HFA Responds to Trump’s Outreach to the African American Community


Following Donald Trump’s attempt to reach out to the African American community, Hillary for America’s Director of State Campaigns and Political Engagement Marlon Marshall responded to his lack of African American community events with the following statement.

“Donald Trump’s latest gimmick to act as if he cares about the black community is downright shameful, insulting and cowardly.  After 14 months of neglecting us, Donald Trump is once again dodging substantive conversations and ducking questions about the issues that impact our community. Not surprisingly, Trump’s ignorance on issues like the economy, criminal justice reform, the meaning of quality health care or systemic racism, has forced him to resort to scripted conversations and staged engagements with our communities. The problem is, our community can see through this: outreach to African Americans cannot be scripted; leaders ought to be prepared to address the hard truths about race and justice in our country. And Trump’s discomfort on addressing these issues only reinforces that he’s unfit to be our president.”

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