Hillary Clinton: Why You Should Vote for Me


The following op-ed appears in Monday’s issue of USA Today:

Hillary Clinton: Why you should vote for me
Hillary Clinton
USA Today
November 6, 2016

In January, America is going to have a new president. Things are going to change — that much is certain. The question is, what kind of change are we going to have?

We can build an economy that works for everyone, or stack the deck even more for those at the top.

We can keep America safe through strength and smarts — or turn our backs on our allies, and cozy up to our adversaries.

We can come together to build a stronger, fairer America, or fear the future and fear each other.

Everything I’ve done, as first lady, senator, or secretary of State, I’ve done by listening to people and looking for common ground, even with people who disagree with me. And if you elect me on Tuesday, that’s the kind of president I’ll be.

Here are four priorities for my first 100 days — issues I’ve heard about from Americans all over our country.

First, we will put forward the biggest investment in new jobs since World War II. We’ll invest in infrastructure and manufacturing to grow our economy for years to come. We’ll produce enough renewable energy to power every home in America within a decade. We’ll cut red tape for small businesses and make it easier for entrepreneurs to get the credit they need to grow and hire — because in America, if you can dream it, you should be able to build it. We’ll pay for it all by asking the wealthy, Wall Street and big corporations to finally pay their fair share. And this commitment will go far beyond the first 100 days. Creating more good jobs with rising incomes will be a central mission of my presidency.

Second, we will introduce comprehensive immigration reform legislation. The last president to sign comprehensive immigration reform was Ronald Reagan, and it was a priority for George W. Bush. I’m confident that we can work across the aisle to pass comprehensive reform that keeps families together and creates a path to citizenship, secures our border, and focuses our enforcement resources on violent criminals. This is the right thing to do, and it will also grow our economy.

Third, to break the gridlock in Washington, we need to get secret, unaccountable money out of our politics. It’s drowning out the voices of the American people. So within my first 30 days, I will introduce a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. We should be protecting citizens’ rights to vote, not corporations’ rights to buy elections.

Fourth, we need to get started on end-to-end criminal justice reform. Too many people have been sent away for far too long for non-violent offenses. I believe our country will be stronger and safer when everyone has respect for the law and everyone is respected by the law.

There’s so much more we need to do together, and we certainly won’t get it all done in the first 100 days. But we’re going to roll up our sleeves and get to work for American families — and I’ll never, ever quit.

I want to be president for all Americans — Democrats, Republicans and independents; Americans of every race, faith and background.

My opponent has run his campaign on divisiveness, fear and insults, and spent months pitting Americans against each other. I’ve said many times that Donald Trump has shown us who he is. Now we have to decide who we are.

Because it’s not just our names on the ballot this year. Every issue we care about is on the ballot, too. This is about who we are as a country — and whether we are going to have change that makes us stronger together, or change that pushes us further apart.

It all comes down to this. I love our country. I believe in our people. And I think there’s nothing we can’t achieve if we work together and invest in each other.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: USA Today

Senator Elizabeth Warren Encourages Voters in Nevada


Senator Elizabeth Warren campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton and Democratic Senate candidate Catherine Cortez Masto. Speaking outside of the Democratic Party headquarters in Carson City, she spoke about the importance of electing Clinton and Democrats across the country. She spoke about a number of Clinton’s platform proposals including immigration reform, her plan to combat climate change, and creating an economy that works for everyone. She spoke about how Clinton supports labor unions while Republicans are trying to destroy them. “Unions built America’s middle class, and unions will rebuild America’s middle class,” she said. She concluded by urging everyone to vote on November 8th.

In Reno, Warren appeared at an event in support of Cortez Masto and Clinton. While she focused primarily on the Nevada Senate race, she spoke about the importance of electing Clinton president to ensure a progressive is in the White House. Warren also attacked Donald Trump saying, “He is a small, insecure moneygrubber who will never be president of the United States.” She called him a bully and criticized his business practices. Warren urged voters to take advantage of early voting before it ends on Friday or vote on November 8th. Videos from the day’s events will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal, Reno Gazette-Journal

Bill Clinton Stresses Early Voting in Pennsylvania


Bill Clinton returned to Pennsylvania where he spoke at a series of event focused on early voting. At his first stop in Aliquippa, he spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform points including her plans to grow the economy and create new jobs. Bill spoke about a number of ways Hillary would create jobs including investing in infrastructure, focusing on growth in the manufacturing sector, and investing in clean energy. He admitted that there have been parts of the country left behind, and Hillary will focus on ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity. He concluded by encouraging everyone to vote on November 8th or to take advantage of early voting. A partial video from the event is below.

Bill then traveled to Duncansville where he continued to speak his wife’s blueprint for America and how her vision is starkly different from that of Republican Donald Trump’s. He spoke about a number of Hillary’s primary areas of focus including health care, making college affordable, and investing in rural communities. “Of all the federal development money for economics, should be devoted exclusively to small towns, rural areas, from Coal Country, to Indian Country to places in rural Pennsylvania, rural Arkansas, where nothing good has happened in a long time,” he said. Again, he concluded his speech by urging everyone to get out and vote. Watch a partial video from the event below.

Tonight, Bill was scheduled to speak at an event in Reading. Full coverage from the event will be posted tomorrow.

Meanwhile, in Austin, Texas, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event included a conversation with Chris Sacca, Founder and Chairman of Lowercase Capital and star of ABC’s Shark Tank.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, CentralPA

Statement From Hillary Clinton On California National Guard Scandal


Monday, Hillary Clinton released the following statement in response to the disturbing report from the Los Angeles Times that soldiers are being told to repay thousands in old enlistment bonuses:

“I am appalled that National Guard officials are attempting to recoup money from soldiers who accepted bonuses a decade ago – with the active encouragement of government officials and through no fault of their own – for bravely enlisting to serve our country during a time of war. These troops deserve our support and our deepest gratitude; they served admirably and upheld their part of the bargain. It is unacceptable to now subject them and their families to undue financial burdens thanks to to mismanagement from the California National Guard and rigid bureaucracy on the part of the Pentagon.

I am calling on Congress to swiftly pass legislation to right this wrong. In the meantime, we should assist these families in identifying and applying for relief as well establishing an expedited review process. We simply cannot allow this type of mistreatment of veterans, for any reason.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

New Source: The Los Angeles Times

Hillary’s Plan: Foreign Policy


Hillary Clinton’s Strong, Steady Approach to Global Challenges vs. Trump’s Dangerously Unserious Approach

The fifth topic on deck for this evening’s debate will address global challenges. Hillary Clinton’s steady leadership has made America stronger and safer on the world stage. As First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State, she has worked tirelessly to keep Americans safe and stay true to our values.  Conversely, Donald Trump’s dangerous national security proposals, lack of understanding of geopolitical realities, and reckless foreign policy rhetoric have been apparent throughout the campaign.


Hillary Clinton has laid out a comprehensive plan to defeat ISIS and keep Americans safe at home.  She understands that it’s not enough just to take out specific groups or leaders – we must have a comprehensive strategy to win the long game against the global terrorist network and its ideology. Former military leaders and top national security officials agree: Hillary is the right choice.

As president, Hillary will:

  • Protect our homeland, including by surging our intelligence to ensure law enforcement has the information they need to detect and disrupt plots.
  • Work with Silicon Valley to shut down terrorist propaganda and disrupt their recruitment efforts online.
  • Keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists.
  • Work with our allies to dismantle the global network that supplies money, arms, propaganda and fighters to the terrorists.
  • Choke off the networks that facilitate their growth and expansion.
  • Focus on eliminating the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
  • Take out ISIS’s strongholds in the Middle East by intensifying the coalition air campaign, supporting our partners on the ground, and pursuing diplomacy to end Syria’s civil war and close Iraq’s sectarian divide, because those conflicts are keeping ISIS alive.
  • Stand with our allies, rather than abandoning them.

Despite Trump’s claims that he has a “secret” plan to defeat ISIS, he has no real plan at all. And his rhetoric is dangerously playing into terrorists’ hands.

As president, Trump will:

Engage in torture in the fight against ISIS and kill the families of terrorists.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Pennsylvania


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton hit the campaign trail in Pennsylvania with her first event being in Haverford. The event was a town hall on families that featured Chelsea Clinton and actress Elizabeth Banks. During the event, Clinton spoke about a number of her policies and how they will help American families. She spoke about the importance of early childhood education, health care, police policies, women’s rights, criminal justice reform, climate change, and the economy. She said, “I want to do everything possible to put kids and families front and center, to make sure that we provide the opportunities that families deserve to have to have good jobs with rising incomes, the ability to pay for the necessities of life, affordable child care, affordable college.” A video from the event is below.

Clinton then spoke at an organizing event in Harrisburg where she encouraged everyone to register to vote. She said that voting is important in our democracy because it gives everyone a voice. Clinton said that even supporters of her rival, Republican Donald Trump, should register and vote because it is their civic duty, but if she elected, she will be be their president too. Clinton then outlined about a number of key points to her platform saying that she wants to focus on “kitchen table issues” which are the issues that affect the everyday lives of Americans. She continued, “By creating more fairness, we’re going to give people a chance to have better jobs with rising income.” A video from the Harrisburg rally is below.

Following her rally in Harrisburg, Clinton held a press conference during which she continued to speak about recent revelations from Trump’s 1995 tax return and the money his businesses lost in the mid-1990s. She then answered questions from reporters about a range of topics including recent polling numbers, Tim Kaine’s debate later tonight, and health care. A full video of the press event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Trentonian, The New York Times, Reading Eagle

HFA Statement on Trump’s Reported Violation of the US Embargo Against Cuba


Following revelations that Donald Trump may have illegally conducted business in Cuba during the embargo, Hillary for America  senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan released the following statement.

“Trump’s business with Cuba appears to have broken the law, flouted U.S. foreign policy, and is in complete contradiction to Trump’s own repeated, public statements that he had been offered opportunities to invest in Cuba but passed them up. This latest report shows once again that Trump will always put his own business interest ahead of the national interest – and has no trouble lying about it.”

The Trump campaign this morning:

Kellyanne Conway Was Asked Whether She Denied That Trump’s Company Spent Money In Cuba And Said “I Think They Paid Money, As I Understand From The Story, They Paid Money In 1998.” HOST: Are you denying that his company spent any money in Cuba? KELLYANNE CONWAY: I think they paid money, as I understand from the story, they paid money in 1998 – I know we’re not supposed to talk about years ago when it comes to the Clintons, but with Trump there is no statute of limitations.

Some of Trump’s comments on Cuba:

Trump Said European Investors “Have Asked Me To Take The ‘Trump Magic’ To Cuba.” “In a June 27 article in El Nuevo Herald (the Spanish-language version of the Miami Herald), New Jersey casino operator Trump revealed European investors ‘have asked me to take the “Trump Magic” to Cuba’ and build casino-hotels in Havana.” [New York Post, 7/11/99]

Trump Said He Would Earn Millions Of Dollars By Doing Business In Cuba But Would Lose His Self-Respect. “If he were to bypass the U.S. embargo this way, Trump said, ‘I could earn millions of dollars in Cuba. But I prefer to lose those millions than to lose my self-respect.’” [New York Post, 7/11/99]

1999: Trump Said He Would “Immediately Reverse The Move To Normalize Relations” With Fidel Castro And That “Normalization Is Pure Lunacy.” “I would also immediately reverse the move to normalize relations with the most abnormal political figure in our hemisphere: Fidel Castro. We have pushed him to the precipice with our embargo, helped of course by the withdrawal of Soviet backing. Now comes a movement, backed by State Department bureaucrats, to rescue Mr. Castro with U.S. dollars. The striped-pants set won’t like hearing this, but normalization is pure lunacy. If a right-wing dictator like Augusto Pinochet can be extradited and tried for his crimes against humanity, the same treatment is due Mr. Castro.” [Donald Trump, Wall Street Journal, 9/30/99]

2000: Trump On The Cuban Embargo: Cuba Will Be Freed By Ideas, Not By “Rapacious Businessmen Lining Castro’s Pockets And Propping Up His Oppressive Regime.” “Cuba will be freed by ideas, not by rapacious businessmen lining Castro’s pockets and propping up his oppressive regime.” [Donald Trump, The America We Deserve, 1/15/00]

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Newsweek, The Washington Post

HFA Statement on Report About Trump Aide’s Ties To Kremlin


Following recent reports of Donald Trump campaign aide Carter Page’s ties to Russia and the Kremlin, Hillary for America senior national spokesperson Glen Caplin released the following statement:

“It’s chilling to learn that U.S. intelligence officials are conducting a probe into suspected meetings between Trump’s foreign policy adviser Carter Page and members of Putin’s inner circle while in Moscow. You have to ask why he would meet with Igor Diveykin, who is believed by U.S. officials ‘to have responsibility for intelligence collected by Russian agencies about the U.S. election.’ This comes as Russian hackers continue their attempts to influence the outcome of our elections, something Trump openly invited. This is serious business and voters deserve the facts before election day.

Just one day after we learned about Trump’s hundreds of millions of dollars in undisclosed Russian business interests, this report suggests Page met with a sanctioned top Russian official to discuss the possibility of ending U.S. sanctions against Russia under a Trump presidency – an action that could directly enrich both Trump and Page while undermining American interests. This is precisely what more than fifty national security experts warned against when they called on Trump to disclose and divest his conflict-laden foreign assets that could endanger our national security.

We’ve never seen anything like this in American politics. Every day seems to cast new doubts on what’s truly driving Donald Trump’s decision-making: the interests of the American people or his own bottom line. He needs to immediately disclose the full extent of his business relationships and foreign assets so the voters can make that determination for themselves.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Yahoo News

HFA Response to Report that Trump Foundation Used Charity Money to Settle Legal Problems


Following a report that Donald Trump used money from the Trump Foundation to settle his legal issues, Hillary for America Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds responded with the following statement:

“Clearly the Trump Foundation is as much a charitable organization as Trump University is an institute of higher education. Trump’s version of charity is taking money from others to settle his own legal issues and buy at least two pictures of himself, which experts say is a clear violation of laws governing charitable organizations. Once again, Trump has proven himself a fraud who believes the rules don’t apply to him. It’s past time for him to release his tax returns to show whether his tax issues extend to his own personal finances.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post