will have the power to keep the economy growing, and he said, “I think we are very close to being able to all rise together again if we make the right decision in this campaign.”

In Syracuse, Clinton spoke to a crowd of supporters and stressed Hillary’s record as a New York Senator and how she can take that experience and apply it to the entire country. Clinton said that Hillary visited Syracuse 47 times as Senator and worked with local officials to help the area grow. The economy was the primary focus of his speech and he explained that Hillary will fight for equal pay and higher wages for everyone. He said, “When I was president, we were always in the top 10 percentage of women in the workforce. But it gets harder and harder and harder, when the wages are flat and we’re one of seven countries that doesn’t offer paid leave. When we don’t have an equal pay law and we don’t have affordable child care. Do those three things and we’ll have women flooding back into the workforce in a way that will raise wages for everybody. Raise the minimum wage do those things and we’ll all start growing together again.”

Clinton’s final Get Out the Vote event of the day was in Binghamton where he addressed a crowd of 2,000 supporters. During the event at Binghamton University, he spoke about Hillary’s previous efforts to secure funding for the university and clean energy in the Southern Tier. He also spoke about the rising costs of higher education saying that “every student should be able to graduate from college debt free” and that those paying back student loans should be able to refinance at a lower interest rate. The central argument of his speech was that things in America are still unequal for too many groups. The middle class is not growing, women are not paid equally, and there is still systemic discrimination in many states. Clinton said that Hillary has a plan to break down barriers and ensure that every American can live up to their full potential. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Daily Gazette, TWC News Capital Region, WNYF, TWC News Central NY, Press & Sun-Bulletin

Hillary Clinton Second in Wisconsin Primary


On Tuesday, Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton in the Wisconsin primary. The final results had Sanders over Clinton 56.6% to 43.1%. While the vote may not have been as close as Clinton’s camp would like, the delegate count remained in Clinton’s favor with Sanders only gaining a handful of delegates. The next primary event in Wyoming’s Caucus on Saturday, April 9.

Meanwhile, Clinton was in New York campaigning for their upcoming primary on April 19. Speaking at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, Clinton focused on women’s rights and women’s issues. She spoke about topics such as reproductive rights, criminal justice, and economics. Clinton particularly focused on the the minimum wage and how it disproportionality affects women and minority women in particular. Clinton said, “I’m particularly concerned about girls and women, being one myself. But more than that because we still have a long way to go before we can honestly say to our daughters, ‘Yes you can be anything you want to be, including president of the United States.’” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, International Business Times, NY1

Hillary Clinton Announces Jobs Plan in Detroit


On Friday, Hillary Clinton gave a speech at an auto manufacturing plant in Detroit where she unveiled her jobs plan. Clinton’s proposed plan, dubbed the “New Bargain,” focuses on American works and rewards American companies who expand their domestic workforce. During her speech, she criticized Wall Street firms, spoke about the decline of labor unions, spoke out against Chinese trade practices, and bashed uneven executive pay. She said, “Companies have to start treating workers as assets to be invested in — not costs to be cut.”

In a speech that had a populist tone, Clinton focused on job creation and manufacturing in the United States. She covered a wide variety of topics including raising the minimum wage, taxing corporations that outsource jobs, and criticized “inversion” practices which allow corporations to merge with overseas corporations thus moving their headquarters and avoiding taxes.

During her speech, Clinton also spoke about the Republican debate, which took place in Detroit on Thursday night. She blasted Republicans for their anti-worker and pro-business policies. Clinton said that she was most offended by the lack of discussion of any material topics by the candidates, especially the economy. She speculated that they avoided the topic “because all of the Republican candidates support the same failing policies: cut taxes for the rich, get out of the way of corporations, don’t raise the minimum wage.” A video of Clinton’s speech is available on C-SPAN.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Detroit Free Press, CNN, Time

Bill, Chelsea Campaign for Hillary before Super Tuesday


On Sunday, Bill and Chelsea Clinton were on the campaign trail in support of Hillary Clinton. Bill spent the day in Florida where he attended fundraisers in Miami and Boca Raton. In Miami Gardens, he spoke at a Get Out the Vote event where he covered Hillary’s call for increased gun control, improving health care, and resolving systemic racism. He asked voters to support Hillary in the upcoming March 15th primary. A video from his speech will be added when/if available.

Chelsea was in Minnesota before Tuesday’s caucuses, and she attended Get Out the Caucus events in Minnetonka and South St. Paul. She also spoke at a Women for Hillary event in Rochester. At each of the events, she spoke about her mother’s experience and platform, focusing particularly on her work with children and women’s rights. Chelsea said, “She set the expectations that every embassy representing our country around the world would know what was happening to women and girls in terms of rights, opportunities, safety, health, participation. And she spent three years building a bipartisan coalition to create the children’s health insurance program, which covers more than eight million low-income kids, including tens of thousands here in Minnesota.” Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS Miami, CBS Minnesota

Hillary Clinton in Iowa and Philadelphia on Wednesday


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton attended a Get out the Caucus event in Iowa before heading to Philadelphia. In Adel, Clinton spoke at the Adel Family Fun Center, a bowling alley whose owner, Bryce Smith, she met last year. She wanted to hold an event at the center because of what Smith has done for the community. Clinton then spoke about her plans for the economy, climate change, clean energy, and heath care. A video from the event is below.

Clinton then went to Philadelphia where she met with African American ministers at Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church in Society Hill. She discussed women’s heath, equal pay, the economy, and criminal justice reform. She told them that, “I want to be your partner, not just your president.” Following the meeting, Clinton then attended a fundraiser in Philadelphia which included a performance by Jon Bon Jovi.

Today, Clinton will attend fundraisers in New York before returning to Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, NBC 10

Clinton Outlines Economic Agenda

In a speech today in New York City, Hillary Rodham Clinton gave the first economic  speech of her presidential campaign. She spoke about a number of topics including: raising wages for the middle class, reigning in Wall Street bankers, and creating a stronger economy for everyone. Clinton’s can best be outlined in three categories:

  1. Strong Growth. Growing the economy by expanding employment opportunities, tax relief for small businesses and middle class Americans, comprehensive immigration reform, investing in clean energy, increase funding for scientific and medial research, establish an infrastructure bank, and make college more affordable. She also called for equal pay for women, affordable health care, paid sick and family leave, and affordable child care.
  2. Fair Growth. Clinton’s strongest argument was that if you work hard, you have a right to expect something in return. She called for raising the minimum wage, reduce health care costs, supporting labor unions, tax reform, expanding early childhood learning, and encouraging businesses to share their profits with employees.
  3. Long-Term Growth. In the long term, she called for reforming the capital gains tax, increasing benefits and training for workers, focusing on long term investments, imposing stricter accountability for Wall Street, and planning for the future.

In addition to outlining her her economic plan, Clinton criticized her Republican rivals for the failed trickle down economics strategy saying, “For 35 years, Republicans have argued that if we give more wealth to those at the top by cutting their taxes and letting big corporations write their own rules, it will trickle down — it will trickle down to everyone else.”

Today’s speech, held at The New School, was the result of several hundred meetings between Clinton’s team and economic advisers, including Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz. Clinton’s speech was applauded by many Democrats and liberals as many of her policies appear to have been inspired by Senator Elizabeth Warren, someone who has been pushed to run for president by many. Senator Warren and Clinton have met and discussed economic policy.

A video of the full video of the speech is above. You may also read the full transcript by CLICKING HERE.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: CNN, The Wall Street Journal