Tim Kaine Rallies Voters in Michigan


Tim Kaine campaigned in Michigan today were he began with a rally at a local fire station in Taylor. During his speech, Kaine spoke about Hillary’s presidential platform and her plans to create jobs by investing in manufacturing and infrastructure, support labor unions and their right to collectively bargain, raise the minimum wage, and make college more affordable. Kaine had a populist tone as he went after Republican Donald Trump for his rhetoric and comments against women and minorities. He said that unlike their opponent, he and Clinton will not focus on themselves, but every American and their families. Kaine wrapped up the event by urging everyone to vote on November 8th or to take advantage of early voting. A video from the event is below.

Kaine then traveled to Warren where he addressed the Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights. During his speech, Kaine focus on the economy and Clinton’s dedication to the middle class. He specifically spoke about jobs and Clinton’s plans to invest in manufacturing and infrastructure. He said, “If we do these basic things that Hillary Clinton planned, independent analysts say that our economy will grow ten and a half million jobs in the first four years.” Kaine also spoke about Clinton’s support for organized labor and guaranteed that a Clinton/Kaine administration would guarantee employee’s right to unionize and collectively bargain. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CBS Detroit, Detroit News, Michigan Live, Michigan Radio

Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement of Association of Flight Attendants


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the Association of Flight Attendants adding to the growing list of labor unions supporting Clinton for president. In a release, the group states their support of Clinton stems from their long relationship with her. They said, “We have experience with Hillary Clinton as a champion for Flight Attendants, especially as the leading voice for the technical correction to FMLA and the relentless advocate for 9/11 first responders. Recognizing the importance of this election and our experience with Secretary Clinton, the AFA-CWA Board of Directors endorses Hillary Clinton for the next President of the United States.” Clinton responded to the endorsement with the following statement.

“For over 70 years, the Association of Flight Attendants has helped raise wages, benefits, and working conditions for its members all across – and above – America.  Over the decades, it has brought our nation’s attention to important issues like discrimination, outsourcing, and equal pay. Every American worker deserves an advocate like the AFA in their corner, and I’m honored to have earned their endorsement.

Throughout my career, the AFA and I have partnered to fight for fairer labor standards. In the Senate, I led the effort to ensure AFA members had access to Family and Medical Leave Act benefits. And we’ve always stood up for women who have been treated unequally in the workforce.

The stakes in this election could not be higher. Donald Trump stood on a debate stage and said that wages are ‘too high’ in this country.  He opposes policies that would make it easier for people to balance work and family, including guaranteeing paid leave for all families and working for equal pay for women. He even personally hired a union-busting firm to keep workers at his hotel in Las Vegas from organizing.

If I’m elected in November, labor will always have a champion in the White House. Together, we’ll build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. We’ll say no to bad trade deals, no to attacks on workers, and no to discriminatory and sexist policies. And I’m glad to know the AFA will be at my side as we stand up for American workers.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: AFA-CWA

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Ohio and Illinois on Labor Day


On Labor Day, Hillary Clinton campaigned in Cleveland, Ohio with running mate Tim Kaine. Kaine spoke first saying that “this is the home stretch.” Clinton then took the stage and had a brief coughing spell before she spoke about her plans to build an economy that works for everyone by increasing the minimum wage and investing in the country’s infrastructure. She spoke about her jobs plan which would create the most jobs in the country since World War II. Clinton then spoke about her strong support for working families and organized labor. A video from the Cleveland rally is below.

Today, the Clinton campaign also unveiled a new campaign plane. The Boeing 737 will be used for the remainder of the campaign cycle and is large enough for Clinton, her staff, and the press pool to travel on from event to event. Clinton welcomed the press to the plane and answered several questions from reporters on a range of topics including her thoughts on the hacking of Democratic Party emails, the FBI report about her emails, and the Clinton Foundation. A video of Clinton’s Q&A with the press is below.

Clinton then spoke at the 49th Annual Salute to Labor in Hampton, Illinois. During her speech, Clinton continued to discuss the economy and her jobs plan. She spoke about her plans to invest in the country’s infrastructure, expand the clean energy sector, and committed to building the manufacturing sector of the country. Clinton also criticized Donald Trump for not being a friend of working people saying, “My opponent thinks that wages are too high. I don’t know who he talks do.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Cleveland.com, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton Statement on International Brotherhood of Teamsters Endorsement


Hillary Clinton has received the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. In a statement, the group said that they support Clinton because she “is the right candidate for the middle class and working men and women across the country. She will stand strong for the workers of America by fighting to reject job-killing trade deals, enforcing labor laws and working to provide retirement security for millions of people who have sacrificed so much for the chance to retire with dignity.” Clinton released a statement thanking the group for their support and vowed to fight for working families and labor unions. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

Unions like the International Brotherhood of Teamsters built the American middle class, and they make our economy run today. Teamsters keep our planes in the air, they put food on our shelves, and they get packages to our doors. In fighting for better wages and safer conditions on the job, the Teamsters are fighting for all America’s workers. 

I have always been proud to stand with organized labor to create good jobs with good benefits and wages that make it possible to build a middle-class life. As President, I will stand with organized labor and I will always fight for workers’ rights to retire with dignity and security, and to receive the benefits they have earned after years of hard work.

The stakes in this election couldn’t be higher. The Republican candidate for President is a man who has said wages are ‘too high’ in this country. Donald Trump personally signed a contract to hire a union-busting firm to try to stop his workers from organizing in his Las Vegas hotel. His running mate is a man who consistently supported efforts to undermine Social Security and who repealed Indiana’s 80-year-old prevailing wage law. Workers deserve better. And both of them support so-called ‘right to work’ laws that make it harder for workers to organize. I am proud to stand with organized labor against these laws, because ‘right to work’ is wrong for workers and wrong for America.

If elected, American workers will always have a seat at the table and a champion in the White House–because when unions are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Three California TWU Locals


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton was endorsed by Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) Locals 502, 505, and 250-A. Clinton released a statement saying that she is honored to receive the groups’ endorsement. She spoke about the importance of labor unions and ensuring that transportation workers are treated fairly. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I am honored and grateful to have earned the endorsement of the Transport Workers Union of America Locals 502, 505, and 250-A.

In California and all across the country, the diverse members of the TWU keep our airplanes flying, our trains running, and our buses driving. The members of Locals 502, 505, and 250-A are no exception. They keep passengers and residents alike safe, healthy, and moving every day. In the process, they’ve helped to build the American middle class. And they’ve stood up and demanded the fair treatment and respect that they deserve.

As President, I’ll stand with the workers of Locals 502, 505, and 250-A. I’ll never stop fighting to protect workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively. I’ll fight to stop big corporations from padding their bottom lines by cutting workers’ wages and sacrificing health and retirement benefits. And because infrastructure is so vital to our economy, in my first 100 days, I’ll propose the biggest investment in American infrastructure since we built the Interstate Highway System. If I’m elected president, organized labor will always have a champion in the White House and a seat at the table.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Connecticut, Rhode Island


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton spent the day in Connecticut and Rhode Island. In New Haven, Connecticut, Clinton held a rountable event that focused on working families. The primary topics of discussion were ways to raise wages, including the minimum wage, promote early childhood education, and reduce the wage gap between men and women. On the topic of equal pay, she said, “Equal pay — we shouldn’t be talking about it in 2016. It is almost embarrassing.” Clinton has returned to holding smaller conversational campaign events as she rallies supporters for next week’s primaries in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. A video from the event is below.

Clinton then rallied supporters at an organizing event in Central Falls, Rhode Island. During her speech, Clinton spoke about a number of platform topics including women’s rights, organized labor, health care, immigration reform, gun control, and climate change. She also took a shot at her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders by saying, “I am not making promises I can’t keep.” She praised Rhode Islanders and asked for their support on Tuesday. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 61, WPRI