Clinton Speaks with Fight for $15

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke to members of the Fight for $15 movement by phone. The group is fighting for a $15 minimum wage for fast food workers and their right to unionize. Clinton told the group, “I want to be your champion. I want to fight with you every day. I’m well aware that the folks on top already have plenty of friends in Washington, but we together will change the direction of this great country.” In addition, Clinton voiced her support for unions and their right to collectively bargain. Increasing the minimum wage and union support are expected to major points in Clinton’s platform for 2016.

News Source: The Huffington Post

Simmons Leadership Conference

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at the Simmons Leadership Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. She continued her theme of focusing on women’s issues in the United States. Clinton spoke about the struggles of low wage women in the US, particularly those who work tip-based jobs. She also focused on the wage gap for women across all income levels. Clinton said, “Women can drive our economy, they can lift up themselves and, indeed, our entire country. If we can ensure equal pay for equal work it helps all of us.”

The video above is only a clip from an attendee, but a better quality video will be added when/if available.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: MassLive