Clinton Shares Stories on “Humans of New York”


Hillary Clinton shared two stories on the photography site Humans of New York. Clinton shared stories and explained to photographer Brandon Stanton why she believes she comes across to many people as cold. She said, “I had to learn as a young woman to control my emotions.” Working in a field dominated by men, she couldn’t stand out. The full text of Clinton’s statements is below and you can read the stories and view Stanton’s photographs on the Humans of New York website HERE and HERE.

“I’m not Barack Obama. I’m not Bill Clinton. Both of them carry themselves with a naturalness that is very appealing to audiences. But I’m married to one and I’ve worked for the other, so I know how hard they work at being natural. It’s not something they just dial in. They work and they practice what they’re going to say. It’s not that they’re trying to be somebody else. But it’s hard work to present yourself in the best possible way. You have to communicate in a way that people say: ‘OK, I get her.’ And that can be more difficult for a woman. Because who are your models? If you want to run for the Senate, or run for the Presidency, most of your role models are going to be men. And what works for them won’t work for you. Women are seen through a different lens. It’s not bad. It’s just a fact. It’s really quite funny. I’ll go to these events and there will be men speaking before me, and they’ll be pounding the message, and screaming about how we need to win the election. And people will love it. And I want to do the same thing. Because I care about this stuff. But I’ve learned that I can’t be quite so passionate in my presentation. I love to wave my arms, but apparently that’s a little bit scary to people. And I can’t yell too much. It comes across as ‘too loud’ or ‘too shrill’ or ‘too this’ or ‘too that.’ Which is funny, because I’m always convinced that the people in the front row are loving it.”

“I was taking a law school admissions test in a big classroom at Harvard. My friend and I were some of the only women in the room. I was feeling nervous. I was a senior in college. I wasn’t sure how well I’d do. And while we’re waiting for the exam to start, a group of men began to yell things like: ‘You don’t need to be here.’ And ‘There’s plenty else you can do.’ It turned into a real ‘pile on.’ One of them even said: ‘If you take my spot, I’ll get drafted, and I’ll go to Vietnam, and I’ll die.’ And they weren’t kidding around. It was intense. It got very personal. But I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t afford to get distracted because I didn’t want to mess up the test. So I just kept looking down, hoping that the proctor would walk in the room. I know that I can be perceived as aloof or cold or unemotional. But I had to learn as a young woman to control my emotions. And that’s a hard path to walk. Because you need to protect yourself, you need to keep steady, but at the same time you don’t want to seem ‘walled off.’ And sometimes I think I come across more in the ‘walled off’ arena. And if I create that perception, then I take responsibility. I don’t view myself as cold or unemotional. And neither do my friends. And neither does my family. But if that sometimes is the perception I create, then I can’t blame people for thinking that.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Business Insider, Vox

Clinton Endorsed by the Sierra Club


On Thursday, the Sierra Club announced their endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. The environmental group released a statement saying, “We firmly believe Secretary Clinton will be the strong environmental champion that we need to lead our country, which is why the Sierra Club is proud to endorse her and her vision for America.” Clinton released a statement saying that she is proud to receive the group’s endorsement and will protect the environment and fight climate change. She stressed the importance of preserving Earth, as there isn’t a “Plan B.” A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the Sierra Club, an organization that has fought to protect our environment, our natural wonders, and the health of our children for more than a century.

Climate change is real and we can see its impacts in our communities right now. We need to take immediate action to make America the clean energy superpower of the 21st century, create good-paying jobs, and make sure no one is left out or left behind, from communities struggling with the legacy of environmental racism to the coalfield communities that kept America’s lights on for generations.

The stakes for our children’s health and the future of our planet have never been higher. Donald Trump has called climate change a Chinese hoax and said he will scrap the landmark Paris climate agreement.  He has pledged to open up millions of acres of pristine public lands and waters to fossil fuel production at a time when America’s public lands are under unprecedented pressures.  We need to be accelerating the transition to a clean energy future and creating thousands of good-paying, high-quality jobs, not letting a climate denier anywhere near the White House.

The challenges facing our environment have changed since John Muir’s day, but one thing remains the same–there is no Planet B.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Sierra Club

League of Conservation Voters

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton was the keynote speaker at the League of Conservation Voters dinner. Clinton focused on the environment in her speech and touched on fracking and the future of natural gas. She did avoid the Keystone Pipeline in her speech. Clinton also spoke about climate change saying, “We continue to push forward but that is just the beginning of what is needed. There is no getting around the fact that the kind of ambitious response required to effectively combat climate change is going to be a tough sell at home and around the world.”

The video above is a clip from her speech and a full video if/when available.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: CBS News