Hillary Clinton Speaks at the Opening of State Department Pavilion


Hillary Clinton returned to Washington, DC on Tuesday for the opening of a new exhibition area in the State Department’s museum. Named in her honor, The Hillary Clinton Pavilion marks the completion of another section of the U.S. Diplomacy Center. Clinton was joined at the event by Secretary of State John Kerry and former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell. Clinton spoke briefly about the important work of the museum and its exciting future saying, “I’m excited about the historic artifacts and the cutting-edge exhibits that will be here to teach and inspire future generations about the work of our country’s diplomats. Students and visitors alike will be able to simulate high-stakes diplomatic negotiation, learn more about resolving disputes in our increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.” Watch a video of Clinton’s speech below.

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News Source: The Washington Post, Politico

Chelsea Clinton Fundraises for Hillary

Chelsea Clinton campaigns in New Hampshire on January 12, 2016.
Chelsea Clinton campaigns in New Hampshire on January 12, 2016.

On Wednesday, Chelsea Clinton attended a fundraiser on behalf of her mother, Hillary Clinton. She was in Little Rock, Arkansas for an evening fundraiser hosted by Tiffany and Daniel Robinson. Little Rock is familiar to the Clinton family as they lived there while Bill Clinton was Arkansas’ governor and the city is home to the Clinton Presidential Library & Museum.

Meanwhile in Washington, DC, Hillary for America Chief Financial Officer Gary Gensler attended a fundraiser hosted by Senator Sherrod Brown and Senator Carl Levin, Andy Green, Salman Banaei, Julie Chon, Elise Bean, Dan Berkovitz, Tyler Gellasch, Raj Date Bob Heckart, and Shawn Maher. As with all private events, the fundraisers were only open to donors.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.