Clinton Wins Tight Iowa Caucus


On Monday, Hillary Clinton pulled off a narrow victory in the Iowa caucuses, with 49.9% over Bernie Sanders’ 49.5%. In race that was too close to call until the end, Clinton won by a small margin. Marin O’Malley, who received less than 1% of the vote, announced that he was suspending his campaign. In Des Moines, Clinton was joined on stage by Bill and Chelsea when she gave her speech, but she did not go so far to call last night a victory. She thanked Iowans for their support and said that she looks forward to the primaries to come. She said, “It is rare, it is rare that we have the opportunity we do now. To have a real contest of ideas, to really think hard about what the Democratic Party stands for and what we want the future of our country to look like if we do our part to build it. I am a progressive who gets things done for people. I am honored to stand in the long line of American reformers who make up our minds that the status quo is not good enough, that standing still is not an option and that brings people together to find ways to improve the lives of Americans.” A video of her speech is below.

Today, Clinton returns to New Hampshire to prepare for the November 9 primary. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico