Clinton Makes Surprise Appearance at Tribeca Film Festival

On Saturday, Hillary Clinton made a surprise appearance at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. Clinton took part in a panel discussion with Kathryn Bigelow and Imraan Ismail. The group discussed Bigelow’s film “The Protectors: Walk in the Rangers’ Shoes,” which focuses on the fight save elephants in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Clinton spoke about the world-wide effort to eliminate the demand for ivory, but she said more work needs to be done. “It became clear to everyone that this was not just a terrible crisis when it came to the elephant population, it was a trade, a trafficking that was funding a lot of bad folks, a lot of bad actors. It was being used to take ivory and sell it in order to buy more weapons, and support the kind of terroristic activity that these and other groups were engaged in,” she said. A video from the event will be added if/when available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, People, Fortune

Chelsea Clinton and Anne Holton Campaign for Hillary


Chelsea Clinton and Anne Holton continued to meet with voters across the country today. Chelsea began in Greeneville, North Carolina where she spoke at East Carolina University. Chelsea covered a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform plans including her new college compact. Under the plan, students repaying student loans would be able to refinance their loans at lower interest rates thus saving money. Future students whose families make less than $125,000 a year and attend a public college or technical school will be able to graduate debt-free.

In Asheville, Chelsea spoke to a group of supporters at The Collider. She focused her remarks on climate change and renewable energy. Chelsea spoke about how Hillary’s plans will invest in clean energy while creating jobs, especially in parts of North Carolina who have been affected by the shrinking fossil fuel industry. “We need to be building solar panel factories exactly in those places. We need to be investing in coal country and in places where those kind of jobs have slowly disappeared as the industry has waned.” Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Holton campaigned on behalf of Hillary today in Michigan. In Lansing, Holton held a “Moms for Hillary” roundtable discussion where they discussed a number of issues such as childcare costs, education costs, and equal pay. She then traveled to Grand Rapids where she held an education roundtable where she spoke about Hillary’s plan to reduce the cost of higher education and her plan to expand early childhood education. Holton has a background in education with her most recently serving as Secretary of Education for the state of Virginia. A video from the events will be posted when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WITN, Citizen-Times, Lansing State Journal,

Bill, Chelsea Campaign for Hillary


On Wednesday, both Bill and Chelsea Clinton were on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton. In Las Vegas, Nevada, Bill spoke for over half an hour about a wide variety of topics including Hillary’s email scandal, Donald Trump’s immigration proposals, and Hillary’s plan to create millions of jobs across the country. Bill also addressed his wife’s health issues saying, “She’s feeling great, and I think she’ll be back out there tomorrow [Thursday in North Carolina]. It’s a crazy time we live in, you know, when people think there’s something unusual about getting the flu. Last time I checked, millions of people were getting it every year.” A video of Bill’s speech is below.

Chelsea campaigned for Hillary today in North Carolina and Virginia. Wrapping up a two-day visit to North Carolina, Chelsea began in Raleigh where she took part in a panel of local leaders. She spoke about the importance of North Carolina in the November election and how her mother is relying on them to get out and vote. Then, in Carrboro, Chelsea spoke at a voter registration outside the local Democratic Party headquarters. She, again, spoke about the importance of voting in the November election.

She then tour a pre-k center before speaking at an organizing event in Roanoke, Virginia. Chelsea spoke about her mother’s college affordability plan which would reduce the amount of debt owed by those currently paying on student loans and ensure that future students, with family incomes of under $125,000, can finish college debt free. Chelsea said that Hillary wants to help young people build a future and reducing college debt is a big part of that plan. “We have to make investments in our young people from the beginning and then, all the way through,” she said. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, a fundraiser was held in Washington, DC on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Senator Debbie Stabenow, Senator Sherrod Brown, Senator Joe Donnelly, Senator Heidi Heitkamp, and Senator Tammy Baldwin.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post, The New York Times, News Observer, The Herald-Sun, The Roanoke Times

Tim Kaine, Chelsea Clinton Campaign for Hillary


Tim Kaine, Anne Holton, and Chelsea Clinton were on the campaign trail today in various states. Kaine spoke at a rally in Ann Arbor, Michigan where he told a crowd of students and supporters about Hillary Clinton’s plan to reduce the debt of college students and ensure that students whose families make less than $125,000 a year can attend a public college or university debt free. Speaking at the University of Michigan, Kaine also expressed his confidence in Hillary’s judgement saying, “I want a commander-in-chief with judgment. I would trust Hillary Clinton with my son’s life and Donald Trump scares me to death.” A video of Kaine’s speech is below.

Chelsea was in North Carolina where she began two days of campaigning in the area. She began in Winston-Salem where she took part in a panel discussion about women in leadership. The group discussed a number of topics including the importance of an education and the wage gap. Chelsea then traveled to Durham where she spoke at the opening of a campaign office. She thanked volunteers and urged them to get out and talk to voters. She spoke about the importance of the election saying, “This is the most important presidential election of my lifetime,” she said. “Whomever we elect will play a fundamental role in shaping the future that my children and their generation grow up in.” A video from Chelsea’s panel at Wake Forest University is below.

Anne Holton, the wife of Kaine, attended an event at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. The former Secretary of Education for the state of Virginia spoke about Hillary’s plans to help college students repay debt and ensure that future college students do not go into debt. She explained, “Part of Hillary’s plan is to make community college tuition free, to make Pell grants year-round so that students can continue their education in the summers when otherwise appropriate and then to make college debt-free for everybody.” Holton then answered questions from students in attendance. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, three fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was an evening with BD Wong in Boston, Massachusetts. Then, in Atlanta, Georgia, a LGBTQ Friends and Allies for Hillary event was held. The final event was a discussion of the environment and election with Ion Yadigaroglu and Kristina Costa. The event was held in New York City.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Fox 2, WXYZ, WTKR, WRAL, WXII, ABC 10

Hillary Clinton Campaigns for an Extra Day in California


On Friday, Hillary Clinton spent an extra day in California. The event she attended was a discussion with community leaders in Oakland. Meeting at a local restaurant called Home of Chicken and Waffles, Clinton and a group of local officials and business owners discussed what the federal government can do to help local governments. Describing the purpose of the meeting she said, “I want to know how the federal government and me, particularly, can be a better partner. I want to be a champion for Oakland and all the other Oaklands in the country.” The group discussed a number of topics from wages, jobs, urban policy, and urban renewal. She admitted that there aren’t easy answers for every problem at the local level, but decisions made at the local level are very important. A video from today’s event will be posted when/if available.

The panel consisted of Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, Alameda County Supervisor Wilma Chan, Oakland Unified School District Superintendent Antwan Wilson, Regina Jackson, CEO of the East Oakland Youth Development Center, and Derreck Johnson, owner of the Home of Chicken and Waffles.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News source: ABC 7, SF Gate

Hillary Clinton Interviewed by Anderson Cooper

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On Wednesday, following her loss in Indiana and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump now being the presumptive nominee, Hillary Clinton sat down for an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. During the interview, Cooper asked Clinton about the Democratic race and whether she thought it was over. She said that in 2008 she fought until June, and she expects Bernie Sanders to do the same. Cooper also asked if she was ready to take on Trump in the general election to which she replied with a resounding yes. She spoke about Trump saying, “I don’t think we can take a risk on a loose cannon like Donald Trump running our country. I do think he is a loose cannon, and loose cannons tend to misfire.” A full video from the interview is below.

Today, Clinton also attended a “Break Down Barriers” conversation in Washington, DC hosted by Women for Hillary. The event featured a number of panelists including Eva Longoria, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Ilyse Hogue, and Maya Harris. The event was moderated by Cheryl Mills.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Georgetown University

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

141203_clinton-391Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at Georgetown University at an event sponsored by Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security (GIWPS); Harvard’s Institute for Inclusive Security; and the Clinton Foundation’s No Ceilings Initiative. Her speech was entitled “Smart Power: Security Through Inclusive Leadership” and focused on women participating in the peace process throughout the world. The event featured a panel discussion following Clinton’s speech. Also speaking at the event was the Minister of Defense for the Kingdom of Norway Ine Eriksen Søreide.

Clinton spoke about women involved in peace process throughout the world and the diplomatic role many women have taken on. She said, “This is what we call Smart Power, using every possible tool…leaving no one on the sidelines, showing respect even for one’s enemies, trying to understand, and insofar as is psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view, helping to define the problems [and] determine a solution, that is what we believe in the 21st century will change the prospect for peace.”

Those taking part in the panel included: Ambassador Marriët Schuurman, special representative to the NATO Secretary General for Women, Peace and Security; Maj. Gen. Adrian Foster, deputy military adviser for the U.N. Department of Peacekeeping Operations; Akihiko Tanaka, president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency; Lt. Gen. Daniel Leaf, director of the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies; Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General (via video); and Staffan de Mistura, United Nations Special Envoy for Syria (via video).

The event was captured live on Ustream and the video is still available by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: Georgetown University