Hillary Clinton Campaigns in New Jersey

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally, June 1, 2016, in Newark, New Jersey. Next to Clinton is musician Jon Bon Jovi. / AFP / DOMINICK REUTER (Photo credit should read DOMINICK REUTER/AFP/Getty Images)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally, June 1, 2016, in Newark, New Jersey. Next to Clinton is musician Jon Bon Jovi. / AFP / DOMINICK REUTER (Photo credit should read DOMINICK REUTER/AFP/Getty Images)

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail where she attended a Get Out the Vote event in Newark, New Jersey. After Clinton was introduced by Senator Cory Booker and singer Jon Bon Jovi, Clinton spoke to the crowd about about a number of her key platform points and the importance of the 2016 election. At the beginning of her speech, she attacked presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and his controversial Trump University, which is currently in the midst of a legal battle. Clinton said, “Trump U was a fraudulent scheme where Donald Trump enriched himself at the expense of hard working people. Trump himself is a fraud.” A full video from the event is below.

Clinton then traveled to Boston, Massachusetts where she attended a fundraiser. The event included a special performance by Bon Jovi.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS New York

Clintons Return to the Campaign Trail


Following last night’s Democratic debate, Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton all returned to the campaign trail. Chelsea was in Providence, Rhode Island where she attended a fundraiser. Bill attended two fundraisers today. The first was in Cincinnati, Ohio and was hosted by Allan Berliant and Jennie Rosenthal Berliant, Eisha and Tim Armstrong, Mayor John Cranley, Richard Lawrence, Francie Pepper, Richard Rosenthal and Kitty Strauss. The second fundraiser was held at the home of Elizabeth Welch in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Also hosting a fundraiser today in Newark, New Jersey was Senator Cory Booker.

Meanwhile, Hillary began her day by attending a post-debate breakfast fundraiser in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with Senator Tammy Baldwin. She then traveled to South Carolina where she hosted a town hall event in Denmark. During her remarks, Hillary again painted Bernie Sanders’ platform as too narrow and explained how her experience allowed her to build a broader platform. Clinton also laid out a new proposal called the “Breaking Every Barrier Agenda” which would provide underserved communities with $125 billion for economic development. She explained that the program would largely be paid for by a tax on large financial institutions. She said, “Those that contributed to the Great Recession are going to contribute to bringing back the communities that were the hardest hit by the Great Recession.”

Hillary and Sanders shared the stage (separately) as they both spoke at the Minnesota DFL Humphrey-Mondale Dinner in St. Paul. During Clinton’s speech, she covered a number of her platform points and poked holes in Sanders’ platform, although, she never mentioned him by name. She said, “Once in a while, a day comes along when we make something big and extraordinary happen all at once. But in my experience, that’s not how we make change most of the time. To make change happen over and over again, you’ve got to keep working at it! You’ve got to keep fighting for it day after day after day. And if you get knocked down, you get right back up!” A video from the event is below.

Tomorrow, Hillary will be in Colorado for a Democratic Party event. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, Twin Cities Pioneer Press, Humphrey-Mondale Dinner

Democrats Across the Country Campaign for Hillary


On Monday, while Hillary Clinton was in Iowa, a number of high profile Democrats and celebrities attended a number events in support of Hillary for America. Actress Jamie Lee Curtis has been visiting with voters and volunteers in Iowa for the last few days, holding events in Council Bluffs, Ames, and Newton. Curtis has been a long time support of Hillary and talked about her experience and readiness to lead.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro attended two events yesterday on behalf of Hillary and Hillary for America. The first was a fundraiser hosted by Tony Buxton, Bonnie Porta, and Karen Harris in Portland, Maine. The second event was a gathering at the Puerto Vallarta Mexican Grill in Manchester, New Hampshire. Meanwhile in New Jersey, Senator Cory Booker and Victor Herlinsky hosted a fundraiser in Newark.

Bill and Chelsea were also on the campaign trail yesterday, attending events in California. Bill was scheduled to attend events in Hillsborough and San Francisco. Chelsea attended two fundraisers, with the first being hosted at the Newport Coast home of Michael and Sholeh Chegini. The second fundraiser was held at the Los Angeles office of Frank Gehry.

The Iowa Caucus us under a week away, and events in Iowa are likely to pick up this week. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: KMTV