Clinton Statement on Anniversary of Marriage Equality Court Decision


One year ago today, the Supreme Court ruled that it is illegal for states to block LGBT citizens from getting married. The decision came out of two cases (United States v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges), and the rulings proved to be a historic moment in the United States. Hillary Clinton released a statement praising the progress that has been made, and she vowed to continue to fight for equal rights for LGBT Americans under federal law. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“One year ago today, we celebrated a watershed moment for equality in America. Thanks to the bravery of LGBT Americans like Jim Obergefell and Edie Windsor, and the determination and tireless organizing of the LGBT community and their allies, marriage equality became the law of the land in all 50 states.

Over the last year, more barriers to equality have fallen – including, finally, the last state law banning same-sex couples from adopting. Just this month, President Obama designated Stonewall as the first national monument commemorating LGBT history in America.

We’ve also seen how much work is still unfinished.  The attack in Orlando broke our hearts, and reminded us that LGBT people – particularly people of color – are still targets for harassment and violence.  Discriminatory laws in states like North Carolina highlight the need for full federal equality under the law for LGBT Americans. And Donald Trump’s pledge to consider appointing Supreme Court justices who would overturn marriage equality underscores the fact that so much of the progress we’ve made is at stake in November.

But even when the road ahead seems daunting, never forget: on this day in history, love triumphed in the highest court in the land.  Today, our march toward a more perfect union continues—toward equality, dignity, and justice for all.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Hillary Clinton Statement on Senate Republicans’ Refusal to Act on Gun Violence


On Monday, the Senate took up four bills aimed at restricting gun sales following the shooting in Orlando, Florida that killed 49 club goers. Two of the bills were aimed at introducing background checks. One bill, penned by the Democrats, called for mandatory background checks, while the other, written by Republicans, would have pushed resources to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, but would not have made background checks mandatory for all gun purchases. The other two bills would have blocked suspected terrorists from purchasing a firearm, and, again, there were two versions of the bill with one penned by a legislator from each party. Each of the four bills were voted down along party lines with Republicans voting against each of the measures.

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has advocated for increasing gun control by banning assault weapons, closing a number of loopholes, prevented suspected terrorists from accessing guns, and making background checks required for all gun purchases. The bills would have been a step, albeit a weak one, in the right direction. Following the Senate’s failure to agree on a single piece of legislation, Clinton released a strong, single worded statement:


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Hillary Clinton Interviewed by the USA Today


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the USA Today. During the interview, Clinton laid her reasoning for calling Republican Donald Trump “temperamentally unfit” to be president. She spoke about Trump’s “incoherent” economic plans that would benefit those making the most money. Clinton also went after Trump’s response to the shooting in Orlando, Florida and the conspiracy theories he has started following his speeches. She said, “Now he is accusing our president of somehow encouraging terrorists and it is really offensive, even pathetic. And I do wonder how Republican leaders like House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can stay silent while their presumptive party nominee suggests that the President of the United States supports terrorists.” Read more of the interview HERE.

Today, two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was in Boston, Massachusetts and featured a conversation with Allida Black. The event was hosted by Martha Coakley, Ron Goodman, and Tracy Roosevelt. The second event was in Washington, DC and was a LGBT and Allies for Hillary Pride Celebration. The event featured Campaign Manager Robby Mook, Congressman Mark Takano, and members of the LGBT caucus.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: USA Today

Hillary Clinton Discusses National Security in Virginia


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton held a round table discussion in Hampton, Virginia that covered a variety of topics including national security and and the military. Those included in the conversation represented a number of points of view including retired military officers and advocates for veterans and military families. During her remarks on national security, Clinton criticized Republican Donald Trump’s response to the shooting in Orlando saying, “After all the Twitter rants and conspiracy theories we’ve been hearing recently, it’s time for substantive discussions about how we protect our country, how we respond to terrorist attacks like the one that tragically occurred in Orlando.” Clinton stressed that it is important for everyone to work together to stop lone wolves and to ensure our military receives the best care during and after serving. A video from the event is below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, NBC 12

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Pittsburgh


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton attended a rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During her speech, Clinton ripped into Republican Donald Trump for his speech yesterday in response to the deadly attack in Orlando, Florida. She criticized his divisive language and renewed proposal of banning all Muslims from entering the United States. She also spoke about the importance of regulating the sales of guns saying, “We need to lift up voices of moderation and tolerance. I believe we Americans are capable of both protecting our Second Amendment rights while making sure guns don’t fall into the wrong hands. The terrorist in Orlando was the definition of the wrong hands. And weapons of war have no place in our streets.” Clinton called for the country to come together and politicians to work together, across party lines, to ensure that an attack of this nature is not possible in the future. A video from her speech is below.

In Portland, Maine, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. Former Congressman Barney Frank and Mary Bonauto spoke at the event that was hosted at Coffey by Design.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Pittsburgh City Paper, The Morning Call, CBS Pittsburgh

Hillary Clinton Addresses Terrorism in Cleveland

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Cleveland Industrial Innovation Center, Monday, June 13, 2016, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Cleveland Industrial Innovation Center, Monday, June 13, 2016, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)

Following yesterday’s terror inspired shooting at an Orlando, Florida night club, Hillary Clinton delivered a counter-terrorism speech today in Cleveland, Ohio. Clinton was previously scheduled to appear in Cleveland today, but she changed the subject of her speech following yesterday’s devastating shooting. During her speech, Clinton called for a bipartisan response to not only fight ISIS, but to restore an assault rifle ban that was in effect during the 1990s. She said, “It’s essential that we stop terrorists from getting the tools they need to carry out the attacks, and that is especially true when it comes to assault weapons like those used in Orlando and San Bernardino.”

Clinton reached out to the LGBT community saying, “I want to say this to all the LGBT people grieving today in Florida and across our country, you have millions of allies who will always have your back. I am one of them.” She also reached out to the country’s Muslim allies saying that blaming all of Islam is not the answer. While she did not say his name, she referred to Republican Donald Trump’s proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the country. Clinton said, “Inflammatory, anti-Muslim rhetoric—and threatening to ban the families and friends of Muslim Americas as well as millions of Muslim business people and tourists from entering our country—hurts the vast majority of Muslims who love freedom and hate terror.” A full video from Clinton’s speech is below and a transcript can be read HERE.

Earlier in the day, Clinton called in to NBC’s The Today Show and spoke with Savannah Guthrie. Clinton discussed the importance of not blaming Muslims for the shooting, but the person who carried it out and the system that enabled him to purchase an assault rifle. She also criticized Trump for his rhetoric and said that it is ignoring the key issue of going after ISIS and preventing them from using social media to recruit. Audio from Clinton’s interview is below.

Meanwhile in New York City, a fundraiser was held in partnership with Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Cheif Finanical Officer Gary Gensler and was hosted by Mike Bodson, Donna Milrod, Larry Thompson, and Mark Wetjen. Clinton was scheduled to attend a fundraiser in Cincinnati, but the event was postponed.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Today Show, The Atlantic, Time, CBS News, The Wall Street Journal

Hillary Clinton Statement on Orlando Terrorist Attack

A shooting overnight at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida is being investigated as an act of terrorism. The shooting is one of the worst in US history as 50 were killed and 53 are left injured. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton released a statement offering her prayers for the victims and their families. Clinton also condemned gun violence, terrorism, and violence against the LGBT community. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I join Americans in praying for the victims of the attack in Orlando, their families and the first responders who did everything they could to save lives.

This was an act of terror.  Law enforcement and intelligence agencies are hard at work, and we will learn more in the hours and days ahead.  For now, we can say for certain that we need to redouble our efforts to defend our country from threats at home and abroad.  That means defeating international terror groups, working with allies and partners to go after them wherever they are, countering their attempts to recruit people here and everywhere, and hardening our defenses at home. It also means refusing to be intimidated and staying true to our values.

This was also an act of hate.  The gunman attacked an LGBT nightclub during Pride Month.  To the LGBT community: please know that you have millions of allies across our country.  I am one of them.  We will keep fighting for your right to live freely, openly and without fear.  Hate has absolutely no place in America.

Finally, we need to keep guns like the ones used last night out of the hands of terrorists or other violent criminals.  This is the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States and it reminds us once more that weapons of war have no place on our streets. 

This is a time to stand together and resolve to do everything we can to defend our communities and country.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Hillary Attends Events in Three States


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton campaigned in three different states. She began in Tampa, Florida where she spoke to a group of supporters at the Ritz Ybor. During the event, Clinton spoke about her plans as president, and she also criticized Florida Governor Rick Scott for turning down federal funds to develop a high speed rail system between Orlando and Tampa. She said, “It makes absolutely no sense, especially when we know that we’re going to have to do high-speed rail if we’re going to have a competitive economy.” A video from the event is below.

Clinton then traveled to Durham, North Carolina where she spoke to a crowd at Hillside High School. During her speech, she covered a wide variety of platform topics including voting rights, women’s rights, heath care, and jobs. She specifically spoke about investment opportunities in North Carolina saying, “That’s why I’m proposing more jobs with infrastructure, manufacturing, and let’s combat climate change with more clean, renewable energy jobs. And yes, let’s invest in more research right here in the Research Triangle. You know what that could mean!”

The final event of the day was held in Vernon Hills, Illinois. During the event, Clinton spoke about a number of her key platform points including clean energy, equal pay, LGBT rights, and gun control. During the event she took shots at her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders and the Republican presidential field, particularly Donald Trump. Directly referencing Trump’s campaign slogan, she said, “I listen to some of the other candidates, they are so pessimistic, so negative about us. I’ll tell you that’s not how I see us and our country. I don’t think you make America great by tearing down everything that made America great in the first place.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Chicago Tribune, Tampa Bay Times, WCNC

Clinton Rallies in Florida


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton hosted a grassroots organizing event at the Meadow Woods Recreation Center in Orlando, Florida. During the event, Clinton rallied the crowd by touting her platform and plans as president. Her primary topics were her recently introduced infrastructure plan which would create tens of thousands of jobs across the country. She spoke about the infrastructure needs in Florida, specifically highway improvements in and around Orlando. Clinton also spoke about heath care, defending Planned Parenthood, and defeating ISIS. A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

While in Florida, Clinton also attended a number of private fundraisers. The first was hosted at the home of Alex Sink in Thonotosassa. Sink is the former Chief Financial Officer for the state of Florida. Then, she attended a fundraising event in Windermere at the home of Bill Kitchen, the CEO of US Thrill Rides LLC. Finally, Clinton attended an event hosted by Sallyn Pajcic in Jacksonville. As with all private events, they were closed to the press.

Tomorrow, Clinton is scheduled to appear at events in Boston and New Hampshire. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Orlando Sentinel, Atlanta Journal-Constitution