Hillary Clinton Wraps Up Campaign with Events in Three States


Hillary Clinton spent the final day of the campaign speaking at events in three states. She began at an event in Oakland, Pennsylvania where she outlined her vision of America and said that she wants “to be the president for all Americans, not just some.” She never mentioned Donald Trump by name, but she urged everyone to “rise above all of this hate-filled rhetoric.” She concluded her speech by asking everyone to get out and vote tomorrow adding, “I’m here to ask you to vote for yourselves, vote for your families, vote for your futures. … Because they are on the ballot.” A video from the event is below.

Clinton then traveled to Allendale, Michigan for a get out the vote rally on the campus of Grand Valley State University. Clinton focused more on her platform and the future of the country than she did her opponent. She spoke about her plans to create jobs, improve health care, make college more affordable, raise the minimum wage, and ensure equal pay for women. She said that if elected president, she will work for everyone and looks forward to working with Senators Debbie Stabenow and Bernie Sanders to pass a platform aimed at helping all Americans. Clinton concluded her speech by asking everyone to vote tomorrow. Watch a video of her speech below.

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a rally was held in front of a crowd of several thousand. The event began with musical performances by Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen. Bill and Chelsea Clinton then took the stage and briefly spoke about the importance of the election. Next, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama each spoke about Clinton’s platform and how she is the only candidate to carry on the legacy of the Obama administration. When Clinton took the stage, she urged everyone to consider the future of the country saying that she is optimistic. She concluded by asking everyone to get out and vote tomorrow. A video from the event is below.

Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea wrapped up the campaign at a midnight rally in Raleigh, North Carolina. The event opened with performances by Jon Bon Jovi and Lady Gaga, then Chelsea and Bill spoke. They spoke about the campaign and the importance of voting tomorrow. When Hillary took the stage, shorty before 1 am, she spoke about her optimistic vision of the future and urged everyone to vote for the future they envision for our country. “I believe it’s the most important election of our lifetime. It’s not just my name or Donald Trump’s name on the ballot, it’s the kind of country you want,” she said. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Michigan Live, WOODTV, Philadelphia Inquirer, ABC 11

DNC Wrap-Up: Day 4


On the final night of the Democratic National Convention, everyone awaited the acceptance speech of Hillary Clinton. Clinton was introduced by Chelsea Clinton, then a short biographical video was shown. She then took the stage and spoke about her vision for the future. Her vision is one of growth and prosperity for the nation and all Americans. She offered a plan that is in stark contrast from the vision presented last week during the Republican National Convention. Clinton criticized Donald Trump’s characterization that he alone has all the answers and can solve all of America’s problems. She said, “Americans don’t say ‘I alone can fix it.’ We say, ‘we’ll fix it together.'”

Clinton’s speech was more personal in nature as she reintroduces herself to the American people. She spoke about her mother, daughter, and grandchildren and what has driven her throughout her career. The reason for her dedication is quite simple: public service. The DNC’s biography video and Clinton’s speech focused on her public service experience including many things that she has done without fanfare. Overall the speech was a more personal message than we typically hear from Clinton. She was filled with gratitude for her supporters, emotion, and energy for the long campaign ahead. Watch the DNC’s biography video and Clinton’s acceptance speech below.

The final night included a number of other key speeches including addresses from Representative Nancy Pelosi, the Women of the Senate, Representative Joaquin Castro, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Khizr Khan, General John Allen, Senator Sherrod Brown, and a musical performance by Katy Perry. Chelsea Clinton introduced Hillary with a personal speech full of stories form her childhood and how her mother has been there for her, and how she is always available for her grandchildren. A selection of videos from the night are below and a full collection of videos from the convention can be found on YouTube.

Now that the convention is over and Clinton is officially the nominee for the Democratic Party, the work is just beginning. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, NBC News

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire


At a campaign event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of her former rival for the Democratic nomination, Senator Bernie Sanders. During his speech, Sanders expressed his full support for Clinton saying that she will be a great president, and he stressed the importance of electing her over Republican Donald Trump. He said, “I have come here today not to talk about the past but to focus on the future. That future will be shaped more by what happens on Nov. 8 in voting booths across our nation than by any other event in the world. I have come here to make it as clear as possible as to why I am endorsing Hillary Clinton and why she must become our next president.”

Clinton also spoke to the crowd thanking Senator Sanders for his support and congratulating him on a hard fought campaign. Clinton then turned to her next task, unifying the Democratic party behind her. Speaking to Sanders’ supporters she said, “You will always have a seat at the table when I am in the White House.” Clinton then discussed a number of her platform points including equal rights, free college education, and universal health care. A full video from the event is below.

Clinton then attended a special showing of the hit Broadway musical Hamilton. The sold out performance was a fundraiser for Hillary for America.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Chicago Tribune, NPR, The New York Times