Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in California

Former President Bill Clinton spoke in support of his wife, Presidential democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, Saturday May 21, 2016 before approximately 300 people at Ganesha High School. The rally was briefly interrupted by a group of protesters. (Will Lester/SCNG-Inland Valley Daily Bulletin)
Former President Bill Clinton spoke in support of his wife, Presidential democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, Saturday May 21, 2016 before approximately 300 people at Ganesha High School. The rally was briefly interrupted by a group of protesters. (Will Lester/SCNG-Inland Valley Daily Bulletin)

On Saturday, Bill Clinton attended two California organizing events in support of Hillary Clinton and Hillary for America. His first event was in Chula Vista where he spoke about Hillary’s experience and her record of getting things done saying that she is the “only one person who has a remote chance to both keep us safe in a dangerous world and make good things happen and give us the space we need to grow and lead the world out of this mess we’re in and all these crazy conflicts that are interfering with you living your future.” He spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points before asking for voters’ support on June 7.

Bill then attended an event in Pomona where he spoke to supporters at a local high school. He spoke about a number of topics saying that work was still needed to be done to guarantee LGBT rights, women’s rights, equal pay, and union rights. He went on to attack the position of Hillary’s Republican opposition saying that they want to take America backwards and not keep pushing forward. He argued that Hillary is the candidate to keep moving the country forward and making sure everyone has an equal opportunity. Bill said that while the opposition fears diversity, he said that diversity is what makes America so great. “If you look around this crowd, you represent one vision of America’s future, in all your diversity. We can all honor our diversity because we believe our shared humanity is most important,” he said. Videos from the events will be added when/if available.

California Secretary of State Alex Padilla campaigned for Hillary today as well. He attended a fundraiser in Riverside that was hosted by Hon. Cheryl Brown, Hon. Jose Medina, Hon. Angelov Farooq, Hans Britsch, Lynn Brown-Summers, Barbara Kerr, Alicia Orejel, Ofelia Valdez-Yeager, Marisa V. Yeager, Richard and Lorraine Anderson, Paulette Brown-Hinds, Mikki Cichocki-Semo, Rose Mayes, and MaryAnn Stalder.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 5, The Orange County Register