Bill Clinton Embarks on Campaign Bus Tour in North Carolina


Bill Clinton went on a campaign bus tour of Florida today where he began in Jacksonville and ended in Gainesville. He made a number of stops along the way outside voting locations and in local businesses. The goal of the trip was to speak with and meet as many voters as possible and share Hillary Clinton’s vision for America. At various events, Bill was joined by other Democrats such as Reverend Jesse Jackson and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. Bill urged everyone to take advantage of early voting and to ensure that they cast their ballot for Hillary. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Florida Times-Union, The Gainesville Sun

Clinton Calls on Sanders to Join MSNBC Debate

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On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton spoke to MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews via telephone. They discussed a proposed Democratic debate that would be televised by MSNBC. The debate would be held on February 4th in New Hampshire, only 5 days before the New Hampshire primary. Clinton urged the Democratic National Committee to agree to sponsor the debate. Bernie Sanders has said that he would not participate in a debate not sanctioned by the DNC, but Clinton is hopeful that the DNC and his campaign could work things out. She said, “Look, I’m ready for the debate and I hope Senator Sanders will change his mind and join us. I think the DNC and the campaigns should be able to work this out.  I’ve been for, you know, for a long time, that I’d be happy to have more debates and I hope we can get this done.” You can watch the interview by CLICKING HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, MSNBC

Hillary Clinton Strong in CNN Town Hall


On Monday night, Hillary Clinton participated in CNN’s Iowa Town Hall event. The town hall was hosted by Chris Cuomo and each of the Democratic candidates, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley, were on stage separately. After some questions from Cuomo, the floor was open to questions from the audience. In her answers, Clinton set a clear contrast between herself and Sanders citing experience and a progressive background that will allow her to get things done. While Sanders has big ideas, it isn’t likely that he will be successful getting them passed in Congress.

While Sanders attacked Clinton for her relationship with Wall Street and vote in favor of the Iraq war, Clinton argued that she is only candidate that offers the skills and experience required for handling issues both domestically and abroad. She said, “It’s hard. If it were easy, hey, there wouldn’t be any contest. But it’s not easy. There are very different visions, different values, different forces at work, and you have to have somebody who is a proven fighter — somebody who has taken them on and won, and kept going, and will do that as President.” A video from the event is below.

Today, Clinton is hosting three events across Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox6, CNN

Tonight: Democratic Presidential Town Hall on CNN


Tonight, the three Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley, will take part in a CNN town hall event live from Des Moines, Iowa. This is the final time the three will appear together before the February 1st Iowa caucus. The event will held on the camps of Drake University, and will be moderated by CNN anchor Chris Cuomo. The event is scheduled to begin at 9pm ET on CNN.

News Source: CNN

Hillary Clinton Drums Up Support in Iowa


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton hosted two town hall events and took part in one Iowa Democratic party event. It was a busy day in Iowa for Hillary for America with a number of high profile Democrats and celebrities meeting with voters. Clinton was also formally endorsed by The Des Moines Register this afternoon. But for Clinton, she remained the trail meeting with as many voters before the upcoming caucus. The first event of the day was in Clinton where she responded to recent questions about her health and stamina saying that she is healthy and that she would “match my endurance against anybody.” Clinton spoke to the crowd about a number of topics, then took questions during the town hall portion of the event. Videos from the Clinton appearance are below.

During a “Hard Hats for Hillary” event in Davenport, Clinton met with union members saying that she would fully support them as president. She spoke about how she has already been endorsed by twenty-four unions, including some of the largest in the nation. She spoke about her work to help those in the working class by raising the minimum wage and not weakening unions’ rights to collectively bargain. She then took questions from the voters in attendance.

For the final event of the day, Clinton stayed in Davenport for the Scott County Democratic Party’s Red, White & Blue Banquet. She was not the only Democratic presidential candidate in attendance as Martin O’Malley attended the event as well. Clinton spoke about her plans to bolster the economy, improve America’s infrastructure, and expand clean energy. She also pledged to not raise taxes on those in the middle class. Videos from the Davenport events will be posted when/if available.

Clinton remains in Iowa through early next week. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, The Des Moines Register, Quad-Cities Online

Hillary Clinton Strong in Fourth Debate

CHARLESTON, SC - JANUARY 17:  Democratic presidential candidates Martin OMalley (L), Hillary Clinton (C) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) participate in the Democratic Candidates Debate hosted by NBC News and YouTube on January 17, 2016 in Charleston, South Carolina. This is the final debate for the Democratic candidates before the Iowa caucuses.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
CHARLESTON, SC – JANUARY 17: Democratic presidential candidates Martin OMalley (L), Hillary Clinton (C) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) participate in the Democratic Candidates Debate hosted by NBC News and YouTube on January 17, 2016 in Charleston, South Carolina. This is the final debate for the Democratic candidates before the Iowa caucuses. (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

In tonight’s Democratic Debate on NBC, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders spent the evening debating three primary points of contention: gun control, heath care, and Wall Street. Clinton hit Sanders hard on his record on health care and gun control while she defended her plan to reign in Wall Street. While Clinton and Sanders debated, Martin O’Malley seemed hard pressed to get any time from the moderators, NBC News’ Lester Holt and Andrea Mitchell.

Where Clinton was clearly strongest was foreign policy. As former Secretary of State, Clinton understands the ins and outs of the global conflicts, including the civil war in Syria and the rise of ISIS. All three candidates made solid points tonight, and it was great to hear a real debate of ideas! But Clinton appears to be the most informed candidate on a variety of issues with her strong background in heath care, foreign policy, gun control, women’s issues, and a number of other domestic issues.


The candidates will return to the campaign trail, as this was the last debate before the primaries begin with the Iowa caucus on February 1. The next debate is scheduled for February 11 on PBS. Tonight’s debate was co-sponsored by YouTube, and the full debate can be watched on YouTube below.

Tomorrow, Clinton will remain in South Carolina and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day at the “King Day at the Dome”rally in Columbia. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Time, ABC News

Tonight: Democratic Debate from Charleston


Tonight, the three Democratic candidates will appear on stage for their fourth primary debate. The debate will be on NBC and will be moderated by Lester Holt. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley will face off for the final time before voters begin going to the polls in early February. The debate will be on NBC beginning at 9pm ET. You can also watch the debate live on, YouTube, or the NBC News app on various devices. Use the hashtag #DemDebate when referencing the debate on social media. Watch live below:

News Source: NBC News

Clinton Appears at Iowa Brown & Black Forum

Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton speaks during the Brown & Black Forum, Monday, Jan. 11, 2016, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)
Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton speaks during the Brown & Black Forum, Monday, Jan. 11, 2016, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

On Monday night, Hillary Clinton attended the Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum on the campus of Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Clinton was interviewed third following her Democratic primary rivals, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. The forum was hosted by Fusion and moderated by Fusion anchors Jorge Ramos and Alicia Menendez, Fusion contributor Akilah Hughes, and New York Magazine Writer-at-Large Robert Browne. The forum focused on issues related to minority issues, specifically issues related to the African-American and Latino communities.

Clinton was asked a wide variety of questions, but one topic that was of focus was immigration. She said that she had no plans to continue President Barack Obama’s deportations, and Clinton spoke out against the move by the Obama administration. She said, “I do not think the raids are an appropriate tool to enforce the immigration laws. They are divisive, they are sowing fear.” She was also asked whether she saw a contradiction in her plans to reform immigration, but toughen borders at the same time. She replied, “I don’t see a contradiction there.”

She was also asked about her plans for fighting domestic terrorism and gun violence. Clinton has unveiled a comprehensive plan to reign in gun violence, and she said that “we have to come together as a country and take a stand against violence.” Another topic covered was a woman’s right to choose. When Clinton was asked if she would support efforts to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion, Clinton swiftly replied “Yes.” She continued, “To me, reproductive rights are a fundamental human right.”

The conversation between Clinton and panelists lasted for about 45 minutes and covers a wide variety of important topics. A full video from the event is below. The video picks up with Clinton’s introduction.

Today, Clinton remained in Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow  Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fusion (1,2,3,4), The New York Times, NBC News

Clinton Speaks at the West Caucus Dinner

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton talks to students Mario Burrell (L) and Gary Brian Gonzalez making mayonnaise while touring the Culinary Academy of Las Vegas in North Las Vegas, Nevada January 6, 2016. REUTERS/Rick Wilking
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton talks to students Mario Burrell (L) and Gary Brian Gonzalez making mayonnaise while touring the Culinary Academy of Las Vegas in North Las Vegas, Nevada January 6, 2016. REUTERS/Rick Wilking

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton appeared at the West Caucus Dinner in Las Vegas, Nevada with the other Democratic presidential candidates, Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders. Each of the candidates gave a speech, and Clinton focused on the upcoming primary and and argued that she is the only one of the three Democratic candidates that can beat the Republicans in November. She said, “I am proud to be running in a Democratic primary with my opponents. They have a lot of good ideas and we share a lot of the same values. But your choice in the caucus really matters. On February 20th you will begin the process of choosing a president who has what it takes to stand up to the Republicans, to make a real difference for American families.” A full video from the event is below and is bookmarked at Clinton’s speech.

While in Las Vegas, Clinton also took some time to visit the Culinary Academy of Las Vegas. She also spoke with the Las Vegas Sun about a variety of topics including solar energy, the minimum wage, and nuclear waste disposal. The full interview can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Campaign for Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown (MD)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at a rally for Maryland Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown. Clinton praised the work of Brown and Governor Martin O’Malley. She told the crowd that Brown and O’Malley should continue to work together for the people of Maryland.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: CBS Baltimore