Hillary Clinton Answers New York Times Readers’ Questions


The editorial board of The New York Times asked readers to select from a list of questions the one that they would most like both presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, to answer. The three questions that received the most votes were about climate change, income inequality, and gun violence. Read Clinton’s answers below, or click HERE to read both candidates’ answers.

1. It is widely accepted scientific fact that climate change is real and potentially catastrophic. What specific action will you take in the next four years?

Hillary Clinton: Climate change is real, and we have a moral obligation to leave our children and grandchildren a better planet. I believe we can fight climate change and create millions of good-paying jobs at the same time.

Some nation is going to be the clean energy superpower of the 21st century. It’s either going to be Germany, China or us, and I want to make sure that it’s us. And we can do it in a way that means no one gets left out or left behind.

I’ve laid out specific plans to modernize our electric grid with enough renewable energy to power every home in America within a decade, including 500 million solar panels by the end of my first term. I want to launch a Clean Energy Challenge to partner with cities, states, and rural communities that are ready to lead on clean energy, clean transportation, and energy efficiency, and help them go further.

We’ll invest in resilient infrastructure that will protect communities like those in North Carolina, Iowa, and Louisiana that have seen terrible floods just this year. We know that low-income communities and communities of color are disproportionately affected by pollution and by extreme weather, and climate change is only going to make that worse. So I will make environmental and climate justice a priority, including eliminating lead as a major public health threat within five years.

We’re already less dependent on foreign oil than we have been in decades, but we can go further, reduce oil consumption by a third, and do more to power America with home-grown wind, solar, and advanced biofuels.

And I have a real plan to invest in creating jobs and building stronger economies in coal country. America’s coal communities have kept our lights on and our factories running for generations, and I won’t let them be left in the dark.

Finally, I believe the United States needs to continue to lead the global effort to combat climate change. I will fulfill the pledge President Obama made in the Paris Climate Agreement and seek to go further by cutting emissions up to 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. We need to implement the breakthrough we achieved just last week in the Montreal Protocol to phase down super-polluting HFCs and avoid as much as half a degree of warming.

Not only does America need to lead, we need to do more to work with our neighbors. We trade more energy with Canada and Mexico than with the rest of the world combined. That’s why I want to negotiate a North American Climate Compact to cut emissions and accelerate the clean energy transition across the continent.

I won’t let the climate deniers stand in the way of progress, or let us give in to the climate defeatists who say this challenge is too big to solve. We can and will take on climate change, build a clean energy economy, and leave our kids and grandkids a safe and healthy world—because there is no Planet B.

2. What would you do to reduce the extreme income inequality in this country?

Hillary Clinton: Too many hardworking Americans have the deck stacked against them. No one who works hard should have to raise their kids in poverty, or worry they won’t be able to retire with dignity.

But the majority of the income growth since the Great Recession has gone to people at the top. Working people haven’t gotten a raise in 15 years. Right now, the top one-tenth of one percent of Americans own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent combined. We haven’t seen this level of wealth inequality since right before the Great Depression.

We need an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. For starters, I’ll raise the federal minimum wage and guarantee equal pay for women. And we’ll promote profit-sharing—the workers who help make their companies profitable should be able to share in that success the way executives do.

We need to create more good jobs that pay enough to raise a family. So we’ll make the biggest investment in good jobs since World War II—jobs in infrastructure, advanced manufacturing, and clean energy. We need to make sure that jobs in home health care, child care, and other fields provide good pay and good benefits, and make it easier for workers to organize and bargain collectively in all industries. We need to do more to support small businesses that create so many new jobs. And we need to make it easier for people to be good employees and good parents by guaranteeing 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave for every worker.

We also need to go after intergenerational poverty. Every child in America should be able to live up to his or her God-given potential, no matter who your parents are or what ZIP code you grew up in. That’s why I’m going to make pre-school universal for every four-year-old in America.

It’s also why we’re going to embrace approaches like South Carolina Congressman Jim Clyburn’s 10-20-30 plan, where 10 percent of federal investments are made in communities where 20 percent of the people have been living in poverty for the last 30 years. Let’s address the systemic problems that have kept too many in poverty for far too long.

Lastly, we need more fairness in our tax system. By closing the loopholes and requiring those at the top to pay their fair share in taxes, we can help cover the cost of vital investments that will create jobs and opportunity for middle-class families and help lift millions out of poverty. Around two-thirds of the burden of my tax plan falls on the highest earning 0.1 percent of taxpayers.

Here’s what we won’t do. We won’t raise taxes on people making less than $250,000. And we won’t spend trillions of dollars giving huge new tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations. They’ve seen the gains in recent years—they should pay their fair share to make the investments that will grow the economy for everyone.

3. What would your administration do to reduce gun violence and mass shootings?

Hillary Clinton: We lose an average of 90 Americans every day because of guns. Since I launched my campaign for the presidency in April of 2015, that means more than 50,000 people have been killed by gun violence in America.

I’ve met some of their families, and countless others whose lives have been forever changed by gun violence. I’ve traveled the country with mothers like Lucy McBath, whose 17-year-old son Jordan was shot and killed for playing music. I’ve been inspired by advocates like Erica Smegielski, whose mother Dawn died trying to protect her students at Sandy Hook School. And I’ve prayed with residents in cities like Charleston, one of the many communities across our country that have been devastated by this epidemic.

For decades, people have said this issue was too hard to solve and the politics too hot to touch. But as I’ve listened to the stories in every corner of our country, one question has stayed at the front of my mind: How can we just stand by and do nothing?

That simple answer is: We can’t.

So here’s what I think we need to do. First, we need to expand background checks to include more gun sales, like those at gun shows and over the Internet. There’s no reason a domestic abuser should be able to go online and buy a gun with no questions asked. And we need to close other loopholes, like the so-called “Charleston Loophole” that allows dangerous people to buy guns without a background check if that check isn’t completed within three days.

Second, we need to hold the gun industry accountable, and end laws that shield them from liability when they break the law. We saw that just this month, when one of those laws was used to block the families of the Sandy Hook shooting from having their day in court.

Finally, we need to keep military-style weapons off our streets. They are a danger to law enforcement and to our communities.

By taking these common sense steps, we can keep our children safe and respect the Second Amendment. The vast majority of Americans support measures like these. So our challenge isn’t finding common ground. It’s getting politicians to listen to their constituents rather than the gun lobby.

For that to happen we need to say, loudly and clearly, that gun violence is an issue that matters. And we need to vote accordingly.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times

Hillary Clinton Speaks at Conference of Mayors, Marches in NYC Pride Parade


On Sunday, Hillary Clinton spoke at the United States Conference of Mayors where she spoke about a number of her platform points. She focused on attacking Republican Donald Trump’s positions on a number of topics, although she never mentioned him by name. Clinton also spoke about gun control saying that it is imperative to act and reduce gun violence. She cited surveys which indicate that the vast majority of Americans and gun owners alike support mandatory background checks for the purchase of a firearm. Clinton said, “I know we can respect the 2nd Amendment and make common sense reforms.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below:

Earlier in the day, Clinton marched in the New York City Pride Parade where she joined Governor Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill de Blasio, and Rev. Al Sharpton. The Pride Parade celebrates the LGBT community and the monumental Supreme Court ruling that ensures states cannot block same-sex marriage. The court’s ruling was announced a year ago today.


Following her speech, Clinton went to Cincinnati, Ohio where she attended a campaign fundraiser. The event was hosted by Mayor John Cranley, Dena Cranley, Allan Berliant, and Jennie Rosenthal Berliant. Yesterday, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America for American citizens living abroad. The event was held in Paris, France and was billed as a Men’s Fashion Week Party. Speaking at the event were actor Kyle MacLachlan and Project Runway producer Desiree Gruber.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: New York Daily News

Bill Clinton Campaigns in New Mexico, California

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On Thursday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary in two states. He began in New Mexico where he spoke at a Get Out the Vote event at Picacho Middle School in Las Cruces. During his speech, Bill spoke about the importance of the 2016 election and a number of Hillary’s platform points. He stressed the importance of continuing the economic growth and said that includes making the economy work for everyone and not just those at the top. Bill spoke about a number of other platform topics including refinancing student debt, expanding health care coverage, and creating new jobs. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Bill then traveled to California where he spoke at a rally in Redding. During the event at Shasta College, Bill spoke about voter anger and how he understood the attitude toward the current political environment. But he said that Republican nominee Donald Trump is not the answer. He spoke about Hillary’s experience and her platform points and why she is the better choice for the country moving forward. He said the way America moves forward is by working together and realizing we get more accomplished that way. Bill said, “You gotta believe in a tomorrow economy and you gotta believe in cooperation, not conflict, and you can’t turn people away at the door because you don’t like their religion or their race or their whatever.” He concluded by asking for voters’ support in next week’s primary. A video from the event is below.

Meanwhile, a number of Hillary supporters attended fundraisers on behalf of Hillary for America. In New York City, Chelsea Clinton attended a fundraising event at One Kings Lane. In St. Helena, California, Senior Policy Advisor Ann O’Leary attended a fundraiser hosted by Congressman Mike and Jan Thompson and Progressive Women of Napa Valley. Tennis champion Billie Jean King hosted a Discussion on Breaking Down Barriers in Paris, France. The event was for American citizens and was hosted by Forrest Alogna, Pamela Boulet, Belinda De Gaudemar, Hedieh Khakbaz Loubier, Marina Niforos, Elizabeth Pierson Sainty, Joe Smallhoover, Valerie Picard, Mindy Prugnaud, and Lawrence Yanovitch.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: KRCR, Oroville Mercury Register, KFOX 14

Third Democratic Debate Tonight on ABC

LAS VEGAS, NV - OCTOBER 13: (L-R) Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley take part in a presidential debate sponsored by CNN and Facebook at Wynn Las Vegas on October 13, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Five Democratic presidential candidates are participating in the party's first presidential debate. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
LAS VEGAS, NV – OCTOBER 13: (L-R) Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley take part in a presidential debate sponsored by CNN and Facebook at Wynn Las Vegas on October 13, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Five Democratic presidential candidates are participating in the party’s first presidential debate. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Tonight is the third of the Democratic debates. The debate will be held at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. Tonight’s lineup will include front runner Hillary Clinton, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley. The topic of tonight’s debate will be foreign policy and the terrorist attacks in Paris. The moderators will be “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir and Chief Global Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz.

Debate coverage begins at 8pm ET on ABC and can be watched live HERE. Live updates are also being provided throughout the day on ABC’s website. Full coverage of tonight’s debate will be posted tomorrow.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clinton Releases Statement of Support for Paris Climate Change Agreement

Democratic presidential candidate, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks to the Democratic National Committee 22nd Annual Women's Leadership Forum National Issues Conference in Washington, Friday, Oct. 23, 2015. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Democratic presidential candidate, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks to the Democratic National Committee 22nd Annual Women’s Leadership Forum National Issues Conference in Washington, Friday, Oct. 23, 2015. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

On Saturday, it was announced that the more than 180 nations that gathered at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris has reached an agreement. The details of the agreement are continuing to develop, but Hillary Clinton released the following statement of support applauding the United States for taking a leadership role at the conference and calling for the US to continue to work towards building a clean energy economy.

I applaud President Obama, Secretary Kerry and our negotiating team for helping deliver a new, ambitious international climate agreement in Paris. This is an historic step forward in meeting one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century – the global crisis of climate change.

The Paris agreement is a testament to America’s ability to lead the world in building a clean energy future where no one is left out or left behind. And it was made possible in part by every person, business owner, and community in the United States and around the world that stepped up to prove we don’t have to choose between growing our economy and protecting our kids’ heath and future – we can do both.

But we will only succeed if we redouble our efforts going forward to drive innovation, increase investment, and reap the benefits of the good-paying jobs that will come from transitioning to a clean energy economy. The next decade of action is critical – because if we do not press forward with driving clean energy growth and cutting carbon pollution across the economy, we will not be able to avoid catastrophic consequences.

We cannot afford to be slowed by the climate skeptics or deterred by the defeatists who doubt America’s ability to meet this challenge. That’s why as President, I will make combating climate change a top priority from day one, and secure America’s future as the clean energy superpower of the 21st century.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Twitter

Clinton Voices Support for Paris Climate Talks

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during the Iowa Democratic Party's Jefferson-Jackson fundraising dinner, Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during the Iowa Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson fundraising dinner, Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

In an op-ed published in Time, Hillary Clinton voiced her support for the United Nations Conference on Climate Change which began today in Paris. Clinton called climate change a threat to the United States because it affects our economy and health. She criticized those who have denied climate change is occurring and the affect humans have had on it. The full text of Clinton’s op-ed is below.

Climate change threatens every corner of our country, every sector of our economy and the health and future of every child. We are already seeing its impacts and we know the poorest and most vulnerable people in the United States and around the world will suffer most of all.

Despite the seriousness of the threat, the world has not always rallied to respond. For years, international negotiations were stymied by deep divisions between developed and developing nations, and by resistance on the part of the Chinese and others to taking responsibility for curbing carbon pollution. While President Obama has made strong progress cutting pollution and deploying more clean energy in the United States, he faces a Republican Party that alternates between denial of the reality of climate change, defeatism about our ability to do anything about it, and outright obstruction of the tools and programs we need to solve the problem.

But President Obama remains committed to making the United States the global leader in the fight against climate change—and so do I. In Paris this week, world leaders have the best chance in years to forge a new, durable, ambitious international climate agreement. I believe they must be guided by three principles. First, all countries must take responsibility for combating this global crisis, and put forward commitments to curb their own greenhouse gas emissions. Second, the agreement should galvanize financial assistance for, and spur private investment in, developing countries to help them adapt and achieve sustainable economic growth.

And finally, it must be an agreement that can be strengthened over time. Countries should agree to come together regularly to raise their collective ambition. In the years ahead, technology will improve and become even cheaper; more companies and investors will put skin in the game; and city and state leaders will take actions that outstrip the ambitions of their capitals. Solving the climate challenge for the long term will take more than the solutions we have in 2015—it will require the new tools we build together.

In Copenhagen in 2009, President Obama and I had to burst into a secret meeting of leaders from China, India, Brazil, and South Africa to break a deadlock and deliver the first international climate agreement in which all major economies, not just the developed world, pledged to take action.

We’ve come so far since then. Over the past year, 164 countries accounting for 90 percent of global emissions have announced national targets and measures to reduce pollution that they are ready to codify in Paris, recognizing that cutting emissions and investing in clean energy isn’t just good for the planet—it’s good economic sense. The United States and China led the way with ambitious goals to cut carbon pollution and deploy more clean energy, and have already begun taking action to achieve them.

Still, getting the job done in Paris will require skillful diplomacy and robust American leadership — I know that from personal experience. As Secretary of State, I put combating climate change on the agenda for my first trip to Beijing and kept it there over the next four years. I appointed the first high-level special envoy for climate change and led an international effort to launch the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to reduce so-called “super pollutants” that make up just a fraction of emissions, but drive a disproportionate share of warming.

As President, I will protect and build on the progress President Obama has made at home. I will set ambitious goals—to see 500 million solar panels installed within four years and enough renewable electricity to power every home in America within 10 years. I’ll also pursue a new North American Climate Compact, because the United States, Canada and Mexico should work together to build a clean energy future for our continent.

And the Republican deniers, defeatists and obstructionists should know—their cynical efforts will fail. Not only are they on the wrong side of science and of history, they are increasingly on the wrong side of their own voters, as a majority of Republicans accept the science of climate change, and support solutions like clean energy.

We must reject the false choice between combating climate change and fostering strong economic growth. If any country can prove that, it’s the United States. Under President Obama, we’re leading the world in the fight against climate change. I won’t let anyone to take us backward, deny our economy the benefits of harnessing a clean energy future, or force our children to endure the catastrophe that would result from unchecked climate change.

Once again, the world looks to Paris—this time in hope. Global challenges demand global solutions. The fight against climate change will be long. It will take the efforts of every country, every industry, and every community. It will take the leadership of every President. But at last—in Paris—the framework of a lasting solution is within reach. We must seize this moment.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Time

Clinton Campaigns in Kentucky and Tennessee


On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Kentucky and Tennessee where she attended five separate events. She began in Louisville, Kentucky where she attended a private fundraiser at the 21c Museum Hotel. The owners served as the hosts of the fundraiser and those attending included Governor Steve Beshear, Lieutenant Governor Crit Luallen, and Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes. Clinton also attended a fundraiser in Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee. The evening fundraiser in Nashville was hosted by Babs and Bill Freeman.

For her public events, Clinton began in Memphis where she spoke at LeMoyne-Owen College. She spoke about terrorism among other topics of her platform, but the primary topic of her speech was tax relief for middle-class families. Clinton opposes raising taxes on middle and lower incomes, and she has proposed an additional tax credit of up to $5,000 for families to help off set the rising costs of heath care. She vowed to improve the Affordable Care Act and lower prescription drug costs saying, “Somebody gets sick, somebody has an accident, you’ve got to be prepared, but too many families don’t have those resources.” A video of her speech is below.

In Nashville, Clinton spoke at Fisk University where she reiterated her health insurance tax credit. She also spoke about gun control, Planned Parenthood, marriage equality, voting rights, and ISIS. In wake of the recent terrorist attacks, Clinton spoke at length about ISIS saying, “I have seen what happens when evil and hatred is unleashed. I will spare no effort, but let’s be smart about it.” A video from Clinton’s speech is below.

Tomorrow, Clinton will be in South Carolina where she will attend a fundraiser and the Charleston County Democratic Party’s Blue Jamboree. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

UPDATE 11/21: Added video from Fisk University speech.

News Source: WHAS, CBS News, WKRN

Clinton Appears on Live with Kelly and Michael


On Thursday morning, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on “Live! with Kelly and Michael” where she was interviewed by hosts Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan. The three of them spoke about the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and ISIS threatening New York City. Clinton was asked if their threats should be taken seriously, and she said, “I think you always have to take them seriously. One thing that you just have to accept is that when they make threats, they may be some distance from being able to deliver on those threats themselves, but they’re hoping that some discontented person or group right here in our country will hear that threat.”

Clinton was also asked about her thoughts on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, how she was a part of husband and former president Bill Clinton’s administration, and what Clinton’s Thanksgiving plans were. Clips from today’s episode are below.

In the afternoon, Clinton attended a private fundraiser in New York City. Details are not available as the press does not attend private fundraisers.


Clinton also attended the DOC NYC Festival where she introduced the closing film, “MAKERS: Once and For All.” The documentary was produced by AOL and directed by Michael Epstein and Dyllan McGee. The films title is from Clinton’s Bejing speech in 1995, which the films celebrates the 20th anniversary of. Clinton was impressed with the film saying, “I have to say that when Dyllan took on this project, I had no idea what she would find. You will see footage in this film that no one’s ever seen—and I don’t know where she got it.” A trailer for the documentary is below.

On Friday, Clinton will attend a number of events in Kentucky and Tennessee. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, ABC News

Clinton Calls for Tougher Efforts Against ISIS

On Thursday, Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined her plans to defeat ISIS and combat global terrorism. Clinton outlined her plan in a speech during an event hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations (above), she made it clear that the United States would not back down or allow fear to soften our resolve. She called for the United States to increase its air strikes against ISIS. Following the attacks in Paris and the bombing of a Russian airliner, both of which ISIS has claimed responsibility, the Russian and French militaries have both increased air strikes. In addition to increased air strikes, she called for US Special Forces to train regional forces. Clinton also called for pressuring the governments of Iraq and Turkey to set aside their differences and unite in the fight against ISIS. For details of Clinton’s plan, watch the speech above or read a full transcript on The Briefing.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing, CNN

Clinton Campaigns in Dallas

Hillary Clinton visits Dall

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a grassroots organizing event at Mountain View College in Dallas, Texas. Speaking to an energetic crowd for about half an hour, Clinton spoke about her platform and plans if elected president. She began by addressing the recent terrorist attacks in Paris saying how important the president’s role is as commander-in-chief. Clinton also addressed the concern over the United States allowing Syrian refugees to flee to the United States. She said, “Of course we have to have a lot of vigilance and we have to vet people. But we can’t act as though we’re shutting the doors to people in need without undermining who we are as Americans.”

She also took the opportunity to attack Bernie Sanders’ single payer health care system while, at the same time, criticizing Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott for not expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. She said, “I don’t know about you, but I’d be a little concerned about turning it over to Greg Abbott. He won’t even expand Medicaid to help working people.” Clinton has criticized Sanders’ plan because it would lead to a tax increase for working and middle-class families. A video from today’s event will be added when/if available.

Before attending the event, Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the Dallas area hosted by Regina Montoya and Paul Coggins. Montoya is the senior vice-president of Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, and Coggins is the former United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas.

Thursday, Clinton is scheduled to appear on ABC’s Live! with Kelly and Michael. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WFAA, Fort Worth Star-Telegram