Bill Clinton Campaigns in Bay Area

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On the day before California’s Democratic primary, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in the San Francisco area. Bill has been focusing his efforts on smaller events and has spoken to supporters by standing in the back of a truck. His first two events today were a Get Out the Vote rallies in Oakland and Hayward. At each event, Bill spoke about Hillary’s experience and a number of platform points including growing the economy, focusing on clean energy, and expanding health care. In his speeches, he also criticized Republican nominee Donald Trump for a number of his positions and rhetoric saying that Hillary is a better candidate to continue the progress of the last eight years. A video from today’s event in Oakland is below.

Bill then spoke at a Get Out the Vote event in Antioch. Speaking to a crowd of supporters at Marsh Elementary School, Bill spoke about Hillary’s experience and her plans to keep moving America forward. He explained how important the 2016 election is to continue to the progress of the last eight years, and that electing Trump is a certain way to undo most of that progress. A video of the speech is below.

In Richmond, he spoke spoke about similar topics, but he was confronted by a group of protestors who interrupted his speech. Instead of having the protesters escorted out, Bill answered their questions. He was asked about Hillary’s ties to Wall Street and the crime bill that passed during his administration. He has admitted that that parts of that bill were not perfect saying, “When the crime bill in 1994 came over from the House, it had stronger incarceration procedures than I originally asked for. They cover about 8 percent of total people in prison. When we got to the Senate, the Senate included an assault weapons ban with an ammunition clip limit.” A partial video from the event, including Bill’s exchange with the protester, is below.

His final event of the day was in San Francisco where he spoke about the city’s important position in the country saying, “San Francisco is uniquely positioned to understand that every American should care about the implications of our elections and our choices and the rest of the world.” He then went on to speak about a number of Hillary’s platform points and making an argument why she is a better candidate for president than Democratic rival Bernie Sanders or Trump. He asked for voters’ support in the primary saying that California would be a big win for Hillary. A video from the event is below.

Chelsea Clinton and Senator Cory Booker also campaigned for Hillary in New Jersey. They appeared at several events and spoke about a number Hillary’s platform points and the importance of the 2016 election. They both urged voters to vote in tomorrow’s New Jersey primary.

Meanwhile, Tokyo, Japan, a fundraiser was held for American citizens living in the region. The event featured a conversation with former Under Secretary of State Bob Hormats. The topic of the conversation was economic growth, energy, and the environment.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC 7 (Antioch), ABC 7 (San Francisco), CBS NewsABC 7 (Oakland)

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in New Jersey


On Wednesday, Bill Clinton campaigned in New Jersey on behalf of Hillary Clinton before next Tuesday’s primary. At a Get out the Vote event in Cranford, Bill spoke about Hillary’s experience and the substance of her platform. During his speech at Union County College, he also defended Hillary against a round of personal attacks waged by the Republican Party and Republican nominee Donald Trump. Of the attacks he said, “It threatens their whole argument if you got somebody like Hillary who’s actually done a lot of things to help people. So if you got somebody who’s done a lot of things to help people, you have to find some way to get people to stop thinking about that, and what they find works best is relentless personal attacks.” He wrapped up by asking for voters to support Hillary during Tuesday’s primary. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Meanwhile, in New York City, Chelsea Clinton attended a fundraiser on behalf of Hillary for America. In San Francisco, a fundraiser was held and featured a conversation with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in New Jersey

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally, June 1, 2016, in Newark, New Jersey. Next to Clinton is musician Jon Bon Jovi. / AFP / DOMINICK REUTER (Photo credit should read DOMINICK REUTER/AFP/Getty Images)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally, June 1, 2016, in Newark, New Jersey. Next to Clinton is musician Jon Bon Jovi. / AFP / DOMINICK REUTER (Photo credit should read DOMINICK REUTER/AFP/Getty Images)

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail where she attended a Get Out the Vote event in Newark, New Jersey. After Clinton was introduced by Senator Cory Booker and singer Jon Bon Jovi, Clinton spoke to the crowd about about a number of her key platform points and the importance of the 2016 election. At the beginning of her speech, she attacked presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and his controversial Trump University, which is currently in the midst of a legal battle. Clinton said, “Trump U was a fraudulent scheme where Donald Trump enriched himself at the expense of hard working people. Trump himself is a fraud.” A full video from the event is below.

Clinton then traveled to Boston, Massachusetts where she attended a fundraiser. The event included a special performance by Bon Jovi.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS New York

Hillary Clinton Unveils Plan to Help Military Families

On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton released her plan to assist military families. The plan unveiled today builds upon a previously introduced plan to build upon the Department of Veteran Affairs and ensure veterans receive proper support after they have left the military. The plan includes provision that will not only ensure that the members of our military are supported, but their spouses and children will as well. You can read the full details of the plan on The Briefing, and an outline of the plan is below:

  • Realign the Demands of a Military Career in Service to the Nation to Accommodate 21st Century Family Realities While Maintaining a Strong Force
  • Ensure that family leave policies meet the needs of our military families
  • Increase access to child care for all service members in the Active Duty and Reserve who need it
  • Let service members and their families take a knee
  • Create the ability to serve in different ways
  • Officially include life-cycle and family considerations in permanent moves
  • Back Military Spouses as they Pursue Education, Seek Jobs, Build Careers and Secure their Finances
  • Enhancing opportunities for military spouse employment and breaking down antiquated rules, such as onerous state credentialing, that lead to military spouse under-employment
  • Reforming the assignment process to better support dual-military couples
  • Standing side-by-side with families through transition out of the military
  • Enhance military families financial planning and protection
  • Creating flexibility around military moves
  • Ensure Military Children Receive a High-Quality Education and the Resources to Succeed
  • Keep Defense Department schools strong and focused
  • Elevate public schools with high number of military children
  • Preserve and protect the Post-9/11 GI Bill, making it a lasting part of the nation’s social contract for those who serve and their families
  • Enhance the Exceptional Family Member Experience
  • Bring Key Resources for Military Families in to the Information Age
  • Move resources into higher gear with on-line technology
  • Increase virtual access and information for families and surrounding communities
  • Champion efforts to care for our military members and families
  • Ensure continued focus on mental health for military members and families
  • Remain committed to extended leave policies
  • Continue to support Gold Star Families
  • Continue and Build on the Obama Administration’s Effort to Elevate Military Families in the White House and Across Government
  • Create a standing President’s Council on Service Members, Veterans, and Military Families
  • Establish “Joining Forces” as a permanent part of the Executive Office of the President
  • Direct senior White House and Department of Defense civilian and military leadership to conduct a series of town hall meetings to hear directly from service members and their families about their needs
  • Personally request and receive a thorough report and 12-month implementation plan on priority areas for improvement based on these town halls

Meanwhile, Clinton attended two fundraisers today. The first was in East Brunswick, New Jersey and included a conversation with Clinton and Senator Cory Booker. In New York City, Clinton attended an event at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel. The event included a conversation with her, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and actress Julianna Margulies.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing

Clintons Take Part in Hometown Memorial Day Parade


On Monday, Bill and Hillary Clinton marched in Chappaqua, New York’s Memorial Day parade. The Clintons own a home in the city and have participated in local celebrations for years. Marching in the parade with the Clintons was New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. This coming week, Clinton will return to the campaign trail attending events in New Jersey and California.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Journal News, ABC News

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in New Jersey


On Friday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in New Jersey. Speaking at an organizing event in Edison, Bill focused on Hillary’s plans to move America forward and pointed to examples from her background to make his case. He said that Hillary offers unity and is willing to listen to ideas from any side of aisle saying, “Every job Hillary had in Washington she worked with Democrats and Republicans together.” Bill spoke to supporters at Edison High School and outlined a number of Hillary’s key platform points including reducing student debt, continuing to improve health care, and investing in clean energy. A video from today’s event will be posted when/if available.

Also on Thursday, Foreign Policy Advisor Laura Rosenberger spoke with American citizens and Hillary supporters in Beijing, China. The event was hosted by Ada Shen, Carolyn Wu, and Wenchi Yu.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:

Bill, Chelsea Campaign for Hillary in New Jersey


On Friday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary in New Jersey. Speaking to a crowd of supporters at Passaic County Community College in Paterson, Bill was confronted by a small group of protestors, but he turned his focus to Hillary’s platform and how her plans focus on “bridge-building, not wall building.” He criticized presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump for his rhetoric, and argued that it was better for everyone to work together to achieve our shared goals. He said, “We need the good freedom-loving, terror-hating Muslim-Americans to help us to lead the fight. We gotta live together and be citizens, together. We gotta protect everybody’s rights: Religious rights, women’s rights, voting rights and labor rights. We gotta prove to that we can do this together.”

Bill then traveled to Ewing Township where he spoke at the College of New Jersey. He, again, spoke about Trump and his plans to shut the borders of the United States to outsiders. Bill argued that does not work because of modern technology and social media. He said that we have to have a multi-front strategy that includes the internet. He said, “San Bernadino, our latest terrorist incident, was because of people converted over the Internet. America desperately needs its Muslims who love freedom and hate terror and want to be a part of this country.” Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Chelsea Clinton also attended two events in New Jersey. She took part in the opening of Hillary for America office in Metuchen and Bloomfield. At each event, she addressed local supporters and volunteers who came out for the event. Chelsea spoke about the importance of the 2016 election and why Hillary is best qualified for the White House. She thanked everyone for their support and asked for their vote on June 7.

Hillary, meanwhile, was in California where she spoke to CBS San Francisco. During the exclusive interview, she spoke about her platform and plans should she become president. She was asked about Trump a number of times, and she expressed her concern saying, “I’ve never seen a candidate like Donald Trump; that’s fair. And I’ve never seen so much concern – even in his own party – by Republicans about their nominee.” She also spoke about the importance of immigration reform, the need to upgrade the country’s infrastructure, and her thoughts on legalized marijuana. A full video of the interview can be viewed HERE.

Two California fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was in San Francisco and focused on LGBT issues. The conversation featured Robby Mook, Campaign Manager; Teddy Goff, Chief Digital and Technology Strategist; and David Plouffe, Campaign Manager, Obama 2008. The second event was held in Santa Monica and was hosted by Roberta Conroy, Ashley Kennedy and Rosezetta Cummings, Claire Lucas and Judy Dlugacz, Andrea Meyerson, and Valerie Ploumpis. The event featured a conversation with Senator Tammy Baldwin, Lily Tomlin, Meredith Baxter, Suzanne Westenhoefer, Stephanie Miller, and Billie Jean King.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS SFBayArea, Woodbridge Patch,, Politico, Philadelphia Inquirer

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in New Jersey


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton held a campaign rally in Backwood, New Jersey where she focused on the November election and the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. She called Trump “reckless” and “dangerous” and criticized his divisive rhetoric. Clinton, speaking at Camden County College, she spoke about a number of her platform points and called out Republicans who have criticized her husband’s record as president. She said, “I’m really proud of that record and I’ll tell you what, if Republicans want to criticize it I’m going to ask them, what are they criticizing, the peace or the prosperity?” New Jersey holds its primary on June 7. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:

Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia and Bridgeport on Sunday


Today, Hillary Clinton was in Pennsylvania and Connecticut where she met with church goers and potential voters in Tuesday’s primaries. She began in Philadelphia where she spoke at church services at Triumph Baptist Church and African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas. At both churches, Clinton spoke about her plans to seek criminal justice reform and fight the gun lobby by introducing stronger gun regulations. She said, “We as a people have to start showing each other more respect, more kindness more love.” She spoke briefly about the importance of the 2016 election and asked for the support of voters in Tuesday’s primary.

Clinton then traveled to Bridgeport, Connecticut, the largest city in the state. Speaking at the University of Bridgeport, she talked about continuing the progress of the administration of President Barack Obama. She then covered a number of platform topics including health care, gun control, raising the minimum wage, and reducing the cost of higher education. She believes that America’s best day are still ahead of it saying, “I’m going to do everything I can to make sure America’s best years are ahead of us. You should feel that your country has your back.” This evening, Clinton also attended a fundraiser in Stamford. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.


Bill Clinton was in Baltimore, Maryland where he attended Sunday morning services at three local churches. At each, he spoke about Hillary’s platform and her plans to move America forward. Today, Bill also attended a fundraiser in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. The event was hosted by Barbara and Richard Schiffrin.

Other Hillary for America fundraisers were held across the country today. In Bry Mawr, Pennsylvania, a fundraiser was held featuring New Jersey Senator Cory Booker. Meanwhile, in Seattle, Washington, a fundraiser was hosted by John and Nancy Sabol, Daniel James Brown, Pam Eakes, and Jeanne Kohl-Welles. The event featured a conversation with Daniel James Brown, the author of The Boys in the Boat.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Baltimore Sun, ABC News, NBC Connecticut, The Hour

Bill, Chelsea Fundraise for Hillary

ROCK HILL, SC - FEBRUARY 25: Former President Bill Clinton addresses the audience at Freedom Temple Ministry while campaigning for his wife, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, February 25, 2016 in Rock Hill, South Carolina. The South Carolina Democratic Primary will be held Saturday, February 27. (Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty Images)
ROCK HILL, SC – FEBRUARY 25: Former President Bill Clinton addresses the audience at Freedom Temple Ministry while campaigning for his wife, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, February 25, 2016 in Rock Hill, South Carolina. The South Carolina Democratic Primary will be held Saturday, February 27. (Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

On Wednesday, Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton were both on the campaign trail on behalf of Hillary and Hillary for America. Bill attended two fundraisers in Washington, DC. The first was in the afternoon and hosted by Mary Ellen Callahan, Jamilla Ferris, Paul Friedman, Jon Gleklen, Mindy Hatton, Ann Malester, Tara and Richard Parker, Shairs Pozen, Margaret Richardson, Dana Rosenfeld, Corey Roush, Cliff Sloan, Debi Tucker, and Christine Varney. In the evening, Bill attended an event at a local home.

Chelsea meanwhile attended fundraisers in two states. In the morning, she attended an event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She then attended an afternoon event in Erie. Her final event of the day was an evening fundraiser in Princeton, New Jersey. Pennsylvanians head to the polls on April 26 while voters in New Jersey won’t vote until June 7. Also fundraising for Hillary today was Chief Financial Officer Gary Gensler. He held a fundraiser for American citizens currently living in Beijing, China.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.