Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky Welcome Son

On Saturday, Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky announced the birth of their son Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky. He is the second child of Chelsea and Marc. Their daughter, Charlotte, was born in 2014. Both Hillary and Bill Clinton had light schedules this weekend and several wondered if the impending birth of their second grandchild was the reason. A statement released by former President Clinton said, “We are all over the moon as Chelsea and Marc welcome Charlotte’s little brother to the world and grateful for our many blessings. Chelsea and Aidan are both doing well and enjoying this very special time together.”

We congratulate the parents and look forward to seeing both of Clinton’s grandchildren on the campaign trail!

Update (6/19/2016)

Update (6/20/2016)

Today, Chelsea and Aidan left the hospital with Marc, Bill, and Hillary.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Lexington and Louisville


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton held three events in Kentucky while citizens of neighboring West Virginia voted in their Democratic primary. Clinton’s first event was in Lexington where she laid out a new plan to help parents with the rising costs of child care. Speaking at a roundtable event, Clinton outlined the plan and spoke with care providers and parents about the importance of child care and the struggle for many families to find and afford adequate care. The bullet points of the plan includes:

  • Improve the quality of care by giving a RAISE (Respect And Increased Salaries for Early Childhood Educators) to America’s child care workforce
  • Provide home visiting services for more than 2 million parents and children in the next 10 years
  • Support young parents as the balance family responsibilities and their careers
  • Award scholarships of up to $1,500 per year to as many as one million student parents
  • Increase access to child care on college campuses by serving an additional 250,000 children
  • Doubling federal investment in high quality early learning programs
  • Making preschool universal for every 4-year old in America
  • Proving working parents paid time off to care for a new baby

The full plan can be read on The Briefing and a video from the event is available below.

Clinton then traveled to Louisville where she spoke at a rally. During her speech, Clinton focused on the economy and her plans to raise incomes and create new jobs. She also spoke about a number of other platform points before turning her attention to local politics and her Republican opposition. She criticized Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin for his plans to scrap the state’s health insurance exchanges and the state’s expansion of medicaid, both of which were provided as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Clinton then turned her attention to Republicans and their endless attacks on her career saying, “The right wing never gives up attacking me. I think they are going to throw everything but the kitchen sink at me…I’ve got a message for them. They’ve done it for 25 years and I’m still standing.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

In the evening, Clinton spoke at a second organizing event in Louisville. During her speech at Louisville Slugger Field, Clinton took a number of shots at presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and his disparaging comments about women and minorities. She said, “You could not imagine a more different vision for our country than the one between our side, of Democrats for progress, for prosperity, for fairness and opportunity than the presumptive nominee on the Republican side.” Clinton focused on her plans to continue the progress of President Barack Obama’s administration and ensure that people have access to health care and affordable higher education. A full video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Courier-Journal, WKYT, WEKU, The Briefing, Courier-Journal

Hillary Clinton Addresses Gun Violence in Wisconsin


Hillary Clinton was in Wisconsin her the second day of campaigning in the state. She began the day by taking part in a community event at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Milwaukee. The focus of the meeting was gun violence prevention. Clinton spoke about her plans to take on the gun lobby, including the NRA, and pass mandatory background checks for all firearm purchases. She said, “We lose, on average, 90 people a day from gun violence. That is 33,000 people a year.” Joining Clinton at the event were Congresswoman Gwen Moore and a group of parents who have lost children as a result of gun violence. A complete video of the event is below.

In LaCrosse, Clinton turned her focus to the economy and the ways she would work to improve the standard of living for everyone, not just those at the top. She spoke about her plan to create jobs and expand clean energy and expand heath care to ensure that 100% of Americans were covered. Speaking at Western Technical College, Clinton said, “We have to restore the potential of America’s dream for everybody. I don’t want Americans giving up on themselves.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Her final event of the day was in Green Bay where she covered a number of platform topics including the expansion of heath care coverage, increasing the minimum wage, and making the economy work for everyone. She also spoke about her plans to make college more affordable and to reduce the student loan debt for those currently paying for their education. During her speech, Clinton also criticized Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker for cutting education funding in the state and his anti-labor stance. She asked those in attendance for their support in the state’s primary on April 5.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 6, Winona Daily News, Green Bay Press-Gazette

Clinton Releases Plan to Protect LGBT Rights

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a question at town hall meeting at White Mountain Community College, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, in Berlin, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a question at town hall meeting at White Mountain Community College, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, in Berlin, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Hillary Clinton has released her plans to fight for the rights of the LGBT community. She has previously said that “gay rights are human rights,” and her plan outlines a mix of legislation and support. The full details of the plan are available on The Briefing, but an outline is below:

  • Fight for full federal equality for all LGBT Americans
    • Work with Congress to pass the Equality Act
    • Continue President Obama’s LGBT equality executive actions
    • Supper efforts underway to clarify that under federal statutes “sex discrimination” includes discrimination on the basis of “gender identity” and “sexual orientation”
  • Support LGBT youth, parents, and elders
    • End discriminatory treatment of LGBT families in adoptions
    • Improve school climate for all students
    • End LGBT conversion therapy for minors
    • Combat youth homelessness
    • Ensure LGBT elders can retire with dignity and respect
    • Correct national data to better serve LGBT individuals and families
  • Honor the military service of LGBT people
    • Upgrade service records of LGBT veterans dismissed due to their sexual orientation
    • Support efforts to allow transgender personnel to serve openly
  • Secure affordable treatment for people living with HIV and AIDS
    • Call on Republican governors to extend Medicaid coverage to provide life-saving health care to people living with HIV
    • Cap out-of pocket expenses for people with HIV/AIDS
    • Expand the utilization of HIV prevention medications, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
  • Protect transgender rights
    • Protect transgender individuals from violence
    • Streamline identity documents
    • Invest in law enforcement training on interactions with LGBT individuals
  • Promote human rights of LGBT people around the world

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing

Clinton Makes First Campaign Stop in Oklahoma

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Today, Hillary Clinton was in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and I was there! This was my first time going to an event for Clinton, and I highly recommend it if you get the chance. Clinton spoke to an energetic crowd of about 1,000 at the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame. She opened her speech by telling a story of her time as a lawyer in nearby Arkansas. She then went into a full rundown of her platform and plans as president. In speaking about her health care plans, Clinton took the opportunity to criticize Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin for not taking federal funding to expand Medicaid in the state. She wrapped up her speech telling the story of her parents humble background, and in particular, her mother’s rough childhood, and how she maintained optimistic and had a chance to better herself in spite of it. Clinton said she is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has that same opportunity. A full video from today’s speech is below.

While in Tulsa, Clinton attended a private fundraiser hosted by BOK Financial Corporation chairman George Kaiser and his wife Cookie. As with all private events, the fundraiser was closed to the press.

Clinton’s next scheduled event is in Minneapolis, Minnesota on December 15. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Photo Note: All the photos in the gallery above were taken by the author.

News Source: Tulsa World

Clinton Proposes Caregiver Tax Credit

Hillary Clinton just wrapped up a town hall event in Clinton, Iowa where she announced a plan to assist families providing care for their loved ones. She too the time to answer several questions from attendees at the local middle school on a variety of topics including health care, the VA, and renewable energy. But the focus of Clinton’s introductory speech was announcing her plan to provide relief for the millions of Americans who are the primary caregivers for parents and grandparents. The plan adds new tax credits and expands existing programs in an effort to lesson the burden on those trying to ensure their loved ones stay safe and healthy. Clinton’s campaign outlined the plan on The Briefing, and the primary points of the proposal include:

  • Providing a tax credit, up to $5,000, to family members caring for ailing parents and grandparents
  • Launching a Care Workers initiative to assist care workers in learning the skills they need
  • Expanding Social Security by counting the work of caregivers toward their personal Social Security benefits
  • Building on the Caregiver Respite program

Tomorrow, Clinton will travel to Nevada. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing, CBS News,

Clinton Talks Child Care in Chicago

Hillary Rodham Clinton made a stop in Chicago today where she spoke with parents and childcare providers at an early childhood education center. In her opening address, Clinton stated the importance of early childhood eduction and the rising cost of child care. She criticized government policies and the Republican budget, which takes funding away from child care services. In the early stages of her campaign, she has focused heavily on family values, and that did not change today. Clinton said, “America cannot turn its back on our children and our working parents.” Following her opening statement, Clinton took part in a roundtable event with the parents and childcare providers, which was closed to the media.

Tonight, Clinton is expected to appear at two campaign fundraisers.

Clinton heads back to New Hampshire tomorrow and Friday. Follow all the updates from New Hampshire on Clinton’s Twitter and Facebook accounts as well as the Hillary for New Hampshire Twitter account. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: Chicago Sun Times

“Talk to Your Baby” Campaign Launch

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

AP969155414883Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared with New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray at SCO/FirstStepNYC, a pre-kindergarten center in Brooklyn, New York. At the center, McCray and Clinton launched a program called “Talk to your Baby.” The initiative, partnered with the Clinton Foundation’s “Too Small to Fail” early childhood education program, is geared toward getting parents to talk to their children at a young age to help their development. Clinton’s appearance in Brooklyn raised eyebrows as she is expected to announce her candidacy for president in the coming weeks and headquarter in Brooklyn. Her appearance with McCray is also unsurprising as her and her husband, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, have been long supporters of Clinton.

During a roundtable discussion with parents, Clinton said, “You are literally building your baby’s brain to better prepare that little boy or little girl to do well in school and do well in life. So from every experience, your child will be learning words, developing a vocabulary, making it possible to better prepare that child for school.”

A video from this event will be posted when/if available.

New Source: NBC New York