Tim Kaine Encourages Voters in Florida


On Sunday, Tim Kaine returned to Florida for two days of campaigning.  He began on the campus of the University of Florida in Gainesville. During his speech, Kaine spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s key platform points including her plan to reduce interest on student loans and ensure future students graduate from college debt free. Kaine also spoke about her plan to invest in jobs and the economy, but he said that none of it will be matter if they do not get out and vote for her and down ballot Democrats such as U.S. Senate hopeful Patrick Murphy. “We know how important the student vote is. How important the millennial vote is. Let’s face it, this thing is going to be close in Florida. I think you guys should change your name from the Sunshine State to the super close election state,” he said. Watch a video from the event below.

Kaine then traveled to Orlando where he spoke to a crowd of supporters at the Dover Shores Community Center. Kaine spoke about Clinton’s focus on the middle class and raising the minimum wage, creating new jobs by investing in infrastructure and clean energy, and making college more affordable for future students and those currently paying off student loans. Kaine then focused on the importance of the election and defeating Donald Trump. He urged voters to take advantage of early voting, which begins in Florida on Monday. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: News 4 Jax, WFTV

Chloë Grace Moretz Encourages Young People to Vote


Just a few weeks ago, actress Chloë Grace Moretz announced that she was putting her acting career on hold. At 19, Moretz has already starred in a number of hit movies including “Kick-Ass,” “Kick-Ass 2,” “The Equalizer,” “If I Stay,” “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” and “Carrie.” So, it came as a surprise to many when she announced in September that she was dropping out of all her future roles to slow down and focus on other endeavors, including producing. But don’t think that she is slowing down.

Moretz is more involved in social activism and the political realm. She was a key speaker at July’s Democratic National Convention, and she has been campaigning for Hillary Clinton at college campuses across the country. This past week, Moretz spoke at voter registration drives at colleges and universities in California and Michigan. She points out this will be her first time voting for president since becoming eligible, and she is proud to be voting for Clinton, the first woman presidential candidate nominated by a major political party. While we she may be taking a break from the big screen, she is focusing her time on issues that matter to her. Moretz has taken control of her career, and she is doing her part to ensure that young people across the country are registered to vote and have a voice in our country’s future.

Follow along with Moretz on Twitter, and watch the video of her speech at the DNC below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Daily Mail, Oakland Press, Lansing State Journal

Hillary Clinton Unveils National Service Plan at Florida Events


Hillary Clinton held two rallies in Florida today with the first being in Fort Pierce. While Clinton spoke about a number of her key platform points, she introduced a new plan focused on expanding national service opportunities. She said that the plan will appeal to younger adults just out of college saying, “Studies have shown that millennials are particularly interested in volunteerism and are looking for ways to contribute to their communities. Applications to AmeriCorps positions are five times greater than the current number of slots available and the Peace Corps has seen a 32 percent increase in applications compared to the previous year.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

In Coral Springs, Clinton held a rally where she continued to tout her national service plan along with her broad platform. Clinton also went after Republican Donald Trump for his attacks on former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, calling a series of early morning Tweets attacking Machado “unhinged, even for him.” She then spoke about Trump’s lack of preparation for Monday night’s debate saying, “Did any of you see the debate the other night? Well, I think that it was pretty clear that there are two very different choices for our country based on two very different visions of the kind of America that we want to have. You know, my view is that we are already great and if we work together we will become even greater in the years ahead.” A video from the Coral Spring event is below.

While Clinton spoke at length about her plan for a National Service Reserve at both events, The Briefing released full details of the plan today as well. An outline of the plan is below:

  • Enable local and state leaders to activate highly-motivated and well-trained volunteers to address the most pressing issues in the community
  • Provide reservists with the opportunity to earn special certification for 50, 100, and 250 hours of service per year
  • Work with employers to encourage them to support employees in the Reserve through initiatives like volunteer time off
  • Draw on new AmeriCorps members to recruit, train, and lead the Reserve
  • Dramatically expand year-long service positions, with the vision that every person who wants to serve full-time can do so
  • Engage returning veterans as well as Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, and other national service alumni in the Reserve as a way for them to continue to contribute to the common good
  • Expand service opportunities for encore: Clinton wants to expand service opportunities for all Americans throughout their lives, with a special focus on people over age 55
  • Grow Peace Corps to create additional opportunities for Americans to serve in countries around the world

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Briefing, Palm Beach Post, CBS Miami, ABC 10

First Lady Michelle Obama Campaigns in Pennsylvania


First Lady Michelle Obama returned to the campaign trail on Wednesday holding two events in Pennsylvania. Her first event was a rally in Philadelphia where she spoke at La Salle University. During her speech, Obama focused on a number of Hillary Clinton’s key platform points including reducing the cost of higher education. She also went after Republican Donald Trump for his attacks on her husband, President Barack Obama, and his lack of leadership, experience, and the temperament necessary to be president. “A president just can’t pop off or lash out irrationally. No, we need an adult in the White House,” she said adding that Clinton is the right person for the job. A video of Obama’s speech is below.

Obama then traveled to Pittsburgh where she spoke to a packed crowd at the Peterson Events Center. Her speech was similar to the one given in Philadelphia, and she focused on Clinton’s calm understanding of issues and her ability to understand details. She urged everyone to vote on November 8 and ensure that their voice is heard. Speaking to the crowd of primarily younger voters she said, “The stakes are far too high. This is the country you will inherit.” A video from the Pittsburgh event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Philadelphia Magazine, WPXI, CBS Pittsburgh

Clinton Campaign Releases Series of Ads


This week, Hillary for America has released a series of new advertisement for television, radio, and the internet. The first is a radio ad urging African American millennials to register and vote for Hillary Clinton in November. The next three video ads highlight Clinton’s career and her work with everyday people. One of the videos includes a personal story of Clinton’s work with a girl named Anastasia. Next, is a video featuring Roxie, a woman in New York that Clinton helped as Senator. The final videos go after Donald Trump. The first criticizes Trump for the Trump Foundations’ use of donations to settle Trump’s legal problems. The second and third videos calls for Trump to release his tax returns. The final video calls out Trump’s lies before the debates. Listen to and watch each of the ads below.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Appeals to Millennial Voters at Philadelphia Event


Hillary Clinton campaigned in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania today speaking at Temple University. Clinton focused her speech on reaching out to younger voters, particularly those of the millennial generation. She spoke about a number of her platform points that will help millennials including her plan to make a college education from a public school tuition free, her proposal to reduce the debt burden felt by former students with student loans by allowing them to refinance, and ensuring that companies provide paid time off and paid family leave. Clinton said that she is not a “showman” like Donald Trump, but “I do spend a lot of time on the details of policy, like the precise interest rate on your student loans—right down to the decimal. But that’s because it’s not a detail for you. It’s a big deal.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Before the event, Clinton addressed the press regarding the recent attacks in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota. During her remarks, Clinton spoke about the importance of fighting terrorism, but not demonizing Islam. A video of her remarks is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: NBC 10, The Wall Street Journal, CBS Philadelphia

Hillary Clinton Pens Essay in Teen Vogue


This week, Teen Vogue published a special issue of their magazine featuring articles for girls, by girls. One of the essays was written by Hillary Clinton. In it, she offers inspiring advice to teenage girls on how their voices can be heard. Clinton says that three key ways to ensure they have a voice are: find something you care about and fight for it, learn from those who disagree with you, and vote. In her conclusion, Clinton says:

“I know many of you didn’t vote for me in the primaries. But no matter who you supported—whether it was me, Senator Bernie Sanders, or another candidate—I’m going to keep working hard to earn your trust. I’m not taking anything for granted. The stakes in this election are higher than ever. We have to come together to build an America that reflects the values your generation embodies—diversity, openness, innovation—and stop those who want to take us in a very different direction. Your age group is the largest American generation living today. That gives you a lot of power and even more responsibility. I know you’re up to it. “

Read the full essay HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Teen Vogue

Edmund Fusco Contemporary Issues Forum

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at the Edmund Fusco Contemporary Issues Forum on the campus of the University of Connecticut. Speaking before a group of about 2,300 students, Clinton spoke about a number of topics. She applauded the millennial generation for its activism and leadership. When asked about the current situation in Ukraine, Clinton said that the West needs to stand up to Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin. She said that Russia’s choice to bully Ukraine will not turn out well for Russia.

The video above is from the University of Connecticut and contains clips from the event. A full video will be posted when/if available.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: US News & World Report