Tonight: Democratic Debate from Charleston


Tonight, the three Democratic candidates will appear on stage for their fourth primary debate. The debate will be on NBC and will be moderated by Lester Holt. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley will face off for the final time before voters begin going to the polls in early February. The debate will be on NBC beginning at 9pm ET. You can also watch the debate live on, YouTube, or the NBC News app on various devices. Use the hashtag #DemDebate when referencing the debate on social media. Watch live below:

News Source: NBC News

Clinton Appears on Meet the Press

Hillary-Clinton-on-Meet-the-PressOn Sunday morning, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press. In the interview by Chuck Todd, Clinton was asked about recent revelations and recently discovered emails on her private email server, and in response to the questions that have arisen, Clinton said, “I want these questions to be answered.” Todd and Clinton discussed a number of topics including her recent poll numbers, her platform, and her Republican opposition. The second part of the interview will air tomorrow on MSNBC’s Meet the Press Daily.

To watch the full interview, CLICK HERE. You can also CLICK HERE to read a transcript from the show. Later today, Clinton is scheduled to attend a number of private fundraisers in the Los Angeles, California area. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News

Clinton Addresses Trade Agreement in Iowa

Following yesterday’s campaign rally, Clinton took her campaign message on the road today to Des Moines, Iowa. Speaking to a crowd at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, Clinton covered a number of points that she hit on yesterday during the kick-off rally in New York, including the Four Fights that serve as the basis of her campaign platform.

For the first time, Clinton addressed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade proposal that has been opposed by Democrats in Congress. She expressed concern about the deal in its current form, but believes that the right partnership can benefit the United States. She said, “I kind of fall in the group that says ‘what’s in it?’ And ‘let’s make it as good as it can be, and then let’s make a decision.'”

While she was in Iowa, Clinton also stopped at a fundraiser in Burlington where she spoke with a group of about 80 people. The focus of her conversation was mental health, a subject that she has learned about by talking to people early in the campaign. She said, “That’s why I do this, I know people are interested to get the razzle-dazzle and the big rallies, but I want to hear from the people, I want to know whats actually happening so that I can come up with proposals that may actually change people’s lives.”

Tomorrow, Clinton goes to New Hampshire where she expected to talk about a number of the points she outlined yesterday in New York and Today in Iowa. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, WQAD