Bill, Chelsea, Others Campaign for Hillary on Monday


On Monday, a number of people campaigned in support of Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton was in Washington, where he attended an Organizing Event in Spokane. Speaking at Spokane Falls Community College, Bill focused on the rising cost of education and Hillary’s plan to make college more affordable by expanding grant programs, expand work study programs, and simplify student loans. He explained that Hillary would pay for these changes by raising taxes on the wealthy. A video of his speech is below.

Tonight, Bill attend a second rally in Vancouver. During his speech, Bill characterized Hillary as a strong leader who would be a great commander-in-chief and a tough diplomat. He then spoke about Hillary’s plans to make college more affordable, to build upon the heath care system, help small businesses, and immigration reform. Following the event, Bill attended a Vancouver area fundraiser hosted by Craig Hartzman, Jim John, and Jane and Paul Jacobsen. A video from the public event is below.

This afternoon, Chelsea Clinton attended a fundraiser at the home of Ambassador Eleni Kounalakis. The reception took place in San Francisco, California. As with all private fundraisers, it was closed to the press.

In Dallas, Texas, Campaign Manager Robby Mook attended a fundraiser at the home of Dr. Mark Parker and Eric Johnson. Meanwhile, Campaign Chair John Podesta hosted a fundraiser in Washington, DC that featured a number of former members of Congress including: Jim Blanchard, Dennis Cardoza, Bob Carr, Vic Fazio, Martin Frost, Bart Gordon, Kay Hagan, Barbara Kennelly, Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln, Tom McMillen, Jim Moran, Earl Pomeroy, Mark Pryor, Bart Stupak, John Tanner, and Alan Wheat. Podesta hosted a second Washington, DC area fundraiser hosted by Susan Brophy, Ann Castagnetti, David Castagnetti, Steve Elmendorf, Jeff Forbes, and Joel Johnson. The final fundraiser of the day was in New York City where Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan attended an event hosted by Judith Hochman and Richard Fuchs, Meghann Curtis and Michael Fuchs, Carol and Richard Hochman.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Spokesman-Review, Oregon Live

Clinton Fundraises following Tuesday’s Wins


After coming out on top in all five of Tuesday’s primaries, Hillary Clinton and Hillary for America have spent the last two days fundraising. Yesterday, Hillary for America hosted a Counterterrorism conversation in Arlington, Virginia. Those attending the event included Randy Beers, Former Deputy Homeland Security Advisor; Matt Spence, Former NSC Senior Director and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East; Will Wechsler, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counterterrorism and current Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East; and Dan Byman, Former 9/11 Commission Staff Member.

Today, Clinton attended two fundraisers. The first was held at the home of Pradeep and Ranjana Sinha in Atlanta, Georgia. Then, Clinton attended a fundraiser at the Nashville, Tennessee home of Sacha and Charles Robert Bone. Two other fundraisers were hosted by Hillary for America. The first was a New York City reception with Olympic Gold Medalist and FIFA World Cup Champion Abby Wambach. The second fundraiser was held in Bradbury, California and featured a conversation with Campaign Chair John Podesta.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Bill Clinton Stumps for Hillary in Columbus

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Oh Wednesday afternoon, Bill Clinton visited Columbus, Ohio where he met with Mayor Michael B. Coleman and toured the Lincoln Theater. He then gave a speech at Hillary for America’s Columbus office. He argued that Hillary is the best candidate for president and urged supporters to vote for her in the March 15 primary. He said, “My argument for Hillary is pretty simple. I think she’s got the best economic plan the best college aid plan. I think she’s got the best record as a change maker, and I think she’s the only person left in either party who’s spent her life making changes that have made people’s lives better at home and has serious national security experience to make people as safe as possible.” A video from his speech is below.

Two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America today. The first was in Half Moon Bay, California and featured Alphabet CFO Ruth Porat. The second fundraiser was hosted by Judy White and Michael Yi in New York City. The event featured a conversation with De’Ara Balenger, Hillary for America Director of Engagement.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Columbus Dispatch

Clinton Attends NYC Event following Super Tuesday Win

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a post-Super Tuesday rally in New York on March 2, 2016. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump piled up the wins on Super Tuesday, putting the pair closer to presidential nominations. / AFP / Jewel SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)
US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a post-Super Tuesday rally in New York on March 2, 2016.
Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump piled up the wins on Super Tuesday, putting the pair closer to presidential nominations. / AFP / Jewel SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton did not take a break from the campaign trail following her Super Tuesday wins. Speaking to a group of supporters at the Javits Center, she spent her speech criticizing Republican front-runner Donald Trump, without actually mentioning his name. She said, “You know the stakes in this election have never been higher and the rhetoric from the other side has never been lower. So we’ve got work to do my friends. But not to make America great again. America never stopped being great. We have to make America whole. Instead of building walls, we need to break down barriers that are holding back families and our country.” At the event, Clinton also focused her support of unions and her promise to protect union rights as many members of the audience were union supporters. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Tonight, Hillary for America is hosting a “I’m with Her” concert at Radio City Music Hall featuring performances Katy Perry, Elton John, and Andra Day. Hillary, Chelsea and Bill also made an appearance. Throughout the concert event, each of the artists took some time to explain why they supported Hillary for president. Perry said, “I’m not voting for her because she’s a woman. I’m voting for her because she’s the right person for the job.” Other guest celebrities also made appearances including Jamie Foxx and Julianne Moore.

This evening, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey hosted a conversational fundraiser in Milton. The event was hosted by Nora Harrington and Andi Piatt. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Variety, The New York Times, Observer

Hillary Clinton Attends California Fundraisers

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania in July 2015.

Hillary Clinton was in California for a second day of fundraising. She began by attending a Studio City fundraiser hosted by Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali and Anita Hirsh. Then she attended a fundraiser at the Los Angeles home of Ellen Goldsmith-Vein and Jon Vein. The final fundraiser of the day was also held in Los Angeles and was hosted by Mike Roberts and Former Governor Mike Bebe.

Also fundraising for Hillary for America was Campaign Chair John Podesta, who held a conversation on clean energy and the clean economy in Washington, DC. Senior Policy Advisor Ann O’Leary hosted a Washington, DC event which focused on education. In New York City, Hillary for America Chief Financial Officer Gary Gensler also held a fundraiser.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Bill, Chelsea, Meier Campaign for Hillary


On Wednesday, a number of events in support of Hillary Clinton were held across the country. In the Midwest, Chelsea Clinton attended events in Kansas and Nebraska. She began the day by attending a Get Out the Vote event in Overland Park. During her speech, Chelsea spoke about her mother’s experience and her dedication to protecting women’s rights, voter rights, and LGBT rights. She also spoke about Hillary’s experience with compromise saying, “I do believe we fundamentally need a president who knows when to stand her ground, but also does know how to find common ground.” While in Overland Park, Chelsea also attended a fundraiser at the home of Jackie and Lynn Johnson.

Chelsea wrapped up the day at a Get Out the Caucus event in Omaha, Nebraska. During the event, she framed her mother as a political realist who knows how to stand up for what she believes in, but knows how to compromise. Her speech was similar to one that she gave earlier in the day in Overland Park, Kansas. Chelsea asked those in attendance for their support in the upcoming caucus on March 5.

Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary in New York City. He attended three fundraisers beginning with an event hosted by Bal Das, Valérie Demont, and Seema Hingorani. The second event of the day was held at Brooklyn Bowl. The final event was held at the home of John Fitzpatrick. As with all private events, they were closed to the public.

In Texas, Hillary for America Director of Policy Outreach Ed Meier hosted a fundraiser in Austin. The event is part of a series hosted by Hillary for America covering a number of platform topics.

Tomorrow, Chelsea Clinton will host a number of events in Colorado and Nevada. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:, KCTV

Clintons Campaign in Multiple States


On Tuesday, Bill and Hillary Clinton attended events across multiple states. Bill was in Greenville, South Carolina where he spoke to a crowd at the West End Community Center. He spoke about immigration reform and gun control, and he spoke highly of Hillary’s experience and conviction. Bill said that her desire to be a change maker is her strongest trait. He asked voters to support her in the upcoming primary saying, “She never gives up and she won’t give up on you, and she knows if we are going to go into the future together we’ve got to have shared prosperity, equal opportunity and inclusiveness. If that is what you want she is your candidate.”

Hillary attended three events in two states. She began in New York City where she attended a fundraiser. She then met with Reverend Al Sharpton in Lower Manhattan. Clinton and Sharpton were joined at their meeting by National Urban League President Mark Moriale. Clinton said, “My campaign is really about breaking every barrier. I’m not a single issue candidate and we don’t live in a single issue country and we have work to do and that work can only be done in partnership.” Clinton then traveled to an evening fundraiser in McLean, Virginia held at the home of Beatrice and Tony Welters.


Hillary also visited Harlem where she gave a speech on her plans to end systemic racism. She pledged $125 billion to assist poor and minority communities with job training and education. She spoke about her “Breaking Down Barriers” that would help “places where people of color and the poor have been left out and left behind.” Clinton criticized rival Bernie Sanders’ relationship with minorities communities saying, “You can’t start building relationships a few weeks before a vote.” A video of her speech will be added when/if available.

In Nevada, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine joined a group of supporters in Mesquite to take part in a canvass event. Meanwhile in Texas, Hillary for America Director of Policy Outreach Ed Meier attended an event at the Dallas home of Anne and Chris Hamilton.

Tomorrow, Hillary will be in Chicago for a number of events while Bill and Chelsea will also be attending events in New York, Kansas, and Nebraska. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, WYFF, CBS New York

Clinton Attends New York Fundraisers and Iowa Events

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton began the day by attended fundraisers in New York City and a fundraiser in White Plains, New York. During the White Plains event, which also featured Congresswoman Nita Lowey, Clinton spoke about her plans to combat climate change, expand clean energy, expand health care, grow the economy, and continue to pressure Iran to ensure it sticks to the nuclear agreement.

Following her fundraisers, Clinton returned to Iowa where we are only three days from the caucus. She hosted two Get Out the Caucus events, one in Newton and second in Keokuk. In Newton, Clinton focused on education. She spoke about expanding early childhood education and making college education more affordable for everyone. She also covered a number of other platform topics including equal pay for women, updating the tax code to ensure the wealthy pay their fair share, and improving the Affordable Care Act. A video from her speech is below.

At the event in Keokuk, Clinton spoke about a number of platform points before opening the floor to questions. In typical town hall fashion, Clinton was asked a number of policy questions, but one man didn’t ask a question. He simply want to tell Clinton that she had convinced him to vote for her. He said, “I was going to vote for Donald Trump. But my daughter brought me here. She was really excited to come here and see you. And after hearing you talk — because all he does is give the exact same speech he gave when he started running for president — you actually have topics, solutions and all that stuff. And now I’m voting for you.” A video from the event in Keokuk will be added when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton will attend an event with Bill Clinton in Davenport, Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Journal News, WHOTV, The Hawk Eye

Chelsea Clinton and Others Host Hillary for America Fundraisers

Chelsea Clinton campaigns in New Hampshire on January 12, 2016.
Chelsea Clinton campaigns in New Hampshire on January 12, 2016.

On Thursday, Chelsea Clinton was in New York City for a breakfast fundraiser hosted by Liz Robbins and Tim Gunn. Meanwhile, Hillary for America began a series of policy based fundraisers with the first two in the series being held yesterday. In Chicago, the policy based fundraiser was hosed by Anna Valencia and Jon Samuels. Hillary for America’s Senior Policy Advisor Maya Harris was the guest speaker. In the evening, an event was held in Washington, DC featuring Hillary for America General Counsel Marc Elias. As with all private events, the fundraisers were closed to the press.

Fundraising is a necessary evil for politicians and are typically scheduled a month in advance. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clintons Attend Fundraisers in Four States

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania in 2015.

On Tuesday, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton hit the fundraising trail where they attended separate events in four different state. Hillary began with an event home of Amy and Philip Blumenthal in Charlotte, North Carolina. She then attended a fundraiser at the New Orleans home of Frances and Calvin Fayard. She wrapped up the day attending a fundraiser at the Children’s Museum of Houston in Texas.

Chelsea, meanwhile, was in New York City for two events. The first was an afternoon tea hosted by Susan York. Chelsea and Anna Wintour, editor of American Vogue, both attended the event. Chelsea’s second event was a fundraising reception. As with all private fundraisers, the events were closed to the press.

Tomorrow, Hillary will remain in Texas for two additional fundraisers before heading back to Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.